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"Kim Dokja what are you doing with that camera?"

"You'll see" Kim Dokja hummed, while fixing the camera

Just like Kim Dokja said, he did see. But it certainly wasn't what he thought it was.

"Kim Dokja... Are you recording me?"

"Oh going on Joonghyuk-ah, do what you were doing"

"... I'm just eating"

Kim Dokja sighed and replied "I thought you'd understand, I'm recording you."

"I can see that but what for?"

"That you'll know later"

Yoo Joonghyuk was confused but surely Kim Dokja wouldn't do anything to harm him, and he knew that. So he let his boyfriend do what he wanted.

At times it did get a little ridiculous for him.

"Kim Dokja move away from the kitchen, you may get hurt"

"Oh don't worry I'll be fine"

"Kim Dokja- oh my god Kim Dokja get away from the stove"

"Oooh this looks nice."

"Are you ignoring me?"

"What?" Kim Dokja asked, turning his camera towards Yoo Joonghyuk.

"That camera might get damaged in the kitchen."

"I'll be careful" Kim Dokja pouted

Yoo Joonghyuk sighed, what is his boyfriend even thinking of?

Sometimes even the requests were weird.

"Yoo Joonghyuk I wanna act out this scene."


"From this novel Han Sooyoung wrote, it'd be funny, trust me"

"... Kim Dokja isn't that supposed to be a sad scene?"

"Oh yeah but since our acting skills suck it'll be hilarious to see."

It wasn't hilarious to see. Turns out, they were good at acting. Kim Dokja was on the verge of crying from Yoo Joonghyuk's acting, but he was pretending to be dead so he can't cry.

The ketchup made the scene weird but realistic enough, tho Kim Dokja hated having that disgusting tomato ketchup on him.

"...Kim Dojega?"

'Damn you Han Sooyoung for naming that character like this' Kim Dokja thought silently

"Kim Dojega!"

'Wow his acting is good. What is he not good at' Kim Dokja thought

"Hey kill me, you usually want to kill me"

"Hold on it's not too late!

"It is too late Yoo Joonghyun"

'Stop staying that guy's name so affectionately" Yoo Joonghyuk thought

"It's not too late!" Yoo Joonghyuk exclaimed, this time with more frustration and anger.

And then Kim Dojega died.

"Oh my god Joonghyuk-ah, how r u this good at acting! Have u taken classes before?"

"Not really."

"Damm you and your protagonist like talents"

"My what?"

"Protagonist talents, you're too good at things"

"I'm not good at knitting"


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