Chapter 1

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Previously on Prologue

Y/N pulls away from Mike completely and turn to the car. She get inside the car with her mom. She wave at Mike, who wave back. Then the car starts to move. See you next time, Hawkins... see you next time, Mike.

Until we meet again

-Back To Hawkins-


Finally! Today, after such a long time I'll be going back to Hawkins! I can't wait to reach there, I miss my cousin so much! I wonder how much he have changed. Well... I know I've changed. A lot of things have changed about me.

I'm currently in my room, making sure I didn't leave anything behind. I open my wardrobe and spotted a teddy bear. I pick it up and stare at it. Staring at this teddy bear, brings back a memory of an event that had happened in my past. A horrible one.

"Y/N, sweetie... are you ready?" I hear mom said. I snap out of my thought. I turn to look at my mom who is leaning against the door frame of my house. "I'm ready, mom. Just give me a bit?" I said. She nods her head and smiles at me.

"Okay. But hurry up, okay? Don't take too long. We need to hurry if we want to catch the flight" she said. "Okay!" I said, with a grin. She smiles and turns to leave.

I let out a sigh and turn to look at the teddy again. I hug it close to my chest and get up. I'm not going to leave this behind. This teddy is the only good thing that happened to me during that bad time. Since it was given to me by a really good friend of mine.

I get up and walks out of the once my bedroom. I'm excited to finally return to Hawkins after so long. We left the place, only to try to refresh ourself from all the bad memories. So now that we're fine, we're finally ready to return.

Mike and the others didn't know what happened back then. They thought we moved away only due to my dad's death. But there was a lot more to it than just that.

I walk out of the house. I get inside the car next to mom in the passenger seat. She closes the shade and turn to look at me. She put on the glass that she took from the shade.

"Ready?" She said. I turn to look at her and smile, nodding my head. "I'm ready" I said. She starts the car and starts to drive. I lean my head to the window and stay silent as I watch the trees drifting by.

I can feel my eyes getting droopy as I start to feel sleepy. So I just close them and let myself drift off to sleep.


I'm in a place. It looks like Hawkins but it's totally different. It was dark and cold... and empty. I walk through the place, trying to find my way out of this strange place.

I hear a sound and whip my head around, trying to locate where it's coming from. But no matter how hard I try to look for it, I can seem to find it. I shake my head, thinking it was just my imagination.

I turn my head and froze when I notice something. It looks like a human. But it was way larger than a normal grown man. Most of all, it has no face. The figure slowly makes its way closer to me. Both of my feet are glued on spot as I stare at the strange figure in front of me.

The figure's head opens up like a flower to reveal rows of sharp teeth

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The figure's head opens up like a flower to reveal rows of sharp teeth. It let out an animalistic growl. I jump at the sound and quickly turn around to run away. I can hear it's footsteps behind me, letting me know that it's chasing after me. This makes me runs faster.

I keep running and running as the figure chases after me. I trip over a root sticking out on the ground. I fall forward, my chin and chest getting the most effect. I let out a groan in pain and turn to lay on my back.

The monster is closing in on me. I try to crawl back, but the monster is quick to catch up. It lowers its body and leans his head close to mine. I breathe heavily as I stare at the monster in horror.

It slams its claws right next to my head and roar. I let out a scream in fear in return. It raise its claw to end me. I close my eyes tightly.

End of Dreams

"Y/N, sweetie? Wake up!!" Someone said. The voice makes me wake up from that dream. No... it's not a dream. It was real... I was actually there in that dark place.

My eyes wide in horror as I look around the place. I breathe heavily as I try to locate the monster. I feel a hand on my head and flinch. I turn my head to see my mom looking at me with a worried gaze.

"Are you okay, honey? Was it another nightmare?" She said. "I'm okay... and yeah" I said, nodding my head. She gently pulls me closer to her side. "It's just a nightmare. Don't worry..." she said. I just close my eyes and leans into her embrace. My heavy breathing slowly evened out, as I can feel myself relaxing after that traumatic scenario.


After a few hours, we finally reach Hawkins. We'll still live in the same house we have before we left this place. Everything about this place brought back memories of my childhood. Both good and bad.

It was already night time when we reached Hawkins. Which means, I have to wait until tomorrow to meet Mike. That's a bummer... but well, can't go anywhere at this hour. It's one of Mom's strict rule. But I'm not complaining. I know exactly why she set rules for me to follow. It's because she's scared something bad might happen to me... just like back then.

"Go to sleep, Y/N. You have school tomorrow" I hear mom's voice. I turn to look at her and nod my head. I head upstairs where my room is located. I take out a sleeping back, because we haven't set my bed yet.

After I finished laying out my makeshift bed. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. I place both of my hands behind my head.

I have been having some hard time to fall asleep. It's mainly because of the trauma. But I know I'm gonna have to sleep eventually, otherwise I won't be able to focus. I have to go to school tomorrow. So I have to be in my best condition.

I let out a sigh and turn to lay on my side. Let's hope I won't be having those stupid dream again. I take a few deep breath, trying to calm my nerve. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to a deep slumber.

*to be continued*

A/N: just in case you missed the details in the description. I just want to let you guys know, this book is based on the Season 2 of Stranger Things. Thank you for reading! See you in the next chapters. Love ya~

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