Chapter 14- My mother's indifference

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Komaeda and Y/N stopped at a vending machine on the way to school, for there was plenty of time left for the first class to start.
Komaeda kept pushing at the button for the drink he wanted, but it seemed like it was stuck. The drink wouldn't budge from its place, even after he shook the machine.

"My terrible..." Komaeda groaned, disappointed. "I put in a hundred yen and pushed the button, but it just won't-"


A giant yellow mass crashed-landed into the vending machine, soaring through the sky and scattering soda bottles and other drinks everywhere on the ground.
That yellow mass turned out to be a tall, pink haired boy with an irritable looking face, who lay imbalanced on top of the crushed vending machine, rubbing his behind.

"Ahahaha!" Komaeda laughed delightedly. "Turns out my luck isn't that bad after all!" Then noticing the boy who had just fell from the sky, he greeted him a good morning happily.

"Why, hello, there Kazuichi!" He said, holding out his hand to help him up. "I'm not going to question you on why you crashed on the very same vending machine we were trying to use...but all's well that ends well!" He finished brightly, looking sideways to see a few people running towards them.

"Don't laugh, man!" Kazuichi snapped, annoyed. "nothing good ever happens to me when you're around!"

"Are you okay, Kazuichi-kun?" Exclaimed an orange haired woman with large green eyes who had just arrived. She was very beautiful and seemingly the teacher, a few of her pupils at her heels.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine..."

"And who are you?" The lady enquired, looking at her kindly. "I don't recall seeing you on the student list..."

"Oh, no, I'm not in your class, Miss..."

"Chisa." She said simply. "My name is Chisa Yukizome, but feel free to call me Sensei. Nice to meet you!" She said, holding out a hand.

"Yes, Sensei." She said, shaking Miss Chisa's hand. It was so warm and soft.

"This is my first day at Hope's Peak... I am actually a first year. My name is Y/N L/N. It's really nice to meet you too."

"Come along with us then! I was just going around trying to find my students...they are quite boisterous, you see...are you Nagito-kun's friend?"

"Yes, that is correct. He were walking to school together, and ran into Mr Kazuichi here..." She replied.

When she reached Hope's Peak, her mouth fell open in awe and disbelief. The school was every bit the grand and magnificent place the newspapers and internet websites had described it as. It deserved the prestigious reputation it had.
On the exterior, it comprised of multiple skyscrapers which were so tall they seemed to pierce the sky. On the centre was the main building, with a giant school emblem at the centre. There were rows and rows of trees planted all around, with a big fountain spraying water right ahead of the school.
But to the sides, she noticed some other structures which were nowhere as grand as the other buildings in Hope's Peak. They were grey and shallow, and were so dully painted it felt like those buildings were trying to be hidden out of sight, and mingle into the background.

"Y/N, how long are you just going to stand there?" Called out Komaeda.

"Ah, sorry," she said, jogging to catch up to him. "What are those buildings over there, are they a part of the school?"

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