Coffee shop date - Bree, Nick and Sel

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This is a little one-shot with Bree, Nick and Sel going to a coffee shop as a date :) Enjoy :))

"How do you know about this place again?" Sel asked as Bree pushed open the door of a local coffee shop Sel never heard of.

"A girl named Charlotte told me that this is a place where couples like to go on dates. She said it was cute, and I wanted to give it a try." Bree responded.

"I trust Bree," Nick chimmed in.

"So do I," Sel agreed, "But I don't know if I trust this girl Charlotte. Wasn't she Evan's girlfriend, though? "

"Yes, she was," Bree said, "Now are you coming or not?"

Muttering curses under his breath, Sel followed Bree into the coffee shop, with Nick close behind. And, to say that the coffee shop was anything Sel expected, would be a lie. Sel expected the shop to be full of pink stuff and hearts, couples kissing at tables, but it wasn't. It went more to a brown-coffee aesthetic, which wasn't exactly fitting with Sel, who was dressed in all black. But it worked better then bright pink.

"Right," Nick said, "So, let's find a table?"

Sel and Bree nodded, then together they went and found a table. It was in a more retreated corner, next to a big window and had a chocolate-sented candle placed on it.

"Well," Nick said looking around, "This is nice."

"Yes," Bree agreed, then turned to Sel, "What do you think?"

"It's...nice." Sel admitted, "Doesn't really fit my aesthetic though."

"Well, I did tell you that you could wear brown of gold. It'll go well with your eyes-"

"I said no."

"It was worth a try."

"I told you, B." Nick said, "It's worthless. He's impossible. Anyway, what do y'all want?"

"Black coffee." Sel said.

"There's no surprise there, " said Nick," Think I'll have a latte.... Yeah, I guess. What 'bout you Bree?"

"I don't know? " Bree said, "Maybe a hot chocolate? Didn't have one in years, and I honestly kinda miss it."

"Really?" Nick asked, " I used to drink those all the time, in the winter, of course."

Sel nodded, "He was obsessed."

"Your saying that a if it's a bad thing." Nick said, offended.


"Would you too shut up? " Bree asked angrily, and when the too boys turned to her, they saw a barista looking at them with a weird expression.

"Right." Bree said, turning to the barista once again, "So we'd like a black coffee, a latte and a hot chocolate."

"Anything else?" The barista asked, scribbling down on her little notebook.

"No." Responded Bree.

The barista nodded and made her to the bar, to prepare their drinks.

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