Nick and Bree have children

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(And Sel doesn't handle it well)

Requested by my love _natanya_ honestly I'm on my knees for this ~Reese

Sel sat down on the park bench, watching two brown skinned kids run around, playing. Their resemblance to their mother—Bree—unmistakable even from a distance. The shared the same warm, brown skin. Broad shoulders, badass curls forever in a puff, and charming, full, pink lips with the edges constantly raised, ready to laugh their heart out. They were so carefree and happy, similar of how he was at their age.

Today, it was Sel's turn to babysit. He didn't mind it as much as he thought he would, Bree's kids were very well behaved, like Bree herself. She was a very good influence, and a even better mother, in Sel's opinion.

Still, whenever he watched them, there was this feeling in his chest, which he couldn't quite place. Maybe it was anger, but Faye (yes, after Bree's mom cry about it.) and James (yes, after Whitty cry about it) didn't do anything to him. Well, he wasn't sure if being extremely cute was a crime.

It was the same feeling he had when  he saw Nick playing with his kids, or him kissing Bree's cheek when she was cooking, earning laugh and a playfull slap—which most likely hurted, giving Bree's super badass-Arthur strength, which could probably make grown wrestlers cry for their mothers, Bree's terrifying gaze not helping their situation at all—and a shove with her shoulders.

Self could still perfectly picture Nick and Bree in their own living room, swords in hand, wearing armour that Sel created and insisted they wear, ready to kick each other's asses. Meanwhile, Sel would sit on the couch, Faye and James on his lap, and with popcorn in hand, watching them with raised eyebrows. Then, he will turn to the twins and say, "You see them, Faye, Jamesie? Don't be like them: stupid. Fight outside, not inside. Your mother will kill me for letting y'all fight in the first place. Especially if you ruin her couch." Then, the twins would laugh and point at Bree and Nick ( Bree obviously winning) and ask, "But why can they fight inside?"

"Because adults don't have anyone to tell them not do idiotic things."

"But they have you! "

"I do idiotic things with them."


"Come on. " Sel said, trying to get Faye and James to get off the swings, "We've got to go home. Your mother will kill all of us if we're late for dinner."

"You kidding?" Faye said. "It took forever  for us to get those shits empty. No way."

"Language," said Sel, frowning. "And I couldn't care less about how long you've waited to have a go on those. We're going home. End of discussion."

They both groaned.

"Come on, Sel!" James said, "Five more minutes?"

"Please?" Faye added.

"No." Said Sel firmly, "No five minutes. Come on now."

They both groaned again, but got off the swings and followed him.

"You are totally not cool." James grumbled, and his sister mumbled in agreement.

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