Chapter 9- Beautiful Chaos

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"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead!"

You groaned softly because of the sunlight peeking through the curtains, shining into your eyes. Nagito's bright voice took a few moments to dawn on you.

"It's morning! I hate waking up to Monokuma's morning announcement every day. That's the last thing I want to hear the first thing in the morning. So I woke you up before that."

"Well thanks, I guess..." You said sitting up and rubbing your eyes.

"No problem. We should probably get going for breakfast. Let's go, let's go."

"How are you so energetic this early in the morning?" You said, getting out of bed with the pace of a snail. "It isn't even seven yet..."

"Maybe you just aren't a morning person." He concluded, putting on his shoes.



"Were you ever...friends with a little girl when you were eight years old?"

"A little girl? Wait, why're you asking?"

"You know, she was a little younger...and she announced that she'd be your saviour because you kept getting bullied..."

"Y/N, did you see a dream or something?"

"Oh...never mind. Sorry."

"I remember a few bits and pieces of when I was around eight," he said, concentrating on trying to recall more.
"But huge chunks of my memory are missing. I would say it's because of Monokuma and the organisation called "Future Foundation" which trapped us here."

"'Future Foundation'?" You repeated, looking at him. "You didn't tell me the name of that organisation last night. It has a name now?"

"I just forgot, there's nothing you need to worry about! Don't sweat it!"

Once you were all set to go, you both walked to the restaurant to have some breakfast. Nidai and Fuyuhiko were already there, waiting for everyone else to show up.

"Morning, you guys," Fuyuhiko said, chewing some toast. "You're never this early, Y/N. Did you sleep early last night or something?"

"No...quite the contrary, actually..."

"So you slept late? Oh, I remember hearing two people talking late last night when I went to take a leak," He said, an eyebrow raised. "was it the both of you?"

"Yeah, it was!" Nagito said, smiling pleasantly as he piled pancakes on to your plate. "We decided to explore the new island Monomi unlocked for us. It was so much fun!" He went on, ignoring your nudges from under the table.

"We're all going there together today, right? I'm looking forward to it."

"Wait, you were there until midnight? What did you even do there?"

Nanami showed up next, her face buried in her video games as usual. "Good morning, everybody," she said, yawning widely.
"I'm so we really have to explore that island today?"

"I think it would be a good change of scenery," Miss Sonia said thoughtfully. "Nekomaru has just come back to us, after all. I think we should all go to let our hair down, for once."

"You already look so beautiful with your hair down, Miss Sonia..." Soda drooled, looking at her with eyes of awe.

"It's supposed to be an idiom, you idiot!" Fuyuhiko snapped.

"What's up, you guys?" Hajime said, pulling up a chair for himself and picking up a bowl of fruit.

"We were just discussing about going to that new island today," Nagito said. "You're coming, right?"

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