Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

He holds my hands close to his chest. "So will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?" He said, looking at me with a hopeful smile. I smile and nod my head. "Yes... I'd love to be your girlfriend" I said. He smiles and pulls me closer. He bury his face into the crook of my neck. I feel his happiness radiating from his body. This makes me smile as I hug him back.

-I Was There-


Will told Mike about Dart. His eyes widened when he listen to what he's saying. He took off running to where Dustin is. Dustin and Lucas wants to show Dart to Mr. Clarke.

"Stop!" Mike yelled out, as he burst through into the classroom. Mike grabs the container Dustin used to bring Dart to school. He turns to look at Mr. Clarke. "I'm sorry, Mr. Clarke. It was just a stupid prank..." he said. He turns around and walks away.

"What're you doing??" Dustin said. Mike turns to look at him. "We need to talk... now. NOW!!" He said. He turns around and rush off. Will and I chases after him.

We walk passed Max. "Party members only" Mike said, in a stern voice. "Mike, come on!" Lucas said. "This is a no negotiable" Mike said, using a tone that shows it's not up to an argument. We get inside the AV club room.

Mike place the box on the table. He leans his back on the wall, crossing his arms. Will starts to explain to them about what happened. How he threw up the slug thing and such.

"We have to tell Hopper about this" Mike said. "No. If you tell him, Dart's as good as dead!" Dustin said, not wanting his new pet to get killed. "Maybe he has to be!" Mike said. "How can you say that?!" Dustin said.

"How can you not! Dart is from the Upside Down!" Mike said. "He's right, Dustin. Just trust us on this. Dart is going to grow to be a monster, okay? He is a human flesh-eating shadow monster" I said. Dustin turn to look at me.

"How did you know about that? You seem to know a lot of things" he said. I look at the others to see them looking at me. I let out a sigh as turn my body away from them, my back face them. I place my hands on the desk in front of me.

"Y/N... what is it that you're not telling us?" Lucas said. "I'm your cousin. We're your friends. Friends don't lie" Mike said. I bit my lips as I try to fight the tears starts threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Y/N..." Will said, walking towards me. I turn to him and wrap my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me in return. I bury my face into the crook of his neck. He rubs circles on my back, trying his best to comfort me.

Mike walks towards me and gently place his hand on my back. "You know you can tell us anything right? We're here for you, Y/N..." he said. I just nod my head and pulls away from Will.

"You remember... when I had to leave school for a while? What did they told you?" I asked. Mike turns to look at the others. "That you were sick..." Lucas said. The others nods their heads.

"Well... they lied. I did left. But not because I was sick" I said. "Then?" Dustin said. "I was there..." I said, in a low voice. "There... where?" Mike said. I turn to look at him. "Hawkins Lab" I said. Their eyes widen in shock. I gulp the lump that was slowly forming in my throat.

"Why were you there?" Will said. I turn to look at him and the others. "It's a long story..." I said. "You better start now then, hm?" Dustin said. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

"They somehow managed to convince my parents... that I was sick. That they were only trying to help me feel better" I said. They stay silent as they wait for me to start talking again.

"My parents believe them and they let me go with those people. I was taken to their lab after that, where they would performed a lot of procedures on me. I remember... everything. I remember my screams... the pain on my body. The trauma. But they told me it was the disease and that they were only trying to help me feel better..." I said. Tears starts to spill from both of my eyes as I recall what happened that day.


I was strapped into a chair. "Stop this!! Please! It burns!" I screamed, writhing around in pain my whole body felt like it was on fire. "Relax, sweetie. It's your sickness. We're only trying to make you feel better" one of them said.

I continued to scream louder every second passing seconds because of the excruciating pain I felt all over my body. I tried to move around and make myself feel more comfortable. But the ropes that bind my body prevented me from doing so.

It kept going on for days. Everyday I went through the same thing. Strapped on a chair, screaming at top of my lungs as if my life depended on it... and I remembered blacking out each time.

End of Flashback

"After a while, my body didn't feel anymore pain. I thought I was finally recovered. So... I asked them if I could go home, and they snapped at me" I said. I let out a shaky breath.

"One night, I manage to steal one of their phones. I know I should have called the cops, but I'm scared that they might think it was some kind of a prank. So I called the next person I know will help... my dad" I said.

"He was very furious when I told them what they had been doing to me. The next day, he came and demand them to let me go. But instead of doing what he had asked. They..." I said, choking softly. Tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I take a couple of deep breaths, trying to form the next words.

"They shot him. Right in front of my eyes... that's why he's been in the hospital" I said. I bursts into tears as soon as I finished saying that. They gasps at what I said. Will pulls me into a hug again. I bury my face into his chest as I start to cry harder.

Dad!!! No! My voice echoed in my head. It was when I saw a bullet getting shot into my father's chest. The sight of blood flowing out and pooling around his body. I start to sob as Will holds me tightly against his chest. I bit my lips as I start to cry harder.

*to be continued*

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