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The days following Hoseok and Kiyomi's scenting session, the pair both go back to their regular work days. Much to Hoseok's dismay. He was perfectly fine being laid up with her.

They cuddled up together on the couch while they watched TV, at night before she fell asleep, after showers when his scent on her got masked by soap.

He's dreading having to be away from her.

"Do you have to go?"

"Yes, Hoseok. I can't just stay home." She says as they walk to their cars.

"Why not?" He asks, unlocking his vehicle.

"I have bills that need to be paid."

Hoseok stops walking and looks at her. That's not a good enough reason for him.

"I also really like my job. I don't want to quit." Kiyomi opens her driver door and Hoseok sighs.

"Fine. I'll see you when you get home."


"You don't have anywhere else to go, do you?" He asks suddenly.

"Nope." She gets into her car.

"Okay. Text me when you're on your way home."


"I'm serious. I want to know where you are. It'll fuck with me if I don't."

Kiyomi looks at him as she closes the door. She turns her car on and rolls down the window. "Is it a hybrid thing?"


A short, sweet answer. He's not going to elaborate on anything and he hopes she won't ask further questions.

"Okay." She takes the answer for what it is. She's not sure how any of this works and she doesn't have the mental capacity this morning to ask and be educated. "I'll see you later."

"I get off at 8 so I'll be here right after that. What time are you off?"

"Five." Kiyomi tells him.

"Alright." Hoseok gets into his car as she backs out of the driveway.

She gets onto the expressway and drives to work, letting the windows down in the process. She passes Hoseok's job on the way down the strip and remembers that he works so close. He's acting as if she's going to be across town or something. It's just a drive away.

Kiyomi pulls into the parking lot of her job and parks in her designated spot. She makes sure to grab her bags before getting out and locking the door. As she approaches the door, so do two owners of the dogs that she takes care of during the day.

"Hello, Kiyomi." They wave and greet her.

"Good morning." She holds the door open for them. Their dogs sniff her as they walk inside.

The owners check their dogs in and Kiyomi puts her things away in the employee room. By the time she comes out, the pet parents are gone and the dogs are sniffing around the room.

She steps out onto the floor and they trot over to her. Quinn is one of them, the other is an American staffordshire terrier named Toby. As two of her favorite clients, they've always greeted her when they see her.

Quinn jumps onto Kiyomi's legs and she rubs her head and back. "Hey, Quinn."

The dog nuzzles her head against her lap as she gets excited. Toby does the same and she pets him as well.

"I assume you're taking those two today?" Edith asks as she comes from the bathroom.

"You know I am. And Nuke when he gets here, I'll take him, too."

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