Chapter 11- My Lie

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"What the- Nagito! What are you doing?! Didn't I say I would shower?!"

He shut the door, disrobed except for a white towel covering his waist.
"I know, I thought I would join you. Bathing together is fun, I promise!"

"Wh-! Get out, you pervert!"

"Here, give me some of that scrub too," he said completely ignoring your demands.

"I already showered this morning, but I'm still all hot and sticky." Nagito slipped off his towel and scrubbed his body too, and you jerked your bright scarlet berry of a face away.
"There aren't cameras here, are there?"

"H-how would I know?!"

"There, there, Y/N," he said, embracing you from behind as the water from above turned warmer than before. "Why do you turn yourself away?" He nuzzled your neck softly, planting a single kiss. His bare chest pressed up against your back, his deep breaths making your skin prickle with goosebumps.

"I love you so much, it hurts me when you accuse me of being a pervert..."
He hooked his hands around your waist, pressing himself closer. "Although I will admit, I do have some lewd...thoughts about you from time to time."

"Why did you go with N-Nanami?"

"Aw, is it jealousy I smell?" He blew a soap bubble off your shoulder. "I haven't had a chance to talk to her since we came here. There's always a possibility of her being the traitor, right? I must get to know everyone better."

"H-hey...let me go, the water's getting too warm..."

"Are you sure it's the water?" He pursued, before wiping the water of your body with his towel and turning the shower off.

"Such a beautiful body..." Nagito whispered, while drying you off with soft pats. "A befitting one for a vessel of hope such as you..."

"You sound like a perverted old man!" You exclaimed, flinching when his hand glided across your breasts.

"I'll gladly accept anything you call me," he said, smiling cheerfully. "Let's go hit the hay for now!"

"Is it really cold or is it just me?" You muttered, wrapping your blanket tighter around yourself. "Maybe I shouldn't have showered in the night."

"If you're cold, I could help you," Nagito said, whipping around in bed to face you. He only wore a pair of grey boxer shorts. His stomach and torso was exposed, yet he didn't seem to be cold. "C'mere," he said outstretching his arms.

You wriggled into them, and they closed around you. "Is it warm now?"

"Yes," you said, your voice muffled by being pressed against his collarbone.

"Say, Y/N, did you ever have a lover before?"

"No. Not that I remember, anyway. My mother was really strict, and she would get angry when I did anything else except for study..."

"Doesn't sound like a very good mom to me," he said flatly. "Tell me more."

"Well, she was the Ultimate Surgeon so...she never really appreciated her only daughter becoming a poet. Plus, my father was never around. It was hard for her too. I used to have a lot of friends but-"
You shut your eyes, unhappy with the memory. It was one of the few things you did remember.

"But well...we aren't friends anymore."

"Did they betray you?"

"I don't know if you can even term it as betrayal." You said. "It was like one day we were going to school and eating lunch and playing together...and the next, it was like we never knew each other. I walked up to them and called them by their first names and they told me to stop pretending like we were ever all that close."

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