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   The meeting dragged along with a dud. No matter what, Rock Lock always had some shit to say about us and how we were incapable of handling such a big responsibility.

   However I didn't blame him. He himself had a wife and newborn at home. I only imagined he thought of them while looking at us.

   I snapped back to the conversation only when Aizawa asked a very important question. "Excuse me. I've got a question. I don't know the specifics of your Quirk, Nighteye. Feel free to correct. But from what I've heard of it, your Quirk, Foresight allows you to see into the future. So why not use it on us."

   "That's logical, right? I'm sorry. But I cannot." Sir Nighteye scowled. "My Foresight has some limitations. I need a full hours between activations. That means I get one person, and then I'm spent for the rest of the day. Additionally, the future is played in my mind like a flashback." He made weird gestures with his hands. "Think of it like viewing a filmstrip. For one hour, I have the power to watch a person's life as a movie. The issue is, everything I see is from a tight perspective on the person in question. This severely limits my capacity to interpret context. That should still provide more than enough information to be useful, don't you think?"

   "And it doesn't explain why you can't do it."

   "What if I saw imminent death in your near future. Worse... What if it were a cruel, merciless demise?"

   The room quickly fell silent. Nobody likes the truth, but get angry at the lies—

   "What about, Y/N?"

   "Excuse me?" I asked. Fatgum quickly shifted the rooms attention onto me.

   "Not to throw you under the bridge kiddo, I barely know you or your quirk but isn't it somewhat like Sir Nighteyes?" He pointed between us. "Thats why you were assigned to work with him, huh? Why don't you use your quirk to grab chisaki right by his mask and drag him into custody?!"

   I awkwardly cleared my throat, "W-Well... it uh. I can kinda stop time with this pocket watch I carry around—ignore that it looks kinda roughed up. I can only now stop time for a couple of minutes at a time. And even at that it moves in a very slow motion. Uhhh and I've never practiced bringing anyone with me on these trips before. Also, I have no idea where Chisaki could be anyways."

    "So what you're saying is that it was stupid to even ask you that question."

    Sir Nighteye shushed Rock Lock, "They're still students. They all actually have a very important roll to fill today."

   I listened carefully before we all exited the room. I hung back as the rest of my classmates left with determination. I've never seen them like it before. I watched the hero's, the big to the small, all try and help out this small girl.

   The next weeks were stressful. We here at the agency tried our hardest to track down Chisakis location. All while trying to keep our grades up.

   It was a constant back and forth.

   To school, our agency, back to the dorms. To school, the agency and the dorms. We rarely got to see the rest of our classmates with how swept we were all. Even when we did come home, we all instant crashed. There were days when we were given free time...but how could I rest when Eri was still out there?

   Still suffering, still alone?

   "Y/n?" Izuku called out to me. He was about to open the subway gates to exit. He usually opened them for me, he's so nice. "Is everything okay?"

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