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Is this a bad idea? Maybe...

Okay, probably.

But her coworkers talked her into it. Who is she to decline an outing?

A social one... Especially when she hasn't been out of the house in weeks, months. It's been quite a while since she's hung out with anyone. She's been burying herself in work and Sudoku puzzles to keep herself distracted from the life around her.


The woman turns in her seat at the sound of her name. Her friends wave her over to the table that they've secured in the club. She walks to them, squeezing herself by people talking and dancing.

"We've got shots for the birthday girl!" They exclaim excitedly. Kiyomi gasps as she picks one up.

"Cheers to me. On my 26th trip around the sun." She raises her glass as her friends do the same.

"We wish you many more, honey!" Edith says before they knock back their shots. They swallow the alcohol and head to the dance floor. Finding dance partners is an easy task.

But Kiyomi is looking for something more.

As she dances on strangers, she catches the attention of one. With gelled hair and looks good enough to kill, the man is drop dead gorgeous. He approaches her as she dances and she almost drools at the sight of him.

He isn't unfamiliar. Kiyomi sees him almost every day. He works near her job.

"I hear you're celebrating a birthday, Kiyomi."

He speaks to her and she smiles at him.

"I am. What's it to you, Seok?" She teases as she dances.

His eyes drag up her body. From her white tipped toes to her smooth brown legs. The curve of her hips holds his gaze for few seconds before he moves up to the outer bow of her breasts.

"Dance with me." He spins her to him as the song changes.

They dance and grind against each other, building tension between them. Hoseok has always been attracted to Kiyomi. He has always made that clear. She is well aware of that fact. She is attracted to him as well. The thought of being with him is just out of her range.

She knows of his status. Identifiable by the Cuban link collar around his neck, it's obvious. A lot of hybrids wear collars as necklaces. He is not and never has been ashamed of it. Hoseok wears his tag with pride.

He keeps up with Kiyomi's dancing with his hands on her hips. Her arms go up and around his neck as he drops his head into hers.

His warm breath on her skin, sending chills up her spine. It causes goosebumps to rise across her soft skin. She puts her head back against him, closing her eyes as he whispers how pretty that she is. In some way, he tells her every time that he sees her that he thinks she's beautiful.

On an influx of confidence and adrenaline, Kiyomi slides her hand from his neck to his cheek. She gulps as they look at each other. Their noses brush as they close their eyes for a kiss.

It's a hot yet sensual feeling as his grip on her waist tightens. Before it gets to the point where they're dry humping on the dance floor, she invites him back to her place.

Two goals are accomplished by the end of the night:

Hoseok temporarily satiates his fixation on her.

And Kiyomi loses her virginity on the night of her 26th birthday.


AGE 26


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AGE 25

⚠️HEX contains mature|sensitive content including •!sexual content!••!territorial|possessive Hoseok!••scenes of violence••hybrid Hoseok••blood|gore••breeding kink*••kidnapping••very protective Hoseok••discrimination|prejudice•(based on dual specie...

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⚠️HEX contains mature|sensitive content including
•!sexual content!•
•!territorial|possessive Hoseok!•
•scenes of violence•
•hybrid Hoseok•
•breeding kink*•
•very protective Hoseok•
(based on dual species status)
•emotional scenes•

*Hoseok is a canine hybrid. It's innate for him to want to breed when he's in heat. It's an animalistic trait but to everyone who doesn't know that he's a hybrid, it's just a kink

!!This book will contain plenty of sexual content for the purpose of Hoseok being a horny fuck and 'territory marking'. That's not to say that he sees Kiyomi as just territory but he's part canine and he's a bit possessive...


To what extent would you go, to keep your lover safe?

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