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Hoseok smells the wet scent of the rain as it patters against the sidewalk.

It's been like this for the last two days. It's starting to cool off dramatically quick, making for rainy days that will soon turn into snowy ones.

He's been working all spring and summer to save enough for the winter months. If it's one thing that he can't stand, it's the cold. He would much rather prefer to be indoors.... and shifted. It keeps him warm, though he already runs a little warmer than the average man.

Due to his breed, he doesn't necessarily have a shedding season. He's single coated so he sheds his moderately fine hairs year round. But more so after he's bathed. It's an incredibly aggravating process. Lately, everything has been aggravating him. That's only adding minuscule fuel to the already growing fire.

Ever since he had sex with Kiyomi, he's been agitated. He's been paranoid. He's been feeling a lot more guarded.

He found it odd that she smelled like no one at the time. She smelled of other dogs but they were contact scents. She works at a dog center. Of course, she'd have their scents on her clothing. But her skin, her body... she smelled of no one but herself.

It wasn't until they were having sex that he realized why. He should have asked. It isn't something that he usually does but now he's thinking that maybe he should. Not that he'll ever have to again. Her being a virgin felt like a claim to him. The sex was already a mark but he's her first, her only.

It seemed like nothing for her to give it away but she doesn't understand the gravity of what she's done to him. The impact of how this will affect how he deals with her.

"Aye, Seok! Your customer for the Prius is here."

Hoseok looks up from the computer and over to the doorway. His good friend and coworker Tamir is standing, wiping oil off his hands with a towel slung on his shoulder.

"Alright. I'm coming. Hold on. Let me just finish putting in the order for these parts real quick."

"Aight. I'll let him know you'll be out."


Hoseok looks at his hand written list and then at the list of things currently ready for the order. He double checks to make sure everything is there before placing the order. Locking the computer, he gets up and walks out of the office.

He enters the garage and is greeted by his Prius customer.

"Hey, Hoseok. I'm sorry I'm late. My son missed the bus and needed to be picked up."

"No problem." He tells him as they walk outside. "How's your wife?"

"Good. She just had our second set two weeks ago. Two boys and a girl."

Hoseok's eyebrow raises as he smiles. "That's great, Yoongi. Congratulations."

Having sets with human women is very hit or miss for hybrid men. It's more common for a woman to carry twins of a hybrid father to term than anything more. Hybrid women with human men are the ones that usually make it full term with sets of four or five. It's a blessing either way but most hybrids prefer bigger sets. Specifically, the women.

They only want to go through the pain a limited number of times and nobody blames them for it.

"Thank you. I think we're done after this."

"Y'all got six now right? The twins, a single and now the triplets?"

"Yep. This one was a little harder on her than the other ones. She was really sick this time around. Couldn't keep anything down."

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