Chapter 32- I Reject Your Utopia

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The next morning when the six of us meet at the agreed venue, a pleasant surprise awaits me.
Y/N's face is cleansed of blemishes, skin glowing in the bright sunshine, her clean hair drifts in the wind. She is dressed in a fresh white shirt folded back at the elbows, a short teal-blue skirt and lose shoes because of her foot injury.

I smile. It's uplifting to see her in good shape again, even though her eyes are still empty and her face is still emotionless. It was clear to see that Sonia was the one having scrubbed her clean, with Y/N probably not even noticing or bothering to stop her.

"Ready to go?" Akane says cheerfully. "I'll help Y/N walk over the rocky areas of the island! Hey sweetie, you don't mind if I carry you bridal-style, do you?"

"The were serious about carrying her bridal-style?!"

Kazuichi groans tiredly as we climb over the rocks to go to the fourth island. Akane carries Y/N gently, placing one hand under her knees and the other on her back.

"What's wrong with that? Y/N doesn't seem to mind!

Finally, we reach the ruin.
"This place...I really don't get a good feeling from this," Fuyuhiko muttered nervously.

"Me neither," Sonia admits. "But never fear, comrades, let us advance!"

"You're talking a bit like Gundham if you ask me..." Kazuichi mumbled.


We set foot inside the ruin. A bright light blinds my sight at once; I find myself at an eerily familiar place. Is this...?
The darkness and the rumbling pauses. I see a door. Opening it, I fall into a classroom. It is lined with rows and columns of wooden desks and chairs.
A glitching announcement screen turns on, I see Monokuma's contemptible face.

"Ahem, ahem! This is the Hope's Peak executive committee speaking, please gather in the gymnasium hall so I can explain the graduation process to all the students!"

I run out of the corridors to find the others and run into Y/N. She faces away from me, staring into the opposite wall.
"Y/N! Did you hear the announcement? Are you okay?"

There are no bruises on her, so the rumbling probably didn't hurt her. I pull her downstairs into the gym, reading signboards which tells us the way. Everyone is already gathered there, reassurance floods their faces as they rush towards the both of us.

"Hajime, Y/N...thank goodness...did you see the door too-? Then the announcement...?"

"Fear not, students, I am here! Aw man, did I just make a lame anime reference?" Monokuma pops out of thin air. "Anyway, this is the graduation ceremony! This is where you give it your all!"

At this point, every unpredictable, perplexing word which exits Monokuma's mouth makes me realise...he's having his way with us...again.

"What do you mean?" Sonia frowns, her hands clasped together. "If you don't explain yourself...I cannot predict how much of your presence I shall be able to tolerate anymore."

"You know when the protagonist is gonna have her final, ultra epic battle with the antagonist? I'm going to upgrade myself to my Boss form too, of course!"

Bright white light pierces through Monokuma's body, as if he were a glass prism. This world glitches to change the surrounding scene again. The brightness doesn't allow me to see any more than two inches ahead.
When the world stops flickering again, I am once again mysteriously transported to my position in the podium, in the Trial Court, all my friends surrounding me in the debating circle. The place is illuminated in purple, white and pink lights. What I see next, makes my jaw drop.

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