The Stars in a Galaxy

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Our lives are galaxies.
With you at the center, and everything happening around you. Surrounded by stars and rocks and matter and space. All of things floating around you are pieces of your lives, impacting you and the way you carry on through infinity. The matter around you is constantly changing, colliding with one another or being destroyed in the supernova and now black hole of a star. The closer a change is to you, the sooner and more greater the impact of the matter will be on you. The farther away the change is, the impact will be slower and a lesser force.

The matter around you is important, it what makes you who you are, it gives you a definition and a sense of direction and purpose. But, the matter doesn't always remain at your side. Stars explode, and rocks collide and destroy, and space material is engulfed in black holes. No one thing is guaranteed to remain in your galaxy, but with the destruction comes new stars and matter, that may be brighter and bigger than the ones before. Or they may not. It doesn't matter, because either way they're making you the universe you were meant to be.

The matter in your galaxy comes and goes, either leaving a large impact on your life, or barely shifting anything around you. But you have to cherish those stars, those rocks, the space matter. Because each one of them is a part of you, and you're a part of them. Because you never know when you see the last of the stars in your galaxy.

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