Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

I turn to look at the boys and grin. "Ready to go trick or treating??" I said. "Yeah!!!" They said together, in excitement. I clap my hands excitedly. Let the fun time begin!!!

-Will's Acting Weird-


We have been going around the town for a while. "If I get Three Musketeer again. I'm going to kill myself" Lucas said. "What's wrong with Three Musketeer?"Dustin said. "What's wrong with Three Musketeer?" Lucas said, repeating what Dustin just said. "No one like Three Musketeer" Mike said. "Yeah, they're just nougat" Will said. Dustin lets out a gasp as if they'd just said something that offended him.

"Woah, woah, woah? Just nougat? Just nougat?? They're top 3 for me" Dustin said. "Top 3?" Mike said. "Top 3" he said, grinning his head. "Why? They're just nougats" Mike said, looking like he's about to puke.

Dustin rolls his eyes at what Mike just said and turns to look at me. "What about you, Y/N? Do you like Three Musketeer?" Dustin said. "Hmm... I don't particularly like it nor hate it. I guess it's alright" I said, shrugging. He just hum at what I said.

"Boo!!" Someone said, jumping in front of us. Lucas starts screaming like a girl. While I jump and hide behind Will. It turns out it was just Max. But Sheesh, that jump scare thing really did bring back such bad memories from my past.

"You okay?" Will said, turning to look at me. I nod my head. "Yeah... I'm not really fond with jump-scares or some sort..." I said. He just nods his head and smiles softly at me.

I can feel my cheeks getting warmer when I realize I'm still holding onto his arm. He seem to notice to because his cheeks slowly turn red. I clear my throat and pulls away from him.

"Hey Zombie boy!" Someone said, making Will jump at the sudden appearance. As he moves back he bumps into someone. "Trick or treat, freak!" Another said.

"Hey! Stop that! Leave him alone!" I said. "Oh what are you gonna do, sweet cheeks?" One of them said. I clench my hands into a tight fist. Another one appear and scared Will, who fall back on the ground.

"Will? Are you okay?" I said, crouching down next to him. He stands up, but he doesn't seem to notice me. "Will?" I said, walking towards him. "Mike? Y/N? W-Where are you guys?" He said, looking around. "I'm right here, Will. What are you talking about?" I said. He looks up at the sky and seem to froze in his spot. The next thing I know, he turns around and runs off.

"Will!" I yelled. I chase after him. He runs past Mike. "Y/N? What's going on?" He said, grabbing my arm as I run past him. "I don't know! Will didn't see me even after I tried calling him" I said. "Shit..." he said, under his breath. But I can still hear him.

"Why? What's going on?" I said. "I will explain later, okay? But right now we need to go and look for Will" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head. "Alright..." I said. We turn around and runs off to where Will is heading to.

We find Will sitting down, hugging his knees behind a barrel. "Will?" I said, placing my hand on his. He seem to have snap out of his daze. "Y/N. Where were you? T-That thing... that thing is chasing me..." he said. I look around in confusion.

"What thing? What are you talking about?" I said, turning to him. He breathes heavily. He looks so shaken up. "Come on, Will... let's head to my place, okay?" Mike said. Will just nods his head. I help him stand up. Dustin wants to help him too, but Mike smacks his hand away.

"I can handle him. Continue trick or treating. I'm bored anyway" he said. "Mike. Come on" Lucas said. I look at him with a concern face. My eyes meet Max as she looks upset.

"Y/N? Are you coming... or would you rather go with them?" Mike said. I let out a sigh and turn Mike. "I'll come with you..." I said. He nods his head. I give the others an apologetic smile. I turn to chase after Mike and Will.


We are now in Mike's basement. Mike have told me everything that had happened in my absence. I was shocked to learn that Will is trapped in the dark version of Hawkins. They called it the Upside Down.

"It's like... like I'm stuck" Will said. "Like stuck... in the Upside Down?" Mike said. "No. You know on a view-master? When it gets like..." Will try to explain. "Caught in between two slides?" Mike said. Will nods his head.

"Yeah, like that. Like on one side's our world and the other... the other slide is the Upside Down" he said. I frown as I look away from the two of them. Upside Down... the way Will described it, it sounded exactly like the one that have been haunting me in all of my nightmares.

I clench my hands on my lap, trying to calm myself. "And there was this noise coming from everywhere. And then, I saw something" he said. I turn to look at him, waiting for him to explain it.

"The Demogorgon?" Mike asked. "No. It was like this huge shadows in the sky..." Will said. I close my eyes and something flash in the back of my head.

"Y/N?" Someone said, tapping my shoulder

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"Y/N?" Someone said, tapping my shoulder. "Huh?" I said. "Are you okay?" Will said. "Uh... y-yeah. I'm fine..." I said, smiling at him. "Are you sure?" Mike said. I turn to look at him and nod my head.

I wonder if the monster that's been appearing in his True Sight is the same monster that's been haunting me for ages. If so... then we'll be in a deep trouble. I know for sure that thing didn't just appear to say hi to all of us. It wanted to destroy us... and everything that stands in its path. I just hope nothing bad will happened from this.

*to be continued*

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