what we had - Sel and Nick

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Sel cursed his own heart. He cursed his body and mind, and, most importantly, he cursed Nick Davis for being absolutely perfect.

Nick and his blonde hair. His beautiful blue eyes and handsome face-even for a young teenager boy, people always noticed him. Sel hated him. But he was also inlove with Nick. Everyone was, actually. And with a reason.

Sel sighed as he put down his textbook. He couldn't focus on his work, because someone kept making his way into his thoughts. God, he thought, insufferable Nick with his insufferable charm, that worked on everyone. Even Sel.

Of course, Sel wished he could ignore his heart and follow his mind more. He wasn't supposed to fall for His King. He was supposed to protect Nick. It was his duty as Kingsmage. But a very annoying part of Sel kept saying, "Fuck duty!", which won't end well, obviously.

Also, Nick resented Sel. Actually, hated Sel becouse he was a Merlin and because of what Merlin's did to his mother. Sel didn't blame him-he lost his mother, too-but still he didn't see how that had something to do with him.

Still, Sel hated Nick too. Or, at least that's what Nick belived. And it was best to keep it that way. For both of them.

Sel banged his head against the wooden desk. Again. And again. Maybe he would get brain damage and forget Nick Davis ever existed. Maybe.

Again. Again. Again-it actually hurts now, fuck-and again and-

" What the hell are you doing? "

Sel's head shots up. Nick was standing in the doorway, great. That's exactly what Sel needed right now. He probably looked crazy. Pretty sure he was.

Sel sneered, "What does it look like I'm doing? "

"Banging your head against the table like some crazy dude. " Nick answered, "But why? "

Wouldn't you like to know, Golden boy?

"If it's a math problem, then same.But if it's not, then forget I said anything. "

Sel laughed, "No way."

Nick muttured something that sounded like "Of course ", and turned to leave, but then Sel stood up and quickly blocked his way.

Nick flinched, "God,  will you stop doing that? Not all of us have unhuman speed, you know. "

Sel felt his cheeks redden, "Sorry, still getting used to it. "

"That's fine," Nick said, "Can you get out of the door? I'm trying to get out."

Sel said, "Erm, just wanted to help you. With Math. "

Nick looked surprised, "You—what?"

Suddenly, Sel realized how close they were. So close that he could see the spirals of blue in Nick's eyes.

With a blush growing in his cheeks, Sel backed away, but Nick cought his hand, "You want to help me? Please. My father told you to do it, didn't he? He wants me to come back that badly?"

Sel felt a feeling of hurt gather in his stomach, "Well, if you really want to know, I haven't spoken to your father at all today. " Then, Sel turned do leave, But Nick got a hold of his hand again.

"Sorry, I just—you can help me, if you want."

Sel nodded.


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