The exam was hell.
I'm never doing it again, 10/10 would fucking cry again.
I had to restrain myself as Aizawa handed me my little licensing card, but I didn't want to get whacked into a new universe.... Remember I kinda live with this fucker now. I kinda snickered at the fact that both Todoroki nor Bakugou didn't get their license, but that didn't stop Todoroki from coming to me and seeking comfort. I immediately b-lined towards my bed, I don't care if it was 6 pm. After the day I had, I want to sleep until tomorrow—
"Y/N.....Y/N--" I felt somebody shake my shoulders, but I kinda just shrugged it off. "We should just leave her--"
"Wake up shitface!" I was violently yanked out of bed. My covers were thrown off and I hit my head on the floor. Honestly, I was surprised that he swore at me... ironic isn't it since I swear.
"Kacchan! You're going to give them another concussion!"
"No, actually that hurt." I was coming to my senses, I looked up at both Bakugou and Deku standing over me. I checked my alarm clock, 1 PM. "what are you guys even doing here?—I'm tired."
"Hurry up, I'm not going to explain this to you either. Get up, we need to have a conversation about your quirk..." Bakugou explained, but in a way, he wasn't truly explaining. My quirk...or Deku's quirk?
I didn't say much—I never do—, but I followed the two guys outside. At first, I was afraid for my safety--I mean come on. You're with two highschoolers past lights out, for all, I know this could be a trick--
"Kacchan... Kacchan! How far are we going?" Deku must've had somewhat of the same idea. "We shouldn't be walking around in the middle of the night like this."
"You followed this maniac (not stray kids) out here without knowing his true intent?!!" I shouted at him, and he apologized repeatedly.
"Well, I--"
"And then dragged ME with you???"
"I needed support and Todoroki is kinda scary when he's awakened--"
We stopped while being surrounded by a bunch of buildings and then it clicked for me what scene this was--aw man I'm going to get into so much trouble... Bakugou flares his nostrils at us. "Ever since the sludge villain---No, since All Might came to town Higher and higher until finally for the provisional license, you two passed, but I failed. What the hell?"
"Huh? That's not a matter of ability, but--"
"--Shut up and listen, damn scum!" Damn! I'm not even a part of this and I still got yelled at, forget this shit I'm going back home.
"Sorry, I'm going home" I slowly tried to back up— but I was flared down by the two of them.
"You've always made me sick and pissed me off. But that thing in Kamino helped me understand, kind of." Bakugou clenched his fists. "You've made what you borrowed on your own, huh? Here it comes. I've been thinking about it this whole time. You got it from —you know who—, didn't you? Your power. The boss villain, apparently could steal people's Quirks and give them to other people. It's hard to believe, but one of those old cat ladies lost her Quirk and can't work anymore. After you met him, you changed, and then he lost his power. What do you know who said after he beat the boss villain Next, it's your turn. Back then, you were the only one who took it differently. Thinking about how those Nomu scum had multiple Quirks, it seems pretty credible."

Timeless | Mha x reader
Fanfiction"Give me my fucking arm back!" Y/N shouted as their arm was now stuck in a laptop screen. No matter how much they tugged and pulled, punched and cried, the screen kept pulling them in. "Come on, come on, come on...." Suddenly the screen widened by t...