The Ball Day 2

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" Marinette! Come down here for a moment!" Katrina yelled.

" Yes Mother?"

" We'll be home at the same time as last night. And remember to go to bed on time. I do not want to see you awake so late. What would your father think if I let you stay up past your bedtime? However, since you were so well behaved last night, I shall extend your bedtime by 30 minutes. But no more. 10pm do I make myself clear?"

" Yes mother, I understand."

" Good, and dinner is on the table, but I suggest you wash up first, you look so dirty." Katrina commented.

With that Katrina, Lila and Chloe left for day two of the Royal ball. After Marinette had a bath she walked into the dining room and looked at her dinner, which consisted of carrots, mashed potatoes and some chicken. She sat down and ate. At the same time as the night before, Tikki arrived.

" Madam Tikki! You're here again?"

" Yes my dear, now I have already handled the carriage and your entourage, now I must handle you." Tikki said.

( I had the dress but again Wattpad is being a butt!)

Marinette's day 2 dress was red with off the shoulder straps and black in the middle of the bodice and skirt. The rest of the skirt was red and flared out. The sparkles on the entire dress looked like small swirls.

" Now remember what I said last night, it's borrowed magic and you must be home at midnight." Tikii reminded.

At the castle, Adrien was anxiously waiting for Princess Ladybug to arrive. He hoped with all his heart he hadn't scared her or upset her the night before. He was currently dancing with his stepsister, Zoe. Meanwhile Chloe was dancing with Adrien's cousin, Felix while Lila had a group around her while she talked absolute nonsense. Katrina was over with the mothers in a corner gossiping.

It was at that moment Marinette was announced. Adrien immediately let go of Zoe and ran to Marinette with maybe too much eagerness. " I was afraid you wouldn't come." He said.

" I apologize for my behavior last night. I was just a little overwhelmed." Marinette explained.

" My father is gathering everyone outside in a few minutes. He's having a jousting tournament and few games. Could I escort you?" He asked.

" Of course."

Outside the king stood up at the podium and silenced the crowd. " Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we have games and a jousting tournament. Who ever wants to joust will stand over there and whoever doesn't will stay where they are."

" Well, I have awhile before it's my turn. How about we play some games?" Adrien suggested. ( NOT THAT YOU DIRTY MINDED DEGENERATES!)

They played ring toss, water dunking, all that kind of stuff. After that they danced till 11(It was 9 when they started the games and 10 when they started dancing). After that it was Adrien's turn to joust. Once he was ready he rode over to Marinette.

" My Lady, may you do me the honor of letting me wear your favor?" He said gallantly.

" At your highnesses command." She said meekly while tying her ribbon to his arm.

" I'll win it for you princess!" He proclaimed as he rode off.

And indeed he did win his jousting match. Much to the delight of Marinette and all the girls who came to see Adrien. Marinette and Adrien headed for the garden to get away from the crowd for awhile once Adrien returned from getting out of his jousting gear.

" You promised to tell me more about yourself tonight." Adrien remembered.

" That is true. Alright go ahead but nothing too personal." Marinette giggled.

" Hobbies?"

" I love fashion so I design and sew dresses whenever I feel like it. And maybe sing a little bit. Maybe gardening. What about you?"

" How interesting. I enjoy fencing. Now, favorite constellation?"


" My favorite is Capricorn. Favorite animal?"

" Hamsters!" Marinette exclaimed.

" Woah, got a bit excited there huh?" Adrien laughed.

" I love hamsters! They're so cute!" Marinette replied.

" I'm more of cat person myself." He said.

" I'm sorry again for last night." Adrien said after a few moments of awkward silence.

" It wasn't your fault. I just got emotional thinking about my mother."

" I don't mean to assume-"

" Yes, she's dead. You can say it." Marinette rolled her eyes.

" I'm sorry." Adrien apologized AGAIN.

" It's not your doing. The illness took her."

" Illness took my mother too. I miss her."

" Well we must simply look to the future and not dwell on the past mustn't we?" Marinette asked.

" Well said" He nodded.

" Somedays I wonder what she would think of me. What she would've said in the moments I feel like drowning." She said, looking out at the crowd.

Meanwhile in the bushes.....

Chloe and Lila were spying on the couple. "Who is she?" Chloe whined.

" Hmph! He'll get tired of her eventually and when he does I'll be there!" Lila proclaimed.

" Look at her! She's too skinny." Chloe said.

" And frail!" Lila crackled.

" And Short!" Chloe exclaimed.

" So what if she's pretty? I'm the most beautiful woman in the land." Lila bragged. ( I'm not joking but CHLOE is prettier than Lie-la.)

" No I am!" Chloe argued.

" Look she's leaving!" Lila pointed out.

Back with Adrien and Marinette....

The clock at struck 11:30 and Marinette knew she had to leave. " I'm sorry your highness but I must go!" Marinette curtsied.

"Wait! You have to leave again?" Adrien grabbed her arm to keep from running away.

"Yes, I must be home soon. Please let go!" She pleaded.

She managed to get free of him. She ran out of the garden and to her carriage. Adrien frantically chased after her but it was too late. She was already out of the gates. Adrien could do nothing except look at the ribbon she gave him during the joust.

Meanwhile Marinette had gotten home and ran to her room. She had half an hour till her stepmother and stepsisters got home. "I might as well go to sleep." Marinette said to herself.

Just as planned Katrina and the girls got home at the same time they did the night before.
" Nadja, did she go to bed on time?" Katrina asked.

" Yes, Your Grace, she did as you asked. You can look for yourself she is asleep." Nadja said.

" Very well. You are dismissed. Be here at the same time tomorrow." Katrina dismissed. Once Nadja left, Katrina went upstairs to check on Marinette. Once she was sure Marinette was asleep, she and the girls went to bed.

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