idk what to say here so summary inside

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Right, so. In this chapter there will be like how Nick found out abt Sel's crush because he def did. Also next chapter will be just filled with reasons I love Bree so don't be disappointed since I warned you 😶 ~ Reese

Sel leaned against the wall, a few doors away from Nicholas' dorm. They still haven't come back, Nick and his brats-sorry, friends. Sel knew they were out getting drunk again, even though he didn't know why. He knew how it was like to feel drunk, and it wasn't nice at all. Sel couldn't imagine someone willingly make themself sick like that.

Sel held his nose with a hand. God, it stinked in here. Do boys even shower? He was a boy himself, sure. But he always made sure he smelled good. God forbid going demon hunting while smelling like a demon himself. It would be one, disgusting, two, embarrassing. Or maybe he just liked feeling clean.

Damn him. They haven't even been on campus for a week, and Nick was already getting in trouble. Apparently this was more then a little rebellion. It was real, and honestly, Sel never felt more like Nicholas' babysitter then how he felt now. It was pathetic.

Then, he heared them. Four, dead-ass drunk boys, laughing and stumbling in stairs as they climbed, cursing whoever put their dorm room upstairs.

Sel pushed himself deeper into the shadows. He didn't feel like fighting with them tonight, maybe another day. They weren't his priority, they weren't Nick Davis. So, naturally, he didn't give two shits about them. Let them get drunk, and drug themselves senceless, he didn't care. Nicholas though-

"Nice night!" One of the boys said, as they walked-more like stumbled-to the door.

"We should definitely do it some other time!" Another brat said. As if.

"Yeah!" Nick said, laughing like an idiot. You piece of shit-

"Which one of y'all has they key?" Brat nr. 4 asked.

"Here, dude!" Brat nr. 5 said, running his hands through his pockets. "Oh, shit-"

"DUDE, don't tell me you lost the key! "

"Nah, I'm sure it's here-"

"It's in my pocket, actually." Nick said. "I knew you would lose it."

"Not nice, dude." Brat nr. 3 muttered.

Nick grinned, then he unlocked the door. Each one of his brats-friends-stumbled, one after the other, in the dorm room, leaving Nick the only one left in the hallway. And, just as he wanted to step inside, Sel spoke up.

"So drinking cheap liquor now, huh? This shit rebellion of yours isn't just a phase, after all. I'm impressed, Nicholas." Sel said, a sly smirk on his face.

Nick jumped, "Sel?"


Nick scoffed, "What are you doin' here?"

"What does it look like?" Sel asked.

"Spying on me." Nicholas said, which caused Sel to bark out a laugh, only one, though.

"Oh please." Sel said, "Don't you think I have yet better things to do? Still, you do come first. And oath is an oath, you know... "

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