Chapter 16- The Day You Really Left Us

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"Y/N? Can you hear me?"

You opened your eyes groggily, wincing at the bright light which outshone the silhouette of the person leaning over your face calling out to you.

"Where am I...?"

"Oh, you're awake!" Nanami was the one who was sitting close to your side, her face washing with relief when she found you moving and talking.

"I'm very glad to see you again...but you did the Final Dead Room task without telling us first," she said, her face unhappy. "And that too after Mechomaru's death...why?"

You simply lay on the bed, your eyes fixed on the ceiling, trying to remember just what in the world had happened. Then slowly, the memories started pouring in.

The memories you made while you were in this island, and the memories that were taken from you while you were at Hope's Peak.

You gasped and sprang up in bed, the swirl of realisations and recollections flooding into your brain with such force it felt like your brain would explode.

You made to move off the bed but as soon as your body left the surface you crash banged into the floor. When your eyes fell to your legs, you saw they were so densely and tightly bandaged with numerous wrappings of white cloth you could neither feel or move your feet anymore.

"Y/N!" Exclaimed Chiaki, leaping off her chair and rushing in to help. "What on earth are you doing?! Get a hold of yourself!"

"Ko Senpai, I need to see him..." Your voice cracked with desperation, trying to stand up but failing piteously. "I remember... everything now..."

"Nope, you don't."
A familiar voice interrupted, as its owner walked into the room, smiling serenely.
"Those memories aren't real. They're fake. You probably saw a lot of happy things in your sleep, didn't you?" Nagito said, crouching on the ground and tilting his head.
"That's right, they were meant to give you some good dreams and escape this island for a little while. Monokuma's idea of a Final Dead Room prize."

"No...that's not cannot be! I saw everything! I saw-!"
You froze, Nagito's face carrying an expression which made your vocal cords freeze up and halt functioning. He was smiling as he always was, but his eyes were upturned in a way that reflected silent fury and a clear indication for you to stop talking.

"How sad, you're so confused," he said, now contorting his voice into that of pity. "Monokuma really loves playing with our emotions, doesn't he? But don't let it get to your head, hm?"
He stroked your cheek with a long slender finger.

"Nagito, what's going on? What are you guys even talking about? Why did she call you 'Komaeda Senpai'?" Nanami questioned, now getting increasingly worked up.

"It's nothing, trust me!" Nagito laughed it off dismissively, standing up and brushing off the back of his jacket. "I merely happened to know what state of mind Y/N would be in, because Monokuma later told me those pills were meant for nothing but having realistic, beautiful illusions. It just gives you a high off sleeping, like drugs. Right, Y/N?"

The last two of his words were forced and strained, daring you to disagree. His eyes reflected the light, and despite them being pale colored, you could have sworn you saw a maniac scarlet glint within them.

"Yes...that's right," you found yourself saying, making you feel like a puppet with binding strings. Why was this happening? At this moment, his finger felt like a shard of ice spreading chill wherever it touched, his kindly spoken malevolent words were far from comforting. He was absolutely terrifying.

"I was just...confused because I just woke up." You forced a smile. "I am sincerely sorry for scaring you, Nanami."

"A drug?" Nanami repeated, raising an eyebrow. "You just said it made you remember everything, Y/N. Even if it was a dream, what was it about?"

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