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Kiyomi stares at Hoseok as they sit on the couch.

Like, stares.

"So you've been unregistered your whole life? It was never suggested for you to go?"

"No. My parents were forced into registration and I never saw them after that. They were taken in by some lady and she moved across the country. I was a kid and she never let them shift out so she didn't want to raise me. I met a good friend who's a few years older than me. We grew up together, got fake tags, jobs and kept it moving." Hoseok explains.

Kiyomi knew that people like that existed. But hearing about someone having personal experience with them makes her upset.

She isn't sure how him having a job works with him not being registered. But then again, he had an apartment, too. It's probably not difficult to forge documents.

"Yeah. I called them this morning and let my boss know what's going on. He knew I wasn't registered so he said it's fine. I'll go back in tomorrow."

"Okay. I have an extra house key somewhere. I just have to find it and I'll give it to you." Kiyomi says as she looks at the coffee table and then the TV stand.

She knows she left it on some sort of wooden surface if her memory serves her correctly.

Hoseok looks at her and swallows thickly. His scent on her is beginning to wear off. There's three days, max, before it's gone.

"Is there anything that you need? Toiletries or anything? Or something that I don't have that you like?" Kiyomi asks him.

"Not really. I eat everything that you have and I can go shopping for more stuff. I do need to go get my car, though. They didn't have the keys so I'm assuming they took it to the car lot." 

"Oh, yes. That makes sense." She stands up. "Just let me get dressed and we can go." She walks up to her room and he watches her. When she's out of sight, he runs his hand through his hair and takes his phone out.

He calls Yoongi to let him know what happened. The man finds that insane considering that he had just told him about it the same day. Hoseok lets him know that he's under watch until further notice and Yoongi tells him to 'just comply'. It's not in his nature to be forced to do anything.

"I'm fine, actually. I don't mind it at all. I'm happy that it's her of all people."

"Her? Does she have anything on the woman that basically claimed herself to you?" Yoongi says, partially joking. He knows that his friend has had an eye on a woman for a while.

"It is her."

"What? Really?"


"Did you tell her? Obviously, she likes you to some degree if she had sex with you." Yoongi states.

"I can't just tell her that. Do you know how weird that would sound?"

"You're a hybrid dog. It's not weird at all. God forbid, she brings a man in the hou-."

"Don't-.... say things like that." Hoseok cuts him off.

"See? You need to tell her. I think you should. Especially if the sexual tension is still there, she needs to make informed decisions. She didn't really give you the option for your claim but that's clearly not what's bothering you so. Just tell her."

Hoseok hears her footsteps coming down the stairs and he wraps up his call with Yoongi, saying that he'll tell her soon.

"You ready, Hoseok?"

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