I do not know the man in front of me.
I always imagine what would happen when I'm met again with my so-called father. That I would instantly regonize him.
However the man that's in front of me is someone not who I know.
The opposite was for him. His harsh eyes softened as they scanned me. His eyes, they looked as if they had a million thoughts per second. As quickly as he snapped out of it, he quickly regained his composure. It was actually kinda scary.
Half of my mouth was covered but yet he somehow spotted me?! My legs shook, this is impossible... Im such a coward for being terrified. So what if hes my 'father'? This is all fiction! This isnt real and neither is he...
Then why cant i help but feel so strongly about him?
I suddenly felt a gush of wind--i looked up to see him in front of me. His hand moving quickly to my face.
I screached.
Izuku gripped my shoulder, pulling me away, "Go! Take care of Katsuma and Mahoro!"
I nodded and quickly scooped up the smaller children, they cried for Deku as i slowly and carefully made my exit with them.
My cheeks beated red. God damn this is so emberassing.
'Good job Y/N on being a so-called hero..'
Shoji was quick to notice my struggle and quickly took the girl out of my arms, helping me move. The beach was huge and Toji slowled down to my speed--which wasnt really fast. We were only a few feet away before I stopped and looked back at the beach. There was sand flying everywhere and you could faintly hear their voices.t
"Do you think...we should go back and help them out?" I asked.
"If you feel like you should go back," he started, "You can count on me to keep the children safe....dont push yourself Y/n."
I bit my lip, debating.
"You have to make the decision now, we cant stop here--" He told me as Deku continued screaming for us to get out of here.
On one hand, i felt like i was obligated to fight. I missed out on saving Deku and Eri from overhaul and Bakugou from Dabi...there were little things like complaining about the course, not really taking it serious. No matter how many hours i put into training, i was never ready. I could feel their glares on me, i could smell their disgust with me. How their eyes called me privileged and spoiled. That i could do whatever i wanted because my mother was a pro hero and i had a better quirk then both bakugou and todoroki combined.
On the other hand, im scared. I miss my mom, i miss how simple my life was before i even sucked into this place.
"Seriously, Y/n. Dont push yourself." He ushered me."Bakugou and deku have it. The rest of the class already evacuated."
"Ill go."
"Wait what?"
"Keep an eye on them."
I pushed off quickly, leaving him to wrangle two small children. Hequickly, but not fast enough to harm the children, hobbled down. It was going to take him a long time to reach the safety destination.
My boots were covered with sticky sand. The once sunny weather shifted to rain. Heavy rain and wind, it was hard to see, hear and fuck, even think.
I finally pushed through the group and ended up standing next to bakugou.

Timeless | Mha x reader
Fanfiction"Give me my fucking arm back!" Y/N shouted as their arm was now stuck in a laptop screen. No matter how much they tugged and pulled, punched and cried, the screen kept pulling them in. "Come on, come on, come on...." Suddenly the screen widened by t...