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Getting home from a long day of work always feels good. It feels even better when you come home to the one person that's been on your mind all day.

Hoseok walks into the house, removing his shoes at the door.


He inhales after he says her name and knows that she's home. He walks to the kitchen and washes his hands before jogging ip the stairs.


"Yeah? I'm in my room."

He walks down the hall and pokes his head in. She's taking her clothes out of the hamper and separating them into three different piles. Undergarments, colors and whites.

"Hey." Hoseok says, casually. "How was work?"

"Work was good. A little hectic with ratio and everything but other than that, it was fine."

"Y'all were off today, or something?"

"Just for a couple hours. Somebody was late coming in so it threw Edith and I off for a while. But walks still had to be done so we had to make it through that. How was work for you?"

Kiyomi puts the three piles into three separate laundry bags and tightens the strings on them.

"It was good. I had a couple cars get brought in today for repair estimates. I did a couple oil changes. Speaking of-."

"I knoooww." Kiyomi says as she picks a bag up. "I just haven't had the time to take it in. Or the money. I'll get it there, I promise."

"You can just bring it in on your next day off. I'll do it." Hoseok tells her as he grabs the other two bags.

"That's tomorrow and I can't because we have a meeting with your probation officer downtown and you know how long they take for everything."

Hoseok sighs as they walk down the stairs. He forgot about that meeting.

Well, he didn't forget. But it definitely wasn't on his mind at all today.

"It's at 9:30. I doubt we're gonna be there until they close. Maybe an hour or so late but given the fact that I'm 'high risk', I doubt they'll be too long."

"They only marked you high risk because you fled and because of your hybrid breed."

"Maybe we'd be more inclined to register if they didn't start treating us like monsters or we weren't going missing every year. I don't know. They don't really give very good incentive to do such things. Are we going to the laundromat?"

Hoseok asks as Kiyomi puts her shoes on.

"You don't have time go. I'm just going to do these loads. It'll be quick. You just got home. Go shower."

They stand there and Hoseok internally debates with himself. She's been going to the laundromat by herself all this time. Nothing has happened to her. It's likely that she'll be perfectly fine. He just doesn't want her to go by herself.

It's getting late. It's dark out. He doesn't know exactly where she'll be.

"Which laundromat are you going to?"

"Just up the street. Up like three or four blocks. You could walk there if you needed to. It's not very far."

"These are big blocks, Kiyomi."

"Hoseok." Kiyomi deadpans. "It's right there." She points in the direction.

He's unconvinced as they stare at each other.

"I'll turn my location on." She says as she takes her phone from her pocket. "Put your number in." She hands her phone to him.

He adds his number to her contacts and starts sharing her location. He shares his with her as well before finally feeling the slightest bit of ease.

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