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A little girl is running away from her cousin. She let out a gleeful laugh and squeals as her cousin chases her around the house. She have pulled a harmless prank on the boy. Which resulting in the boy getting flour all over his body.

"Come at me, Mike! Catch me if you can~" she said, laughing as she tries to escape her cousin. "I am SO going to get you!" He yelled behind her. He tries to pick up his phase as he tries her best to catch up to her.

Y/N let's out a surprised squeak when Mike tackles her on the ground. "Gotcha!" Mike said, happily. Y/N let's out a laugh as she smiles innocently at the boy.

"Time for revenge!" He said. He places both of his hands on either side of Y/N's side. The girl burst out laughing as Mike starts to tickle her. "Hahahaha!! I give up! I won't prank you again! Hahahaa stop!!!" She squeals as she tries to make her cousin stop tickling her.

After a while, Mike finally stops tickling Y/N. The poor girl lays on the ground breathlessly because of all the laughing and tickling. Mike let's out a chuckle as he lays down next to her.

"Y-You're m-mean... I... c-can't breathe. I thought I-I'm going to... d-die" she said, breathless. Mike just lets out a laugh and ruffles her hair. "Hey!" She said, pouting while trying to fix her hair. Mike just laugh at her reaction.

"Y/N! Mike! Come here!!" Y/N's mom calls out. They get up from their spot and rush inside the house. "I am coming, mama!" Y/N said. We make our way into the house.

Y/N's mom is sitting on the couch with tears in her eyes. Y/N looks at her mom with a worried gaze. "Mama? Are you okay?" She said, walking towards her mom. She picks her up and gently place her on her lap.

"Your dad, honey. He didn't... he didn't make it..." she said, crying softly. Y/N's eyes widened at what her mom told her. Her father have been in the hospital for a while. She shakes her head, not wanting to accept the truth.

"N-No! Papa..." she said, as she burst into tears. Her mom pulls her close to her chest. Mike turns to his mom and hugs her, crying softly.


A week have passed, there's a funeral being held. Y/N stands in front of the mirror wearing her black gown. She's not crying anymore but her eyes are still red from all the crying she's been doing for the past few days.

"Y/N?" Someone said. Y/N turn her head to see Mike. "Mike..." Y/N said, weakly. He smiles sadly and walks towards me. He wraps his arms around Y/N, gently embracing me. Y/N places her chin on his shoulder.

"Are you ready? It's time to go..." Mike said. Y/N just nods her head, without saying anything to her back. She didn't trust her voice. She knows if she tries to speak, she would break down right then and there.

At the Funeral

Y/N holds a flower as she stares at the coffin that held her father's body. "Dad... I'm going to miss you. I hope you'll rest peacefully up there" she said, softly. She gently place the flower on his coffin.

She turns around and walks back to Mike, who wrap an arm around her shoulder. She leans her head on his shoulder. A few tears escapes her eyes as she watch the coffin being lowered down to the grave.

She turns her body to Mike who hugs her. She bury her face into the crook of his neck as she starts to cry again. The pain of losing someone we love dearly, is very painful.


Y/N and Mike holds each other tightly. Y/N is going to move away with her mom. She can feel something wet on her shoulder, letting her know that Mike is crying.

"Don't cry, Mike... this is not a goodbye. It's simply a see you later. We'll see each other again, buddy..." Y/N said. "Promise?" Mike said. "I promise..." Y/N said, nodding her head. He just nods his head at her words.

"Come on, honey... we have to get going or we'll miss the flight" Y/N's mom said. "Coming, mom... just.. a few more minutes" she said, turning to her mom. Her mom just nods in return. Y/N smiles at her and turn to look at Mike.

"I'm going to miss you, Mike... until next time?" She said, smiling softly at her cousin. Mike nods his head at what she said. "Until next time, Y/N" he said. He pulls Y/N into one last hug. He embrace her in a tight embrace. Y/N returns the hug just as tightly.

They pull away from each other. Mike give Y/N a brotherly kiss on her forehead. Y/N returns it with a kiss on his cheek. They give each other a sad smile.

Y/N pulls away from Mike completely and turn to the car. She get inside the car with her mom. She wave at Mike, who wave back. Then the car starts to move. See you next time, Hawkins... see you next time, Mike.

Until we meet again

*to be continued*

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