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{Hey, guys. I apologize for taking so long to update; it's been a little bonkers for me with graduation and such. But, I finally finished the section and have it updated so, please enjoy. I also want to say sorry about the fact that it's so long...}

The son of Poseidon didn't come to again until the following morning. Right away, he noticed that things among the five demigods seemed pretty somber, although he wasn't sure why. It was almost as if a dark fog had covered the teens and both sides of their suite were dead silent. And, despite how clearly awkward they were all feeling, not much changed in the following days.
It took Percy a number of those silent and somber days to ask exactly what happened, since he had no clue, and there wasn't anyone who really wanted to tell him. He tried to remember for himself but his memories of that evening were blurry and confusing at best. He remembered talking to Typhon and Manti and he remembered leaving with Leo, after that he recalled the loud banging ringing through the air. But, from that point on, Percy's mind was blank.
Percy was feeling more confused than he had been in a long time and none of his old 'friends' were really helping. He went to all of them, looking for someone to pity him, to feel for him and tell what happened, but no one did. He managed to get Hazel to say a few things, but it wasn't nearly enough to enlighten him. She just told him to give it time and he would learn everything.
So Percy gave it time.

Percy had waited for quite a few days to ask the first time and he waited about as many to ask again. This time, though, he was determined to find the answer.
The son of Poseidon approached Hazel in silence. "Hazel?"
Hazel hummed a 'what'.
Percy cleared his throat despite there being nothing blocking it. He took a deep breath and thought for a few seconds about reconsidering his decision to ask again. He did, however, keep going. That was mainly because Hazel didn't look too pleased to be interrupted for, seemingly, no reason. Percy swallowed hard. "What- Can you, possibly, tell me what happened now?"
Hazel fought the urge to roll her her eyes as she turned the page of her book and shook her head. She read on in silence for a second before looking over the top of the book and speaking again. "You'll find out soon enough."
Percy silenced for a moment as Hazel read a bit further and waited for something more. When he was met with yet more silence, he grew annoyed and angry and said "I've waited long enough, Hazel. I think I deserve to know what I possibly messed up in that restaurant." A hotter anger was begining to boil but the son of Poseidon fought it back.
Hazel shook her head gently at Percy with a slight frown playing on her features. "You'll find-"
"Don't give me that shit, Hazel!" Percys anger, to say the least, had boiled over.
Hazel gently placed her book on the bed. She hadn't known how worked up about the whole thing the son of Poseidon had been until that moment and she wasn't too happy with how he showed it. His slight outburst made Hazel want to both feel sorry for Percy and scold him for losing his temper with her.
The daughter of Hades took a second to breathe before she spoke again. "You really wanna know?"
By that time, the other three demigods had come into the room and were staring back and forth between Percy and Hazel. The daughter of Hades didn't waste any time from the moment Percy nodded to begin filling him in. The others would say a few things now and again but Hazel was the one to do most of the explaining and Leo stayed totally silent.
Hazel told Percy that things had gone well until he refused the party offer, which wasn't hard to tell. But, he still kind of had things in his favor at that time. She also made it clear she believed he would have been able to get out just fine on his own if he would have just gone and not waited for Leo's help. The daughter of Hades stressed, over and over, that Leo made things even worse. He was right to try and get Percy out but he went about it in a terrible manner that ended in him getting shot. Leo gave a mumble of a comment that earned him a glare from both Nico and Frank. They were the only ones who heard that he was kind of blaming it on Percy because he didn't really know what he was doing. Despite the fact Hazel hadn't heard the words, she still looked straight at Leo and scolded him for his stupidity and somewhat her own, too.
"Why did we ever choose to bring you with us? You're so impulsive. You always open your mouth and you have yet to learn that it gets you in trouble or, like this time, shot. If you would have just thought it through before you spoke, you would have been fine."
Hazel expected a silence but she should have known better. Leo always had to fight back and this time was no different. "If you wanted something specific done, maybe you should have gone in yourself. If you didn't want me to do things my way, maybe you should have actually told me what to do. But, no. You leave it up to me and then bitch because your not happy with how I handled things because I didn't do it your way."
Hazel stood from the bed and had every eye turned her way already. "Don't ever talk back to me, Valdez." Her voice was low and Percy was taken aback by the ferocity in it. "You're luckier than hell that we've let you stick around. Do you know how many times we've had people offer to take you off our hands for us? Do you have any clue how many nasty, low life guys want a teenager with a little bit of an attitude to keep them occupied? I could have made more money off your ass, quite literally, than I have in any hit I've ever taken. And these guys would have done me a favor. All you have done over the past three years is just cause problems. Why couldn't you, for once in your pathetic life, have just thought things through before you tried to pull them off?"
Leo had already stood and he took a slight step forward before he opened his mouth again. "This isn't my fau-"
"Sit down and shut up!"
Percy jumped a little at Hazel's tone but it wasn't enough to frighten Leo.
As usual, the son of Hephaestsus fought back. "I'm so sick and tired of you pushing me around like you've done for years. You are no better than me and you're seriously lucky I have just a little bit of respect for women or else I would-"
Leo couldn't even finish speaking before a very angry looking Frank was in his face pushing him back into his chair.
"I swear to all the gods, you stupid, little, Pyro maniac bitch, if you speak to her like that ever again, I will rip you damned head off with my bare hands and shit down your pathetic little neck. Sit your ass down."
Leo gritted his teeth and took a second but he did sit. Percy was left wide eyed in surprise at the son of Ares words and he had a feeling the demigod was only exaggerating by a little bit. Frank sat back down but never took his angry eyes from the son of Hephaestsus.
Things cooled off quickly and Hazel went back to telling Percy what happened. She turned back to him and informed the son of Poseidon that their escape was a 'well organized mess', and that both demigods were lucky to have made it out alive. From there, Hazel went into detail with what she saw happen and Frank cleared things up as much as he could. She shook her head and scoffed plenty throughout the whole thing. Frank did the same although he was the one to do the glaring at Leo, and there was plenty of that. Together, they managed to tell Percy that Leo had been shot in the back, but in his vest, and that the five demigods had suffered a loss. Percy was confused until he saw the look on Nicos face. Seeing the expression Nico held made him not need to ask anything. He knew that the son of Hades was the one who had really lost something. Percy knew, right away, that Charon was gone. That he had been the loss. That he had been a casualty. Percy silently conveyed his apologies and graditude and Nico nodded in comprehension.
In time, Hazel managed to inform Percy that she had recieved a fair share of phone calls and voice messages from Typhon alone, the Manticore alone, and the two together telling her they knew what was going on. They knew who Percy was, they knew who 'Persephone' was, they knew who 'the big guy' was, they knew everything. Percy understood how dangerous things were to begin with and he also knew that they had just gotten worse.
It took a couple of hours, but Hazel, Frank, and Nico managed to fill Percy in on most everything. He felt a little overwhelmed by all of it but soon came to accept it and hoped, one day, he would be able to forget it. After all, he still had his whole life ahead of him and he didn't want this weighing on his sholders forever.
It was pretty late that night by the time Percy was finally content with all he had been told and was ready to go to bed. He still felt a little tense but he tried to sleep anyway. Tried, and failed. Very early the next morning, Percy found himself sitting awake, with tears once again threatening to fall from his eyes. They didn't threaten for long, though, before he let out a muffled sob and one fell. He hated that his only defense mechanism at the moment was to cry, but he felt he didn't have anything else he could do. His anger, confusion, and fear were so overwhelming that he was barely able to think. Another sob escaped his lips and a few tears coated his skin. Little did the son of Poseidon know, his sobbing had woken the younger demigod sleeping in the bed next to his own.
Nico sat up slowly. "Percy?"
The son of Poseidon jerked his head to look at Nico.
"A-are you okay?"
Percy sniffled and shook his head.
The younger sighed and tried to think like a normal person would. His instinct was to say 'get over it' but his instincts weren't what Percy needed at the moment. Instead, Nico cleared his throat and spoke softly. "Is there anything I can do?"
Percy wiped his eyes and looked at the wall before he took a deep breath and shifted his gaze to the boy on the bed next to his own. He thought for a second if there was anything that could be done, and was only able to come up with one thing. When Percy spoke, he did so in a whispered tone. "Kiss me."
Nico squinted his eyes and questioned the elder with a "What?".
Percy hesitated, giving himself a second to think, before he repeated the two word sentence a little louder than before. He was absolutely sure Nico had heard him clearly that time.
The son of Hades let his mouth hang agape for a second. "Are you serious?"
Percy nodded and looked a little deeper into the dark eyes of the boy on the bed beside his own. Nico shifted uncomfortably under Percys gaze.
The son of Hades responded with a shake of his own head and a few soft words."Percy, I don't think that's the best of ideas. Right about now, I'm not sure where something so simple could lead me and-"
"I don't care."
Nico recoiled. He was a little shocked to begin with but this floored him. "What?"
The son of Poseidon kept his voice totally steady despite his pounding heart and spinning head. "I don't care where it leads you. I'm ready for whatever it is."
"Percy," Nico studdered out "this is kind of a serious thing to commit to, you know that, right?"
Percy nodded. His thoughts were pushing words out of his mouth and the words made him shiver. "I don't care. At this point, everything seems so messed up I don't think doing that could screw up anything more than it already is. I'm curious. I want to know. I couldn't care less what happens. Nico, I need this..."
Nico swallowed hard. He could feel a ball forming in his stomach and a rush of excitement spreading through his entire body. The slight bit of a conscience the younger demigod had was telling him the whole thing was a very bad idea and that he should walk away when he still had the chance, but his body was tugging him toward what Percy was saying.
Nico shook his head a little and tore his eyes from the older demigod. "Percy, I'm gonna give you another chance to reconsider before things even get started and end up out of cont-"
"I don't need to reconsider, Nico." Percy interrupted. "Kiss me. Right now."
Nico shook his head once again but was very quick to stand from his bed and rush Percy. He snaked his hand behind Percys neck and smashed their lips together in an already heated kiss, earning a lovely moan from the elder demigod. Nico kept letting his mind repeat Percys words. First it was 'kiss me', then it was 'I don't care', then 'I'm curious', and 'I want to know' and, finally, Nicos personal favorite, 'I need this'. Nico had always hoped this day would come but he didn't expect it to go down anything like this.
Percy kissed back slowly, seemingly afraid to do anything more. Nico tried to keep things easy but Percy was starting to agitate him. Half a minute into the kiss, Nico took his lips from Percy's and pushed the elder down on the bed before straddling his waste. The son of Poseidon looked at him with something in his eyes that Nico couldn't put a name to but he didn't try for too long.
"You really want this?"
Percy waited for a second before answering with a nod.
"Prove it."
Percy started to feel a little nervous at that point. He was the one who started the whole thing, wasn't that proof enough? He thought so. Yet, here Nico was, asking for proof. Percy let a thought come to his mind before he acted on it and leaned up toward the younger slowly. The son of Poseidon was still a little nervous and leary about the whole idea but there was little hesitation noticeable in his actions.
Percy placed his hand on Nicos surprisingly toned chest and attached their lips together gently. He expected Nico to take over and do something more but the younger stayed quite still over top of him, causing a slight agitation to grow. Percy, just wanting things to keep going, got a little more aggressive. He took Nicos bottom lip between his teeth and sucked on it like it was the sweetest piece of candy he had ever eaten. Nico let out a soft moan and pushed Percy back down harshly, getting the point.
The younger leaned down to whisper something in Percys ear.
"Now that you've gotten me started, I won't stop. Don't try to get me to, either. You asked for this, Percy. All I'm doing is obliging to your request. Just keep that in mind."
Percy nodded gently and even went to speak, only to have his words turn into moans when he felt the wet muscle that was Nicos tongue slide across his jawbone.
Percy let out a sigh of pleasure as he felt his heart beat quicken and a warmth spread over his entire body. Nico wrapped his hand around Percy's wrist and moved the olders fingers to the skin that hid beneath the fabric of his shirt. Once again, Nico leaned down to whisper something in Percys ear. "Touch me."
Percy managed a nod before his trembling fingers came into contact with Nicos torso. Despite the fact he knew quite well how muscular the younger was, Percy was surprised to feel bumps along his abdomen. He slid his fingers across them and counted each one, trying to distract himself from the, soon to be overwhelming, excitement growing inside himself. Nico continued to kiss all over his lips and neck and soon moved to Percys ear, which Percy didn't know was so sensitive. Nico licked across the back of it and felt Percys short finger nails start to dig into his stomach as a rise started to make itself known in the elders jeans.
Nico started making his way back down Percy's jaw line and neck before he came to a stop on the son of Poseidons collar bone. He kissed it gently, remembering he had been there before. He streaked his tongue through the indentation and felt Percy shudder slightly from the feeling.
The son of Hades placed another gentle kiss on the bone before he moved to the side a little so he could reach the older boys neck. He opened his mouth and blew hot breath on it before he scraped his teeth across it harshly, earning a throaty moan from Percy and a few half moon marks on his torso from the elders short finger nails. That feeling sent shivers down Nicos spine and he was sure he had waited long enough.
The younger demigod sat up and began to rid himself of his shirt before standing from the bed, seeing the rise in Percys jeans that was still growing. He knew very well that he had one to match. Nico slid his shirt all the way off and requested the same of Percy before laying back down on top of him so their bare skin touched. Nico grabbed Percys arms and snaked them around his own back so there would be nothing to get in his way. He put his own hands on the two sides of Percys face and deepened the kiss even more as he rung his own tongue around the older boys. Percy pushed back a little but the fight for dominance didn't last long before Nico completely took over and Percy left more finger nail marks on Nicos torso.
The younger took his hand from the side of Percys face and streaked his pointer finger down Percys chest gently, causing the older to moan quietly and arch his back.
Nico smirked and leaned down again. "You ready?"
Percy, with difficulty, shook his head. Nico didn't like that very much. He clicked his tongue a few times and smiled devilishly.
"I already told you I wasn't gonna stop once I got started, so I'm gonna keep on like you told me yes. Since I thought we already agreed on that."
The youngers voice was so low Percy didn't even think about trying to deny it further. This was it, and that was that. Nico looked directly into Percy eyes but saw only eyelids.
"Percy, open your eyes."
The son of Poseidon didn't need to be told twice. He lulled his eyes open and saw Nico smirking above him.
The younger licked his bottom lip slightly and leaned in yet again. "Don't be shy. I'm the best."
Percy wasn't sure what that meant or where the sudden streak of confidence came from and he hated to say that he liked it and it was probably the only reason he kept his eyes open.
Once Percy opened his eyes, Nico smiled lightly and kissed him. "I'm gonna grab something. When I come back, I want these gone." He tugged gently on Percys pajama pants.
Nico stood away from Percy and the older watched as he went to his bag. He never tore his eyes from the son of Hades as he started to undo the strings on his pants. He wasn't sure why he was actually doing it, but he did know he didn't want to stop. Nico grabbed something from his bag as Percy stood to pull his pants to his ankles. Nico reached him just in time to bend down and slip them from around the elders feet.
The son of Hades stood back up again and looked deeply into Percys eyes, so deep Percy thought he could get lost looking back.
"Sit." Nico whispered darkly at the elder and Percy couldn't help but do exactly what he was told. The son of Hades placed something on the bed next to Percy before he leaned in to kiss the older demigod once again. Nico grabbed onto Percy's hands and trailed them to his own pants that were still tightly tied. He pulled their lips apart only long enough to whisper something once again.
"Take them off."
Percy hesitated as Nico resealed their lips but couldn't help make his trembling fingers undo the knot that kept Nico pants up. The younger smiled into Percys lips and slid the fabric from his legs once the string was untied. Before leaning close enough to kiss Percy again, Nico whispered something more to him.
"Scoot back and lay down. Make yourself comfortable cause you're gonna be like that for a while."
Percy moaned out from the words and the feeling of the younger pushing harshly on his chest. Nevertheless, he moved himself back far enough to plant his head on the pillow behind him and watched as Nico moved ever closer. The younger stopped himself above Percys waste band and stuck his tongue from between his lips, planting it on the skin. Percy moaned out contentedly. Nico licked back and forth between the olders hip bones and felt as Percys erection grew even more. Nico moved upward, his tongue streaking across Percy's skin.
Nico raised Percys hips and stripped the son of Poseidon completely naked. He moaned out when he saw Percys erection placed against his stomach. That's when Nico stood and slid off his own boxers. Percy saw what they hid and actually gagged.
Nico shot him a look. "What?"
"Do we really have to do this?"
Nico furrowed his brow. "We already went over this; I'm not stopping."
Percy shook his head. "Nico, I can't do this."
Nico made a sound that was something between and sigh and a growl. "I gave you plenty of time to say that earlier."
Percy closed his eyes tightly as he continued to shake his head from side to side. "Please don't make me do this."
The son of Hades took a step closer to the bed. "You started this Percy. Why are you saying now that you can't do it?"
Percys answer had only a tinge of anger and aggression in it while the rest was fear. "Because I'm not gay."
Nico closed his eyes and shook his head. He was angry that the older demigod was wasting time but the topic of conversation kind of killed what little bit of a mood there had been. "Percy, we've done things before. It's not like we've never touched. What we've done kind of hints toward you wanting this. What we've done kind of hints toward you being gay, even if you don't want to admit it."
The son of Poseidon looked away from Nico. "Are you saying... Are you saying I could be gay without even knowing it?
Nico shrugged. "You wouldn't be the first guy that's happened to."
Percy closed his eyes tightly again. "How can I find out?"
Nico scoffed. "Well, we've already gone through all the basics. There's really only one thing left."
Percy shot the son of Hades a dark look, but it quickly softened. "So... if we do this, and I don't, ya know, like it, what then?"
Nico shrugged. "Nothing. You'd just be a guy that gets his kicks wherever he can. From whoever he can. No matter what gender they are."
Percy didn't like the fact that Nico had made his sound like a player but he understood what the younger demigod meant. He enjoyed kissing Nico and he definitely enjoyed the other things they had done so, from what Nico was saying, it would be alright if Percy had a guy for just those reasons. So, even if he didn't like all of it, he could like, and get, some of it. But, he would never know unless he let the son of Hades do this.
Was it really worth it?
Percy thought about it for a second and came to a conclusion.
He gave the younger yet another nod.
Nico returned the action and told Percy to spread his legs. The son of Poseidon swallowed hard but complied. Nico climbed in between them and grabbed what he had placed on the bed earlier. Percy didn't know what it was but it was some kind of tube. Nico popped the cap and tipped it upside-down over Percy's bottom before he squeezed it a little. When the blue liquid flowed from the bottle and landed on the son of Poseidons body, he jumped a little but relaxed quickly. Nico dropped the bottle back onto the bed and looked at Percy before he started to rub the liquid around with his fingers.
Percy had never been touched like this before and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. But he did agree to this. He was in too deep to turn back now so he let it continue.
Once the lubrication, which Percy thought the liquid was, was spread over his enterence, he felt something push into him. He tensed and moved back a little.
"What is-" He couldn't keep talking on account of something being pushed in and out if his body.
"It's my finger. Just relax, Percy, please."
The son of Poseidon nodded as the movements continued. He could feel his body stretching and he definitely felt it when Nico added another finger, and the son of Hades could tell. Percy tensed again as the younger pushed both digits in and out of his body. Soon, though, he relaxed and moved to meet the fingers. He had never imagined something feeling like that in his life but it was bearable. Nico noticed the action and felt it was time to continue. He started to scissor his fingers to stretch Percys opening and ready it for what was coming soon. Percy moaned out from a mix of intense pain and insane pleasure. He had literally never felt anything like this before in his life and a very small part of him was happy he agreed to do this.
Nico pulled his fingers back out and Percy wined at the loss. The son of Hades popped the cap off the tube again and squeezed out more of the liquid before he spread in on his member. He closed it again and tossed it onto the floor before he lined up the head of his erection with Percy's enterence.
Percy wined out but nodded gently. Nico pushed the tip of his member in and Percy was already clawing at the sheets. The younger progressed slowly but stopped when a blood curdling holler left the olders lips. If Nico didn't know any better, he would have thought someone had shot Percy again.
That's what it felt like, though. Actually, it was worse. Percy was really wondering how anyone could ever find pleasure in this but there was no way he would tell Nico to stop. Well, actually, there was no way he could; he was already short on breath. He could even feel a tear streak down his cheek. Nico leaned foreward and kissed where the tear fell, all the while having Percys cries of pain fill his ear.
Once his screams had faded away, Nico pushed into Percy a little further. This time, he made it over half way before the older was arching his back and crying out in pain again. Nico sighed but never moved. He had started and he needed this, badly. He wasn't stopping entirely. Percy's yells faded again and that's when Nico went all in. Quite literally. He rolled his hips foreward and pushed himself all the way into Percys body as the older continued to shout.
Happy he had finally completed one thrust, Nico pulled out and kissed Percy gently on the chest before he did it again. This time it was all in one fluid motion. Percy yelled out again and all Nico did was latch his lips onto Percy's to silence him and try to keep his mind off the pain and get him to focus on the pleasure. He thrusted again and Percy tensed enough to sink his teeth into Nicos tongue. Nico didn't care, though; he actually kind of liked feeling pain during sex, even if it was just having his tongue bit.
Nico pulled out and slammed back in quickly enough to cause Percy to push their chests together by arching his back again. The older wrapped his arms around Nico and deepened the kiss they shared, making it sloppy and wet. Percy definitely felt that pleasure Nico had talked about before and it made him feel a way he had never felt in his life. He was begining to like what he was feeling. He was begining to want more. He was begining to need more.
With each thrust Nico made, Percy moved his body to meet it. They were practically bouncing off one another but Nico was hitting the very spot that both wanted hit. Nico took his lips from Percy's and thrusted much harder than he ever had before. Percy practically screamed this time and scratched at the little bit of back he could reach. Nico loved the way that felt and he responded with even harder and quicker thrusts into that same spot.
Instead of a holler with these thrusts, Nico was met with heavy moans. He knew Percy would get used to the speed of his movements soon so he kept going. With each thrust, Nico would move a little in search for a better angle to hit the older demigods sweet spot: he wanted to make sure this was as enjoyable and memorable for the son of Poseidon as it was for him.
Nico knew Percy was adjusting very well since he had actually fallen silent, save for small whimpers here and there. But, after a decent number of thrusts, that changed. Nico had found the perfect way to hit Percys prostate and the older let the son of Hades know it. He practically screamed out an "Oh, gods!" and slammed his sweaty head into the pillow behind him.
Nico moaned, which was something he never did in his position, just knowing that was Percys voice. But, he stopped moving. He wanted this to last.
"Nicooo" Percy whined out as his whole body throbbed with pain and pleasure and a need for more. The younger hadn't liked how whiney Percy had been in the beginning but this was something else. This was a whine Nico could get used to. At that, Nico thrusted back in, hard, and hit the olders prostate again. Percy felt like he was seeing stars. It had hurt at first but the pain had been completely replaced with a pleasure so intense that it couldn't be described with words, just needy moans and groans and shallow, barely there breaths.
Nico only made a few more thrusts into Percys prostate before the moans became less and the pressure in the body of both boys increased. Nico needed this to be as amazing as possible, for both of them. That being the case, Nico thrusted one more time before he grabbed onto Percy's leg and raised it into the air before it came to rest on his sholder. From there, he pulled back out and pushed himself in harder than before. Percy couldn't do anything but tense, toss his head back, and fist the sheets, his mouth open wide trying to make some sort of noise. The new position had allowed Nico to hit his prostate at a different angle and that made him sweaty, more so than he already was, and made a whole new degree of pleasure coarse through him.
Percy let out a heavy moan one of the times Nico thrusted and the younger responded with a groan of his own. It was definitely odd, since Nico wasn't one to make noise during sex, but this was Percy Jackson. That was probably the reason he could already feel himself nearing his end. That's when he wrapped his fingers around Percy's member and listened to him moan again before he started pumping his hand. He started slow but sped up in an instant, flicking his wrist up and down quickly. His thrusts and pumps weren't in perfect time but he knew that would just add more to the entire experience for the demigod beneath him.
Very soon, Percy turned into a moaning mess and his breaths grew more shallow. His stomach muscles tightened with every breath and he knew he was close to his end. He was shocked by that, since he had lasted longer than he had during his first experience with the son of Hades. With one more tensing of his stomach, another hard, mind blowing thrust from the son of Hades, and another heavy, throaty moan, he came all over Nicos chest. The younger demigod continued to thrust into Percy until he himself came with a groan and even got another out of the son of Poseidon. He thrusted and pumped a few more times to ride out both their orgasms before he pulled out and flopped down next to the older demigod.
Both were very out of breath and Percys hair was plastered to his face with sweat.
"Well then..."
Percy nodded in agreement.
The son of Hades stood quickly and grabbed a box of tissues to lean off the both of them before he tossed it on the floor and flopped back onto the bed.
Nico looked at the older demigod. "How do you feel?"
Percy swallowed and managed to catch his breath a little before he spoke. "Amazing."
Nico chuckled through his heavy breathing. "Good. But, you'll hurt later."
Percy nodded. He had assumed as much and he didn't really care. The pleasure during was much more important than the pain after.
"Are you tired?"
Percy nodded again, his eyes already closing.
Nico gave him a half smile. "You should be. Sleep for a while, okay?"
Percy closed his eyes before he snuggled into Nico and let himself sleep. He was out before he even knew it.

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