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Dear Readers,

This isn't, technically, my first authors note but it's the first one I've done like this. The purpose for it is basically to tell my readers that I'm not sure how Hell And High Water is doing. Things, meaning ideas and plot, seem to be coming along quite slowly for me compared to how they did in the begining. I will have an update soon, since I'm working on a new section, but after that, I can't be sure what's going to happen. As of now, the outcast seems a little cloudy and this Percico story could either flourish, or fall. To be honest, even I don't know. All I am asking is that I, as well as my fic, be handled with care and patience. I know that sounds ridiculously cheesy but that just goes to prove that I'm having a hard time with my words. I hope you've been enjoying the story so far and stick around to find out what's going to happen next, if anything. Please keep an eye out for my next update and maybe even another authors note telling whether or not I plan on continuing. Once again thanks to my followers and all my readers.

Sincerely(meaning with lots of love),

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