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Floating is a feeling I feel a lot of us have experienced in our lives, the most common cases with happiness or detachment. The happy kind of floating you feel occurs when something happens that makes your heart feel lighter, like if you don't hold on you'll float away up into the clouds. Causes of this feeling vary from having your first kiss to getting into the school of your dreams, or maybe even something simpler, like you did something nice to a stranger or you cleaned your room. It doesn't matter what caused it, you just know it's happening when you can barely keep your feet on the ground due to the extreme happiness and exhilaration you feel in your chest. Sometimes it's even contagious, as friends can see the emotions on your face and might even float with you. It's a nice feeling.

But what about the detached feeling?

That one is less fun, it doesn't make your heart feel lighter and you don't sense the elated feeling in your chest. Instead, it's your body feeling exhausted tired of fighting and just wanting to relax, take a break. Then your brain can't focus, it's cloudy, always foggy and dense, like your head is trying to fly up into the sky. So you begin to float, not wanting to deal with the struggles of what's happening in your life. The detachment feeling comes when you try to untie yourself from the bonds that are keeping you on the ground, like friends or family or maybe school. So has you begin to distance yourself from these ties, your body gets lighter and you feel like you nothing can reach you from your makeshift kingdom in the heavens. This feeling has a range from how long it lasts, from a few hours to even years, but just know that sometimes it's worth it to come back down to the ground for a moment or two.

But that doesn't mean it's not going to hurt.

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