The Ball Day 1

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"Plagg, I don't know about this." Adrien said, decked out in a black and green suit.

" Yes you can! Do not squander your chance at love!" Plagg ordered.

" What would you know about love?" The prince asked.

" Plenty, I was torn away from my wife during the war. I don't even know if she's still alive." Plagg said sadly.

" Oh, I'm sorry."

" It's not your doing."

" Your highness! The guests are arriving!" Nathalie informed.

"Thank you Nathalie."

" Here we go." Adrien breathed as he stood before the doors to the ballroom.

" Adri!" His 16 year old stepsister Zoe exclaimed.

" Zoe, what did we discuss?"

" To not run in the halls?" Zoe questioned.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, Their Royal Highnesses, Prince Adrien and Princess Zoe." Gerald( Gorilla)the announcer.... Well announced.

Once Adrien and Zoe were seated, the King and Queen were announced. "Their Majesties, King Gabriel and Queen Audrey!"

" Now that we are all gathered here. Begin the introductions." Gabriel commanded.

" Lady Sabrina Raincomprix, daughter of Baron Lord Raincomprix"

" Lady Juleka Couffaine-Stone, Daughter of Earl Lord Stone" She didn't want to be here.

" Lady Alix Kubdel, daughter of Earl Lord Kubdel." She didn't want to be here either.

" Lady Mylene Haprele, daughter of Baron Lord Haprele" She came with her boyfriend.

"Lady Alya Cesaire, daughter of Marquess Cesaire." She's just here because Nino is part of the orchestra.

" Ladies Lila and Chloe, Daughters of Duke Dupain" Who proceeded to fight over who gets to talk to Adrien first.

"Kagami Tsurugi, Heredity Princess of Japan." Only here to shut up her mother despite Kagami having a secret boyfriend.

After what felt like hours to the prince, the introductions were finally over. Luckily for Adrien there were a few girls in the line up that were actually in happy relationships. Seeing the Japanese princess with Earl Stone's son Luka, Mylene with Baron Bruels son Ivan, Alya with Nino and Juleka being happy to be a wallflower. Adrien decided to leave her be since she obviously hates social interaction. He decided to go talk to the three couples instead.

Meanwhile with Marinette, she had just arrived at the castle at 8:30. The footmen helped get her out of the carriage as she stood in awe of the castle. " How am I to get in? I don't have an invitation." Marinette fretted.

" Don't worry, Madam Tikki handed us this before we left." the coachman said, handing her an invitation that said 'Princess Ladybug'.

"Thank you Monsieur Coachman!" Marinette exclaimed.

Marinette walked up the steps and through the halls. She handed the invitation to the man standing at the door to the ballroom. He went inside and got everyone's attention while Marinette waited to be let in.

" Your Majesties, Your highnesses, my lords and ladies..... Her Highness The Princess Ladybug." At this Marinette walked in. Everyone stared at this princess who appeared so suddenly.

Adrien, however was enchanted by this beautiful princess. He did not hesitate to meet her at the bottom of the stairs.
" Princess, would you dance with me?" He asked.

She took his hand and said " Yes, I would be delighted."
As they danced, Marinette noticed everyone looking at them.

" They're all looking at you." She breathed.

" Believe me, they're all looking at you." He responded.

They danced until 10:00pm. When they finished dancing they went to eat. As they sat down, Adrien started a conversation.
" I don't believe that was your first time dancing." Adrien teased Marinette.

" Maybe, Maybe not...." She coyly said.

" Tell me My Lady, anything. You favorite color, favorite season... just anything." He urged, wanting to know about this princess.

" Oh alright. But just a few things. Nothing personal and No more than I say." She booped his nose and he melted. " and I must get an answer for the same question for you."

" Favorite color?"

" Pink and Red. You?"

" Black and Green, Favorite season?"

" Spring. You?"

"Summer. Play any instruments?"

" Piano, Harp, Violin, flute. You?"

" Piano and Violin. Favorite food?"

" Apple Pie, You? Oh and you have one more question. I'll tell you more tomorrow."

"Croissants! Alright I concede tonight. Last question, fondest childhood memory?"

" One day when papa returned home and we danced with mama." She teared up.

" I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you! Please don't cry!" Adrien was frantic. This could possibly ruin his chances.

Suddenly the clock struck 11:30. Marinette took this emotional time to leave. " I'm sorry your highness I have to go home. Excuse me." She says getting up and running away.

" Wait!" He chased after her. But it was too late by the time he got outside. She was gone.

Meanwhile Marinette made it home at exactly 12. As soon as she went into the house all the things Tikki gave her had vanished. Marinette went to her room and cried her little heart out at the memories of her mother.

30 minutes later her stepmother and stepsisters came home. "Your Grace. How was the ball?" Nadja curtsied.

" Well enough I suppose. Now where is Marinette?" Katrina asked.

" She is asleep as it is rather late." Nadja answered.

" How did she behave?"

" She was very well behaved. Though anxious to find out how it went at the ball.

" Good, you may leave. I expect you here tomorrow at the same time." Katrina dismissed Nadja.

With that everyone in the house went to bed.


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