Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

I clench my hands into a tight fists. The Mind Flayer have corrupted his mind. But I will try everything in my power to free Will. The Mind Flayer won't have Will any longer. I will take it out and end this mess. I will free Will.

-Come Back To Me-


Will keeps on being hysterical. He keeps on yelling to let him go. Hopper hugs him to calm him down. Will have been so stressed. The Monster's existence only makes it worse. We have to find a way to calm him down. An idea comes into my head.

"We have to trigger something in his mind. Talk to him about something. Something that brings back his good memories" I said. She nods her head and kneels down in front of him.

"Will, baby... do you know what day is March 22nd?" She said. Will just stares at her. "It's your birthday, Will. I gave you that crayon... it has 120 colors. You were so happy. Your friends gave you Star Wars. But all you wanted was to draw with your new crayons. You draw this rainbow spaceship. I brought it with me to Melvard and stick it to the wall. I keep saying 'my son drew this.' You were so embarrassed. But I was so... so proud..." she said. I watch Will for any sort of reaction.

I can see the emotion in his eyes. But he stays silent. I hear soft tapping sound and look down to see his hand tapping onto the wooden chair. I furrow my eyebrow and scoots closer to Hopper.

"Hopper..." I said. He turns to me and leans down so I can whisper it to him. "Look at his hand..." I said. He looks down and notice Will's hand. "You're right" he said. He takes out a piece of paper and a pen. He begin scribbling something down.

He walks out of the shed, making sure Will didn't see the surrounding. I follow him as he makes his way to the house. He takes a seat and starts to work on what he have scribbled down.

"What's that?" Lucas said. "It's a Morse code. I think Will is talking to us, just not with words. I think your plan is working, Y/N..." Hopper said, turning to look at me. I smile at him. I feel hope growing inside my heart.

Jonathan grabs a tape and starts to play Will's fav song. Should I stay or should I go, by The Clash. Everyone takes turns in talking to Will. So he can give us signs. Hopper will be sending the code to Dustin through their super-com.

Joyce turns to look at me, signaling me to talk to Will. I nod my head and walk towards Will. I kneel down in front of him. I place my hand on his thigh as I stare into his eyes in sadness.

"Will... remember the first day Mike introduce me to the rest of you?" I said. He just stares at me. His eyes looks cold. I know it's the Mind Flayer controlling his mind right now. But I know for sure, Will is still in there somewhere.

"I remember every single detail. You were so shy... I remember how you would always stumbled on your words every time I tried to talk to you. It took me a while, but I manage to get you to be comfortable with me. I feel so happy when you're finally able talked to me freely, like we've known each other for a long time. But do you know what I love the most about you?" I said. I wipe the tears that streams down both of my cheeks.

"You stood up for me, Will. Do you remember that? You were scared of the bullies but you still stood up for me. You protected me when they would made fun of me. You comforted me when I feel upset. Out of everyone in the Party, even Mike. You're the closest to me. Mike sometimes got jealous because he thinks you're going to steal his cousin..." I said, giggling at what I said. Will just keep staring at me.

I move closer towards him. I cup both of his cheeks softly. "I know you're still in there somewhere, Will. You HAVE to fight it... this is YOUR body. Not that stupid monster. I promised you that I'll always be there by your side, remember? So you can't do this to me. Please, Will... I need you. I... I love you, Will... have I ever told you that? I LOVE you. Come back to me... please..." I said. I lean my forehead on his.

"Y-Y/N..." he said. His voice sounded so weak. I pull away to look at him. A tear escape his eye. "I l-love y-you too... s-save me" he said, pleadingly. The look in his eyes lets me know that this is the real Will Byers. The boy I have grown to love with all of my heart.

I quickly nod my head. "I will save you. I promise you I will save you. I love you so much..." I said. He looks down for a few seconds. Then looks back up. His eyes turns cold once again. "Let me go" he said. Suddenly I hear the sound of ringing.

"Shit!" Joyce said. She quickly grab a sleeping serum and inject Will with it. His eyes rolls back and he fall limp. I let out a sob as I hug him. He was there for a moment. He's still here... and I'll get him out of this.

A loud roar can be heard in the distance. I turn to look at Hopper in horror. "They know where we are" I said. His eyes widened at what I just. He pick Will up and rush back to the house with the rest of us in suit.

We start to barricade the house, trying our best to defend ourselves. We stand in circle as the sounds of the monster grows closer. I lift my hand and let fire appear.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Mike. "You're not fit enough, Y/N. Let us handle the battle..." he said. I shake my head. "No... I'll be fine. I can do this" I said. He lets out a sigh, knowing that I won't listen to him. "Just don't force yourself, okay?" He said. I just nod my head. Mike lift his hand. I raise an eyebrow when I realize he's holding a trophy. What damage did he plan on doing with that? Seriously Mike?

The sounds of the monster suddenly stops. "What're they doing?" Max said. It was silence for a while. The only thing I can hear is our heavy breathing. Out of no where, something fly through the window. It's the Demo-dog.

What the heck?

*to be continued*

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