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   I couldn't sleep.

   I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm off edge, I'm nervous all the time. I'm more nervous than usual. My head hurts and I'm shaking, I couldn't focus on any of my assignments. I shrugged off most of my teammates when they tried to bring up a conversation with me.

   Even poor Uraraka tried her hardest to talk to me... What do I tell her? When I don't even know what's wrong with myself?

   I was walking with Deku down the unexpectedly large hallway. It is quiet, usually, Deku would stir up a conversation with me, he has so many questions about my quirk that I can't even answer.  We just exited class after Aizawa departed class. He told us about hero work studies and how we had to think long and hard about someone whom we would like to work with... unfortunately for me, I can't find my way out of this ... .Aizawa told me so.

   'Remember our talk we had back at the sports festival.' Aizawa told me before I left, 'Time is not a joke.'

   I shuttered.

   Sir NIghteye, here I come. Another shutter rippled through my body...The only one close to him is... Mirio and soon-to-be Deku. How do I always get stuck with the main character? Mirio pays regular visits to the agency run by Sir Nighteye, All Might's former sidekick. However, it appears that All Might and Sir Nighteye have parted ways. They no longer seem to be in contact with one another. I'm praying that Aizawa kept to his words and made them sit down together and come together for my sake at least.

   I don't want to become a hero, but if I do... at least someone else has to pull their weight.

   "Young Midoriya and Y/N? What are you doing here--?" All might ask as soon as we walked into the room. The other teachers were there waiting for other students to talk about work studies.

   "I WANT TO WORK WITH SIR NIGHTEYE. SIR!" Deku blurted out.

   'Way to go Deku...'

   "Wait, you want me to introduce you to Sir Nighteye for the work-study program?"

   "YES! Since he's one of the few heroes that have worked directly under you, it's a perfect fit!

   Midnight laughed at us, "Someone's energetic"

   "What about you, Y/N? I assume the same?"


   "Eraser head already informed me about your situation--" Almight hummed, 'If you knew, THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU ASK?!?!--' "So, Sir Nighteye. Who could have put that idea into your head? No, of course. You wanted to be proactive, so you called Gran Torino, didn't you?"

   "Yes, sir!" We cheered.

   "Well, I refuse."

   "WHAT?!" I shouted.

   Allmight held up his hands, "Calm down. I'm not saying that to punish you, though. I have three reasons. First up. I opposed work studies in a faculty meeting yesterday. I think first-years don't have to start them so early."

   "I agree." Thirteen agreed.

   Midnight snarled. "I say, we just support any hungry students who want to go the extra mile."

   "Reason two. You need to work on your shoot Style, Midoriya. Y/N, you're lacking behind in a lot of skills that you're lacking. Let's master that before you start doing extra hero work for you two.

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