Happy Ending Love

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You know when you read a romance novel,
Or watch a cheesy and cliche movie about love,
And it's a happy ending for all?
And you sit there and daydream,
About how you want that.
A relationship of ups and downs and mysteries and clues and constantly gazing into each other's eyes because you're so in love.
I want that.
I want a love that people want to write about,
To talk about,
That people dream about having themselves one day.
But when I see myself in the future,
I don't have that.
I don't see myself in a relationship at all.
I see myself traveling the world,
Changing and creating it and remaking it.
And I'm torn.
Torn between the life of someone who has found a person they want to spend their life with and live a cheesy,
Romance filled Happy Ending.
And between a life of adventure and mystery and never knowing what will happen next.
A life full of surprises.
And I know that the two aren't mutually exclusive.
But it feels like they're two islands spaced far apart from one another,
The difference between them vast.
So when I look at my future,
I see myself on the path of discovery,
Letting it take me to far away places I could only dream of,
Miles away from a town that eats dreams up before they see the sun.
But instead of daydreaming about my first plane ride to a foreign country,
With the means of living and unfolding the culture,
I daydream of a Happy Ending romance,
And wonder if there's still room in my heart.

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