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The bright white lights shine in the examination room as Kiyomi clips a client's nails. She's been at work since eight this morning and luckily, this one isn't fighting with her. She's sitting calmly as her final nail is clipped and filed down.

Kiyomi takes one final look at all of them and nods.

"You're all set, Lady." She pets behind the teacup poodle's ears and gives her a treat.

"Your mommy should be here any second to pick you up." She says as she opens Lady's carrier.

The dog jumps from the table and onto the floor. She carries her treat with her and lays inside to eat it. Kiyomi closes it and places in by another dog's that's waiting for their human.

"Are these the only two four o'clock picks ups?" She asks as she fills out Lady's service sheet for the day.

Working at the dog daycare, all of the employees have to do them. Each time that she feeds a pet, takes them out, gives them a treat, any of that, it has to be filled out. It's a record of what goes on with each pet and what employee does it. It lets the puppy parents know what their canine kid did during their stay.

If anything goes wrong or anything bad happens, it's also a way to cover their behinds. Or hold them accountable, if need be.

"Yes, ma'am." Edith says as she completes the service sheet for the other dog.

They sign and date them at the bottom before scanning them on the work tablets. This is how they keep a digital record of everything. They put the papers in the dog's folder and put them away in their proper slots.

"Just Quinn will be left after that."

"Where is she?" Kiyomi looks around for the Doberman Pinscher.

"Probably by the door waiting for her bath. You know you the only she lets bathe her. Everybody else getting fought, scratched and growled at."

"I don't know why she don't like y'all. She doesn't give me any problems."

"She's the sweetest little thing when we don't try to give her a bath. She run and play and all that." Edith says as she starts sweeping the hall.

Kiyomi wipes down the exam room before washing her hands and walking to the back door. She sees Quinn standing there and smiles at her.

"Are you waiting for your bath?" She coos at her and Quinn wags her tail. She's three years old and still considered a puppy in Kiyomi's eyes.

She slides the back door open and her and Quinn walk out to the tin tub. She fills it with warm water and a little dog shampoo for bubbles. The dog jumps into the water, splashing her in the process.

Kiyomi laughs and giggles, shying away from the sudsy water. Quinn submerges herself and comes back up, shaking her fur out.

"She really tryna soak you today, huh?" Edith says as she comes out back. She sits in one of the lawn chairs, basking in the final days of summer heat.

The backyard of the doggy daycare is squared in with a chain link fence. Across the parking lot is another building, another daycare. However, it's different in the clients that it serves. They're hybrid pets instead of the usual dog or cat. They're served in different places for some things. But most places service both single and dual species people or animals.

Hybrids are a part of society but they are not socially accepted everywhere. They have laws to protect them against hate crimes and the like. More often than not, they're treated as equals. Most hybrids say that they prefer to be adopted than on their own. They are treated like family instead of animals and are left to do as they please.

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