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It's been a few days since I was kidnapped. It was a complete 180. Unlike the LOV, there was no TV here to watch the news.

I met chisaki on a few occasions but I never spoke to him. First he heavily 'detoxed' me the first few days I was here. It was weird.

He took my quirk when I first got here. I slowly gained it back but my body felt a lot lighter. A lot of strain was taken off my body.

Overhaul told me that it was like I was my relearning my quirk....he said it was much more manageable for both him and myself.

"I won't ever bring you out of this room. Don't get any ideas." I jumped. His assistant and Nemoto were bandaging up my arm. They just finished taking out five pints of blood. Chisaki flipped a tiny tube that held my vitals. "Try and be funny and I'll have Eri here turn you back into a four year old."

I shivered as he squinted at me. "Y...Yes, Sir."

"Good, I'm glad we're making progress. Soon I'll be able to take the chains off you and you'll be able to walk yourself."

They left, quickly in fact. Probably excited to play with extracting my body.

Not good at all...please UA rescue me already.

"Are we..related?" Eri asked as soon as it died down. She quickly jumped off her bed onto my own.

She's grown quite comfortable around me. Quickly latching onto me, at times she refused to leave the 'bedroom' without me.

She hasn't yet made physical contact with me other than brushing past my arms to stable herself.

"Do you want to be?" I asked.

"....Yes! We're like a big happy family!" She grinned proudly. "Y-You've been here for a long while and that means that we're family....thats how it works r-right?"

"Not exactly, but we can make our own family." I shook my chains.

I was tired. No scratch that I'm very tired.

I need a plan to escape, but how?

Time slowed down very quickly. I was starting to feel myself loose it. Being trapped here was agonizing. The only things keeping me sane was Eri.

While I was dying, she was just excited to have someone to talk to.

However I made some progress with Chisaki. First he unchained me, getting my feet to work was a miracle in itself.

Soon i was able to be moved from room to rooms. Along with Eri, we had our usual checkups every other day. We did everything together. We slept in the same room, played the same games and ate the same meals...well I didnt eat much.

I was too overwhelmed with everything going on.

I was threatened by chisaki. He constantly tried to pray information out of me. Everyday was an interrogation.

'How much do you know?'

'Nobody will come for you.'

'What's your plan?'

"Tell me now.

'I know much about your quirk. Tell me what you know or I'll leave you limbless.'

"They've forgotten you once, who says the won't forget you again?"

"...That's not true..." I responded to that one. I don't know why but that one irked me badly. They both stopped and looked me in the eyes. I avoided their gaze and looked toward the tiled floors.

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