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[I feel like kind of a dummy for even considering re-writing all of Hell And High Water. The idea was pretty ubsured, considering I have neither the time nor the energy to go back and re-do the entire thing. So, I apologize for the crazy authors note even bringing it up. I will continue to write what I've started until it's done with, hopefully, no more insane ideas like that.]

Nico had no idea what Hazel and Frank had told Percy but he didn't like how reclusive Percy had become in the days since then. The only person he was actually talking to was Leo and that made Nico beyond angry. After what Leo had said to Nico the day the others weren't there, the son of Hades hadn't trusted him and kind of wanted to pummel him into the pavement. But, since Leo was the only one not involved in all the stuff Hazel and Frank had told Percy, he was the only one the son of Poseidon was truly comfortable being around at the time.
Nico had continued working on the plan to rid he and Percy of the other three demigods if they needed to and was quite pleased with how things were coming together. He had to keep in mind that he technically didn't know them anymore and it shouldn't bother him one bit if they died, even by his hand. Knowing how dangerous things were at the time, Nico felt like he had to be prepared and keep an open mind about things. That meant that he had to continue to think they were dangerous but also consider the fact they might not be.
Hazel and Frank were keeping an eye on Percy, wanting to see things begin to unravel between Nico and the son of Poseidon. Hazel was concerned for her brother and would do whatever she could for him, even if he didn't believe she was who she was. So, if 'anything she could' included helping to get him with the guy he wanted, so be it.
But helping Nico get Percy would have to wait until a little later. Hazel even knew that. Her brother was the most important thing to her right now but Frank was next. Knowing Nico was as safe as he could be, she let herself focus on Frank's problem. The son of Ares had hired a guy to take his place in a weapons deal that was supposed to go down about two weeks ago but the dealer rescheduled because of a problem with collecting the merchandise in the first place. The guy Frank had hired skipped out when he heard this and Frank was left with no one. He would have used Leo if the son of Hephaestsus would have been able to keep his cool long enough to actually pull off the job. But, having that not be the case, Frank was left with very few options.
There was no way Frank was doing it himself and he didn't know very many people who would be capable. He considered Nico but Hazel said no before her half-brothers name could even fully leave Franks lips. Nico would not have been able to get away without being recognized and the guy Frank was dealing with knew what every inch of the son of Hades looked like.
Hazel might have disagreed with Nico doing it because it would hit too close to home, but Frank was sure Percy would be able to go through with it with no one knowing who he was. And there was no reason for Hazel to fight the idea. So there was no reason for him not to bring it up.
The conversation had already been started. Leo was there, too, but only because they didn't need him saying something stupid to Nico or Percy before Hazel and Frank were ready for them to know. During all this, Percy was sleeping and Nico was working away at his plan for the other three demigods. They were sure neither of the two boys would have heard.
"Are you sure we can't use Nico?" Frank questioned.
Hazel shook her head. "No. We're not using him when he's so well known. You know what went on, you heard the stories, do you really think it's the best idea to send Nico out, face to face, with this guy?"
Frank sighed. He had a plan all set up already. He wouldn't tell Nico who he would be dealing with and the son of Hades would find out on his own. Considering their past, Frank figured one of them would end up dead. Considering it was Nico who had been left, Frank was able to figure the son of Hades would have gotten away unscathed but with blood on his hands. And, after all that, he wouldn't have to worry one bit about paying for this shipment because there wouldn't be anyone left to pay...
But Hazel said no and Hazel wore the pants in their relationship. So, it would have to be Percy. And when Percy was gone, Hazel would tell Nico what was going on. That was what they both knew had to happen. But neither wanted to bring up using the son of Poseidon. No one except Leo.
"If Frank can't do it, and Hazel won't let Nico, neither of you will let me, we only have one choice."
Frank responded quickly. "Okay, first of all, don't say 'we'. The only reason you're even involved is because you have a big mouth. Secondly, Hazel and I will decide when we have only one choice. Just because you're here, doesn't mean we want your input. Got it?"
"He's right" Hazel said quietly once Frank finished his rant.
The son of Hephaestsus was taken aback. "What?"
"We do only have one choice. And both of us know what that is."
Right away, Leo piped up happily and said "Percy Jackson, ladies and gentlemen." ... Not like the other two didn't already know that, though.
"I swear to all the gods, Hazel," Frank said right away "if he opens his mouth again I'm gonna send his teeth into his throat and make him choke on them."
Hazel nodded, feeling about the same, and shot a disapproving look toward the son of Hephaestsus. And that was his cue to calm down a bit. But both still knew he was right. It was only a matter of time before Frank chose to admit it like Hazel had.
Things were silent for a moment until Frank spoke up. "Are you really gonna send Percy out?"
Hazel hesitated and nodded.
Gods, did Frank hate that idea. "Hazel, this guy is no joke. He can tell a fake from a mile away, you know that. If Percy gets one word wrong, he's dead. If he accidentally brings up Nico, he's dead. If he takes too long, or short, of a time to answer a question, he's dead." Frank shook his head. "It's too dangerous."
Hazel put her hand up and Frank quieted quickly "That's enough," she said softly. "I see the danger, but I also see the need for this to be done. Percy will have to do it."
Frank let out an exasperated sigh and tossed his arms into the air. He wouldn't have cared one bit about this if it wasn't himself who would lose his head if the whole thing turned out badly. He shook his head.
"Come eleven o'clock tonight, you'll take Percy out. Leave Leo and I here with Nico and we'll tell him everything. You're only job is to get Percy through the whole thing, get those weapons, and find out where Typhon and the Manticore are. All the tech is in the trunk still. I suggest you spend the rest of the evening preparing Percy." Hazel left their side of the suite.
Leo chuckled darkly. He loved the idea of putting Percy in danger. He didn't hate the son of Poseidon, by any means, but he did hate the fact that Percy had been the center of everyone's world since forever. Especially Nicos.
Frank went into Nico and Percys side of the suite and looked at the two. He tapped Percy on the sholder and motioned for the son of Poseidon to follow him out of the hotel room.
"What's going on?"
Frank took a few more steps before speaking. "I'm gonna need some help with something. And I want you to help me with it."
Percy was not liking the way Frank spoke. It made this 'something' seem really sketchy. "What is it?"
He shook his head gently."You get to pose as me." He sounded like he felt Percy should be honored. But he had done that on purpose. He couldn't let Percy see how much this bothered him because it would then, no doubt, bother Percy even more.
Contrary to the way Frank made things seem, honor was far from what Percy was feeling. "Why do I feel like that's going to be really dangerous."
Frank nodded gently. "Probably because it will be."
"Whatever this is, Frank, I don't wanna do it."
Frank chuckled, now beginning to accept everything and not care about the danger. "That's the thing, Percy. I don't care."
Percy made a face, not appreciating Frank's lack of compassion for the son of Poseidons lack of knowledge. Frank led Percy all the way out of the hotel and to the car the three demigods shared. He popped open the trunk and watched as Percy's eyes widened and his face paled. The entire trunk was filled with notebokls, wires, electronic boxes, knives, guns, and explosives. Frank chuckled deeply at Percys reaction.
"This is my arsenal. These are my tools. Welcome to my world."
Even not knowing what exactly was going on, Percy was scared. If Frank's world included so many guns and bombs, Percy didn't want a part in it. But something told him he had just been tossed into it head first.
Frank bagged up everything he knew and figured he a would need and had Percy help him carry it all into the hotel. They got a few stares from people but Frank didn't even notice them. Percy was worried about what they might be thinking; after all, he was carrying a huge, black canvas bag. He knew without a doubt that people had seen enough movies to be able to make a guess about what was in the bag.
From the moment they entered the suite on, Frank was explaining a number of things to Percy. From how to use and reload automatic weapons to how far away from a bomb you need to be before you can safely set it off. Frank had to keep telling the son of Poseidon that all that information may not have come in handy but that he would be more at ease about the situation if Percy knew. Percy wasn't pleased with how the whole thing sounded, but he didn't have the guts to tell Frank he wouldn't do it. At the moment, he was feeling more afraid of the son of Ares than he was of Nico.
There was two things, above all, that Percy really wanted to know. And they were what will he be doing and when will it all happen. But he didn't want to interrupt Frank to ask. The son of Hephaestsus looked like he was really into talking through all of this stuff with Percy...
Frank stopped for a second before he began packing everything back into the bags. He felt like he had done a pretty good job of explaining everything and nodded his head pridefully. He had told Percy the only thing he got to carry in with him was a hand gun and Riptide but told him how to use the guns if he would need to for the deal. Although Frank did suggest strongly against it because he didn't want Percy's fingerprints all over the weapons if they were to be found. There wouldn't be many that Percy would need to bring back with him, just a few AK-47s, Franks favorite gun, a couple of Magnums, Hazel's favorite gun, and ammo for both. But, the dealer might require Percy to try them anyway.
After everything was put into the bags, Frank looked back at the blank faced son of Poseidon. He sighed. "What?"
Percy took a second. "When's all this gonna happen?"
Frank looked at the clock. "Eleven o'clock tonight."
Percys jaw dropped. He had less than three hours.
"I suggest you get some sleep before then." Frank dropped the bags onto the floor and walked into the bathroom.
Percy slowly got off the bed and walked into his side of the room. He went to the bathroom and stripped his shirt off before he crawled under his blankets. Nico saw him and wondered why Percy would be going to bed so soon. Then the fact that he had been with Frank for the last couple of hours entered his mind. He stood from his bed and stormed into the other side of the suite. Hazel followed behind him and Leo just chuckled.
"Frank Zhang! Where the hell are you!?"
The toilet flushed and Frank left the bathroom. "Calm down, killer. What do you want?"
"What did you do to Percy?"
Frank shrugged. "Who says I did anything to your boyfriend?"
Nico groweled at Frank for calling Percy his boyfriend but contained his anger at the son of Hephaestsus' stupidity. "Number one, he's not my boyfriend. Number two, he's been with you for the past few hours and now he looks pretty fucked up and is in bed."
Frank chuckled. "That's cause he's gonna need his sleep."
Nico groweled. Frank's comment emcompassed a number of possibilities. Possibilities Nico didn't like. "What the hell are you talking about?"
Frank opened his mouth to speak but Hazel shot him a look that screamed not to. Instead, she said something. "Don't worry about that right now, Nico. I'll explain everything later."
Hazel had expected that to work but Nico still shouted back. "No! You'll tell me now or I swear I'll make you all into maggot food!"
"Knock it off!" Hazel had kind of forgotten how bad Nico could get sometimes, but, gods, he was dramatic.
But Nico didn't think he was being dramatic. He was rather appalled that Hazel would speak like that to him. She may have been in charge of Frank and Leo but Nico was in charge of himself and wasn't about to let his half-sister boss him around like a child.
"Don't ever tell me to calm down ever again, got it? Now tell me what in all the gods names in going on!"
The room was quiet for a moment. No one spoke, making Nico even more angry. He really did hate not having his questions answered. Hazel led him from the room, telling him that he would find out exactly what was going on in decent time, as long as he kept his mouth shut and was patient. Patience was hard for Nico but he had a feeling Hazel would never tell him if he kept bugging her about it, so he didn't have much of a choice.
Nico never actually calmed down but his outburst of anger had tired him out and it only took a couple of his songs to lull him to sleep. After a shower and a few new ideas for his plan to get rid of the crew of three, that is. He fell asleep looking at Percy in his own bed. The son of Poseidon looked scared, even in his slumber, and Nico felt desperate to know what Frank had told him.

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