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We teleported out of the once secluded bar to the wide open. We all fell to our knees hacking. I continued to hit my chest, the taste was unbearable... I covered my eyes, it was the first time I've been exposed to sunlight in a while-even if it was dark.

"Get up, Y/N..." Bakugou whispered in my ear, he pulled me up and close as the villains moved in. I swerved a little from being pulled up so fast.

We were surrounded.

"Should we freeze these mother fuckers and run or...?"

He scanned the area, debating himself if we should fight. "I like your idea, we shouldnt stay still for too long... let's wait for a good opportunity."

"And wait you will, for a good opportunity no..." we jumped a little at the new voice. Standing a few feet in front of us was AFO. "It's unfortunate how we had to meet in such rash situations..."

Bakugou clung to my back, we needed to stick together. Even though I've seen almost all of the episodes, there were still some things that I would forget. There's no way I could remember everything.

"...master." Shigaraki rose from his knees, however he didn't get in a few lines as the Almighty showed up out of nowhere. To be fair the base wasn't that far from where we were.

AFO stared deeply into Almights darkened eyes. "It's a little more than five kilometers from the bar to here. It was thirty seconds after I sent the Nomus before you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might."

"What about you? What's with that industrial mask you've got on?" All might winded up his shoulders, he rushed a punch at the villain, "Aren't you overexerting yourself?"

"...He held All Might back with his bare hands! This guy's the villains' boss!" Bakugou shuddered,

"Do...we have to fight that?" I asked.

"One day..."

"I won't make the same mistake as I did six years ago, All For One! I will take Young Bakugou and Young Y/N back! And this time, I will throw you in prison for sure!--all of the League of Villains you control with you!"

"There's so much to do. It'll be tough...for both of us." He pushed Almighty backwards, "Air Cannon plus Springlike Limbs, Kinetic Booster times four, Strength Enhancer times three. This combination is fun. Maybe I'll try to add a few more enhancer-types."

"All Might!" Bakugou warned the Almighty to dodge a hit that was coming his way.

AFO let out a slight chuckle and threw him another hit, "Even without your worry, he won't die from something like that. So run away from here, Tomura, and take that child with you. Kurogiri, get everyone away from here."

"Hey, wait! He was defeated and is now unconscious!" Kenji shouted, she pointed down to where Kurogiri was flat on the ground. "I'm not sure what's going on, but if you can use Warp, then you should get us away!"

"I just got mine, Magne." AFO glanced at her, "On top of only being able to transport short distances, unlike his coordinate transport, I can only bring people to me or away from me, and I can only send them away to someone I am very familiar with.So I'll have Kurogiri do it."

The two were just going at it. Back and forth, back and forth. Debris was flying at us. All I could do was cover my eyes.

"I won't let you get away!" He shouted and tried to keep all might's attention on him and not kirigiri.

"We're in his way, we need to get away from here to allow all night to unleash his full power." I warned Bakugou, I tried to pull him a little backwards, however he wouldn't budge.

He was captivated by his hero fighting his number one enemy. Only this wasn't a video, we weren't safe behind a screen. We were only a few feet away from the fight, and surrounding villains around us.

"Are... you saying, we're holding him back?"

"We can't help him against someone like that."

"You're right, how do we get out of here?" He moved his around to scoop out the competition, "Its a six versus two, three for each of us."

" It's just like camp, except Kirishima isn't here... are you able to keep up?" I raised two fists.

He scoffed, "Fuck yeah i can, are you able to?"


At first there was a huge explosion behind us, then there was a voice that echoed. We tilt our heads upwards to where Deku was flying over us, the entire group with him... 'oh it's happening right now!"

"I-Its Deku!" I waved up at the boy. Next to him was Kirishima, he had an arm extended towards us.... The real question was if he was going to go for the hand or stay and fight.

"What a pain...!"

"Come!" he shouted down to the two of us.

"You stupid or something?!" He shouted back at the group.

"What?!" Kirishima gave the other a grin, even down here we could see his sharp grin.

"You said you wanted a way out of here..."

Iida cut off my joke, "Bakugo, on my mark, create a blast--"

"You match my mark!"

Kirishima shouted over the wind, "Don't fight at a time like this!"

Bakugou's hands started to heat up. Before he took off he asked, "Are you going to swing up there?"

"...There's no way I possibly could.." I sighed, don't tell me I was going to be left behind. Left here to defend off of six villains. "Go off without me, I've got this."

"You're not going to hold back Allmight, hold on." Pulling on my arm, I clung to him like a Koala, he made sure my legs were high up onto his torso. I wrapped my watches around our torsos, just for extra precaution. His hands heated up and we were blasting off into space.

I internally cried as we went higher and higher. I could tell he was using more blast power to reach Kirishima and the others. I felt a little bad for holding him down a little--he couldn't care less.

"You guys are crazy!" Bakugou managed to hold onto Kirishima's arm, they were locked and loaded. His other hand was secured under my legs. My knuckles were turning white with how hard I was holding on.

I can't believe it.

We were finally free.

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