Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

I let out a sigh and turn to lay on my side. Let's hope I won't be having those stupid dream again. I take a few deep breath, trying to calm my nerve. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to a deep slumber.

-First Day-


"Rise and shine, Y/N~" someone said, while shaking me. By the voice, I can already tell that it's my mom without having to open my eyes. I hug my blanket closer to my body.

"HMmm... 5 more minutes?" I said. "No, honey. You have to go to school. Wake up now or you're going to get late!" She said, shaking me again. I let out a sigh and open my eyes. "Alright, fine. I'm awake, mama" I said. "Good girl..." she said, placing a soft kiss on my head. She smiles at me and turns around to leave my room.

I sit up and let out a sigh. I turn my body and place my feet on the floor. I get up and stretch my arms over my head. I hear a soft popping sound coming from my back, making me let out a content sigh. I grab everything I need and make my way to the washroom for my morning routine.

After my shower, I head back to my room and put on my clothes. I leave my room after making sure I have everything I need. I make my way to the dining room because I know there's where my mom is.

"Hello, honey..." mom said, as soon as I walk in. I smile softly at her. "Good morning, mom..." I said. I take a seat on one of the chair. She place a plate of my favorite food, f/f. I grin happily and begin to eat the food.

"Are you nervous for the first day of school?" Mom said. "Not really mom... it's an old school of mine. I just return. So... I'm sure that I pretty much know everyone there" I said. She smiles and gently caress my hair. "Of course you are..." she said. I just smile at her.

After meal is done. I place it on the sink. I was about to wash them, but mom grab my hands. "I'll wash all of them, okay? You have to get going or you're going to be late. Do you want me to drop you off for your first day?" She said. I shake my head and smiles.

"I told you... it's an old school of mine. I know where I'll be going" I said. "Alright... if you say so. Cycle safely, okay?" she said. I nod my head. I give her a quick hug.

"See you after school, mom.." I said. She kisses my cheek. "See you after school, honey. Have fun~" she said. I turn around and leave the house. I make my way to my bike and starts cycling to school.


I finally reach school. In an instant, I can feel their gaze on me. But I just ignore it. They're probably shock that I'm back. Instead, I look around for the face of someone I've been longing to meet. My eyes eventually landed on the person. I can feel a wide grin make it's way to my face. I quickly rush to them.

"Mike!" I yelled, jumping onto his back. "Ahhh! Who the fuck are you?! Get off of me!" He yelled, scared. I let out a laugh and get of his back. "Really, Mike? Is that how you welcomed me back?" I said, raising an eyebrow. He looks stunned as he stares at me wide-eyed.

"Hello? Mikey~" I said, waving my hand in front of his face. He snaps out of his daze and starts to grin. "Y/N!!" He yelled happily, pulling me into a tight hug. I let out a yelp and laugh, as I hug him back. I wave at the other boys. They just smile at me and wave back.

"Hello, boys... Lucas, Will, Dustin" I said. They grin and pulls me into a group hug. I let out a laugh and pat their backs. "It's good to see you guys too" I said.

"When did you came back?" Mike said, as Lucas and Will pulls away from me. "I arrived last night" I said. His jaw dropped open at what I said. "Why didn't you call?!" He said. I shrug my shoulders.

"It was midnight, Mike. You and the others probably have fallen asleep" I said. "Still... you should have called. I would have picked up either way" he said, crossing his arms while looking at me with a pout.

"Aweee... is wittle Mikey sad because Y/N didn't call?" I cooed, while poking his cheeks. "Cut it out!" He said, pulling my hands away from his cheeks. I let out a laugh and ruffle his hair.

"Guys, let's head inside. We don't wanna get late. Especially since it's the first day for Y/N back here" Dustin said. "Sure..." I said, nodding my head. They smile at me. We turn around and make our way to the school building.

"Hey, Y/N... welcome back" one of the boys said as the 5 of us walk down the school hallway. I just give him a small nod. Mike walks next to me and nudge my side. "I see you're still quite popular" he said. I just roll my eyes at what he said.

After a while of walking, we finally reach our class. I take a seat next to Will, who's sitting next to Mike. While the Mike sits next to me, with Lucas behind me.

The door open the reveal Mr. Clarke, our school's science teacher. His eyes landed on me. "Well well, seems like we have a new face. Well... not really. Welcome back, Y/N" he said. "It's good to be back, sir..." I said, smiling at him.

The door opens again to reveal a red-haired girl with principal. "I'm guessing this is a new student" Mr. Clarke said. "Yes... and all yours" he said. The girl walks inside the room.

"Ah ah ah... you're not getting away from me, miss. Stand here, please" Mr. Clarke said. The girl let out a sigh and stands in front. "Guys this is a new student. She came all the way here from California. Her name is Maxine" Mr. Clarke said.  "Max" the girl said. "I'm sorry?" Mr. Clarke said. "It's Max. Nobody calls me Maxine. Just Max" she said.

"Mad Max..." Lucas said. "What?" I said, turning to look at him. "We'll explain everything later" Mike said. I just nod my head. I turn to focus on the class as Mr. Clarke begins the lesson.

I glance at the new girl who's sitting far behind the class. Her eyes turns to look back at me. I give her a smile. She gives me a small smile in return. I turn to focus on the lesson again. Hmm... she seems like a cool kid. Maybe this time, I can have a girl friend.

*to be continued*

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