Chapter 1- Love All Over Again

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Your body was tired, but you felt pleasant salty breeze blowing over your face. Moving your fingers around a little on whatever you were lying on, you realised it was sand. Not grainy dry sand, but damp beach sand. It took a moment to move your body because it felt like you had been sprawled on the ground for quite a while.

You sat up, looking down at what you were wearing. Dressed in a long black skirt just fluttering above your knees, you were wearing a collared lavender long sleeved shirt neatly folded back at the elbows.
A small silver brooch was pinned to your left bosom, glinting bright in sun.
You looked on ahead, a large azure ocean bellowed before you, its waves silently and hypnotically crashing in and out like it was beckoning you to it. You were so unaware of your surroundings until you heard a soft grunt close to you.

With a start, you looked down. A teenage boy around his late adolescent years was lying a few inches away from you. You studied his face, he had white hair swaying in and out of his unbelievably pale face, it were almost like he were sick. A few of his strands that just reached his shoulders were a pale ivory.

He was dressed in a dark green jacket which reached down all the way to his knees, with a white shirt underneath, a strange red pattern on it which you rather liked. He wore a pair of black pants and strap- on shoes. Almost everything about him, except for his pale face and locks, seemed normal. Was he just like you, someone who was stranded on an unknown island, with nothing in memory except for his name and what he was exceptionally good at?

But you and he were not the only person who was lying here unconsciousness. There were a lot of other teenagers too, they seemed to be around your age as well, except for a blond girl wearing an orange kimono. She seemed to be no more than twelve.

You counted them all silently, your eyes skipping from one person to the other. There were fifteen more, excluding you and him. He grunted again. Perhaps he was about to wake up and you could question him.
The boy opened his eyes. They were a light grey in color, but glistened silver in the sun. They rather suited him. His lashes fluttered up and down a few times up at the sky, trying to understand where he was.
"You're awake." you said quietly, trying not to startle him.

"Where am I...and who are you?" He said looking up at you, still lying eagle spread on the beach floor.

"Where we are, I have as much of an idea as you do. As for my name, it is Y/N L/N."

He sat up beside you, trying to recognise the area, but in vain.
"It's a beach. But what beach is it? And who are all these people? Oh my, could it be-"

He turned left to face you. "-could we possibly have been kidnapped?"
You opened your mouth to answer, bemused at his conclusion, but before you could say anything he answered himself.

"I suppose that can't be. We would be tied in a musty warehouse somewhere, so we can't flee or hide, right? And even if I were to be kidnapped, there's absolutely no one who would pay ransom for me! I know because I've already been abducted once before, and I was set free by the kidnapper because he realised after a month that no one would pay to get me back! Funny, isn't it?"

"I-" you pondered, thinking how it wasn't funny at all, but a tragic situation really, when he started talking again.

"How impolite of me, please do forgive my ranting! You have already told me your name, but I have failed to do the same...I really am horrible. My name is Nagito Komaeda. It's nice to meet you. Let's hope one of these people might be more knowledgeable than we are."

He smiled at you, his slightly cracked but rosy lips widening with his eyes all wrinkling up. You liked when people smiled like that. It felt like they were truly smiling.

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