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⚠️ Hoseok is fucking nasty, yall. LMAO. Like that's the only warning I can give for their intimate scenes fr

8:36 at night and Kiyomi is stepping foot into her home.

She kicks her shoes off at the door and walks up the stairs. As she walks into her bedroom, she reads the text message that Hoseok sent her.

Kiyomi knows that the smell of other dogs on her bothers him. She knows that he'd much rather prefer her natural scent. So she's not too thrown off by the fact that he asked her to shower and lotion without anything scented.

Whatever helps him feel less agitated, whatever she can do to help, she will.

Kiyomi strips herself of her clothing and takes a nice hot shower. She uses her unscented soap, washing away the day's work. She's not sure if the 'smell of dogs' is gone or not, being that she can't smell it herself. But she spends about 20 minutes in just to make sure.

When she gets out, she goes into her bedroom to dry off.

The sound of the front door opening is heard and Kiyomi stops moving to listen. She hears the familiar sound of Hoseok's keys and goes back to drying off.

He takes his jacket off and washes his hands at the kitchen sink before going upstairs.


"Yeah?" She replies.

Hoseok walks down the hall and stops at her doorway. It doesn't give her enough to cover her naked body. They stare at each other for a few seconds and he looks away but doesn't move.

"Do I smell like me again?" She wonders.

"Mhm." He hums. He swallows thickly as he looks at her. "You smell great."

"I was just following instructions." She says as she stands up. "Are you going to scent me now?"

"Mmm." Hoseok walks into the room and pushes his lips to the side. "I've explained that that doesn't placate me for very long, right?"


"And your dogs at work just scent you over me, anyway. So..." Hoseok walks closer to her, admiring the details of her body. "I think there needs to be a clear boundary set here."

Kiyomi's breath hitches as Hoseok fingers gently trace along her waist. Her heart thumps in her chest, beating a little harder at the sudden influx of adrenaline.

"What do you mean?" She asks quietly.

Hoseok tilts his head as she turns her head to look at him. He doesn't have to speak. He doesn't have to say anything at all. The look on his face says everything for him.

"Get comfortable." He instructs softly, head nodding toward the bed. "I'll be right back."

Kiyomi's heart beats steadily in her chest as Hoseok walks out of the bedroom. She lets out the breath she was holding and looks around her room.

"Okay..." she speaks to herself quietly.

She gulps as she drops the towel and crawls into the bed.

Get comfortable. How can I? How can I do that given the circumstances? How does he expect that of me? How could he possibly?

Kiyomi lays on the bed flat on her stomach. She rests her head on her arms as she waits. This position feels a lot less compromising than if she were on her back.

It seems a bit silly for her to feel that way, being that he's already seen her naked. He's seen her in a way that no one else has.

Sure, Kiyomi has gotten received oral sex from men before. But intimacy in the way that she shared it with Hoseok was much different.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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