cariad - little bit of everything idk

643 17 46

There's nothing more gorgeous then something you can't have.

~Taylor Swift, Gorgeous

Sel stared at the paper in his hands. He was well aware of Bree next to him, but the shock of what he just found out was too much.

It was discovered that our Merlin and Kingsmage, Natasia Kane, opened the Gates herself, using an arcane ritual and Cysgodanedig blood she procured specifically because of its strength and ability to open gates if that size... As such, Natasia has been secured in one of the Regents' most heavily warded prisons... Natasia Kane has exhibited a relapse of blood symptoms....

He couldn't read any more. It felt like the world was crashing down on him.

Sel got on to his feet faster then possible. He paces at the other side of the room, his hand covering his mouth, afraid of what might come out of it.

Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why

His mother. The one Sel loved and grieved. She opened the Gate twenty-five years ago. They only let her go to produce an heir. Him.

Sel felt as if he was gonna be sick. The room was closing on him, years of grief and anger all coming down on him at the same time-

Anger at Davis.

Anger at his father.

And now, anger at his mother.

Sel walked over to his desk and kicked it. As hard as he could, leaving a foot shaped hole in the wood.

Bree said he was a monster once. Turns out he was born from one. Oh, the irony.

Suddenly, someone's hands wrapped around his middle. Sel froze. He could feel Bree's curls against his back and neck. This was the first time someone touched him like this in years.

Suddenly, it hit him like a rock. Bree knew what grief was, too. She knew what he was feeling right now. She understood.

Sel took Bree's hands in his, then turned to face her. She looked surprised by his gesture, but he didn't look at her for long.

Sel hugged her, burying his face into her curls, and Bree wrapped her arms around his middle again.

Sel felt tears appearing in his eyes, but as he tried to push them away, Bree said, "Don't. It's okay to cry, Sel. "

So he did.

And she just held him. Bree was his rock, just like Nick was so long ago.

At first, he was crying angry tears for his mother, but as the minutes went on, his sobs became for what happened to her. She was alive, but more demon then human.

Before, he found the idea of crying into someone's arms stupid-he prefered punching trees instead, fizical pain is the best sort of therapy-but, right now, he found Bree's presence calming. He knew that no one but her really knew what he was feeling. Sure, Nick's mother was also taken away from him, but she was still alive somewhere. While Bree's mother was gone, and Sel's was as lost as one could go.

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