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A couple days had passed and Nico had done everything he could to plan out the hit. It was the most elaborate scheme he had ever come up with and it would be harder than hell to pull off. But, he was hopeful.
Percy had stayed out of his hair during the planning, thankfully. The son of Poseidon would usually just watch the cartoons that Nico couldn't stand and laugh at the dumbest jokes they told. As much as the shows annoyed Nico, he really liked Percys laugh. It wasn't a laugh, really, it was more of a giggle. But not an obnoxious girly kind of giggle. It was... cute. Oh gods, why was he even listening to it?
Nico was doing his best to keep Percy out of all the dirty stuff that was involved in his life. But, the deeper Nico got into the dirt, the further he pulled Percy. And Nico knew Percy deserved to know what was going on. The son of Hades had every intention of telling Percy what would happen when they got to San Francisco and found Herc. He assumed Percy would be ready, willing, and able to listen but he assumed wrong. He couldn't get the older boy to turn the t.v. off and pay attention. Nicos patience had been gone days ago and he was mostly just running off the fact that if he freaked out on Percy, there was really no telling what could happen.
Nico composed himself enough to slowly stand from the chair he was sitting in and block Percy from seeing the t.v. with his body. As soon as Percy was no longer able to see his stupid cartoon, this time it was the Power Puff Girls, he began to shout like a toddler for Nico to move. Nico didn't plan on moving, though, and he stood his ground.
Percy shouted and whined, he threw a pillow at Nico, and even stood from the bed to try and push him away. Nico was not in the mood to deal with Percy so when he stood in front of Nico, he got pushed back onto the bed harshly. Percy was surprised, truthfully, and pouted at the other male in front of him. All he gained, to his dismay, was a scoff and an eye roll from Nico.
"Your mean!"
"You threw a pillow at me and I'm mean? Seriously?"
Percy didn't say anything.
"Now that you're not being distracted by your stupid cartoons, I have a few things I would like to talk to you about."
Percy didn't want to know whatever it was Nico wanted to tell him. He didn't really care. All he knew, and, he figured, all he needed to know, was that Nico had made someone angry and now that someone wanted Percy for some reason. He was freaking out enough about that and really didn't need to add anything to it, but, of course, Nico had other plans.
"I want to tell you what's going to happen when we get to San Francisco."
"Wait what?"
"I haven't even gotten to the good part yet and you're already asking questions?" He shook his head. "Anyway, the first thing we're going to do is scope out the hits place for a few days and try to learn his routine. I would like the least amount of casualties as possible so we need to make sure no one else will be there on the day we plan. I say we because you will be with me the whole time."
Percy wanted to protest and a throw a huge 'No way!' out there but Nico wouldn't stop talking long enough for him to.
"I'm not gonna have you do anything, you're just gonna be there so I can make sure you don't get into a mess."
'Get into a mess?' Percy was speechless. He knew Nico was going to kill someone and Percy would rather be doing but talking about something like that. To Percy, killing someone was enough of a mess by itself.
"Percy, did you hear a word I just said?"
He had heard it, all right. Every word. "Are you crazy? There is no way you are getting me to do anything with this. I am not a murderer!"
"Well then you must be a fool because that's your only option right now and the fact you're fighting it makes you pretty stupid in my book."
Things had just escalated pretty quickly.
"I'm stupid? Who was the one that spent three years of their life getting into trouble and killing people?"
Nico was shocked that came up in the conversation. "Really? I did that to save your ass. The least you could have done was thank me accordingly."
Did he not remember Percy thanking him at least once every day?... "Thank you accordingly? What are you talking about? I have said thank you to you so many times, it's ridiculous."
"Yeah, and so are you ever since you came out of the Lotus!"
...That had kind of slipped...
"Then just send me back!"
"I'm not going to send you back! All I'm asking for is that you actually make it seem like you appreciate the fact that I spent three years of my life looking for you when no one else cared enough to!"
Percy scoffed a little. "What, do you want a round of applause? Or a trophy or something?"
Nico was growing more angry by the second. "No."
"Then what do you want?"
Nico hadn't gotten into a screaming fight like this since he left the Argo. It was nice, oddly enough. But, more than that, the fact that he was arguing with Percy... The son of Poseidon had a wild tongue and temper and it lit a spark within Nico. Another impulsive thought entered his mind. He had been getting them alot since he snatched Percy from the Lotus but this was the first one he had ever acted on. Before the thought sat in his mind long enough for him to process, it turned to words, rather soft words, and slipped from his mouth.
"Kiss me."
The son of Poseidon was utterly surprised, and confused, at Nicos words. "What?"
He may not have really meant to say it, but, he had thought it. So it must have been what he wanted. It didn't take a genius to figure that out, though. Knowing it was too late to take the words back, he said them again.
Percy was studdering. "Why?"
"As thanks."
Nico cut Percys words off with his own, knowing very well what he would say. "I know, I know. You've thanked me so many times for it. But, those words don't seem to be enough." Nico could hear his voice growing deeper and more grizzly. He couldn't help the feelings that were welling up.
"Are you serious?"
"I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't serious." Nico was going along with the fact that he might have been thinking with his little head. There was a real possibility he could get something out of this so he was going to try even if he failed.
Percy was silent so Nico took the liberty to keep talking. "I am going to kiss you. You will kiss me back. Either that or you will put up with me talking about you being an ungrateful pain in the ass for the rest of forever."
Percy was a little embarrassed at first but, it was just a kiss. How bad could one kiss be? It would probably just be a simple little peck and that's it. If that's what it took for Nico to stop talking about looking for Percy for three years and saving him from the Lotus then it was worth enduring.
"Is that all?" Percy was being sarcastic to try to calm himself.
Nico bit his tongue. He had already said more than needed saying. "Yes."
Percy thought for another second about if it was really worth it then said "Fine".
Nico looked unphased about it on the outside but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Percy was pretty close to the wall already so Nico approached him slowly to back him up into it. Percy looked to be pretty calm about the whole thing and Nico didn't know whether to be pleased or concerned. Percy took a few steps back so he was against the wall and Nico took a few steps foreward so he could reach Percy. Even if it meant nothing, Nico knew this day would go down in history as being the best day of his life.
When Percy was pinned against the wall and Nico was only about a foot from him, he had a thought he wished he wouldn't have. In a second, the distance between the two was closed and Nico scooped up Percys lips within his own. Percy yelped a little, expecting a peck and not the kind of kiss Nico was giving him.
Nico, however, was in Elysium. Percys lips were soft as silk and sweet as honey. But, as soon as the kiss started, it ended. Nico pulled away from Percy, feeling pretty stupid.
"I'm sorry. I don't know where that came from. I shouldn't have asked you to do that."
"Why not?" Where had that come from?
Percy was the one feeling stupid now. He found words to say even though they just made things... worse?
"It's what you wanted, right? It's what you've wanted for years. You had the chance. You took it."
Uhhhh... okay... "Are you defending my actions?"
Was he?... "I'm just saying that it's understandable."
Nico had another thought. A thought he shouldn't have had. But, he had been having those for a while so what the hell. There was a few seconds of silence before Nico spoke. "I'm going to kiss you again."
Percy said nothing.
Within the next few seconds of silently staring at each others eyes, Nico made the decision to close the gap once again. He wasn't disappointed.
The kiss started as the first had: slow and simple. Their mouths were closed but they were still moving their lips. Nico could feel Percy shake a little.
The son of Hades wanted so badly to take it further. He had been wanting this for five years and now he was getting it. Nothing could have made it better.
Nico didn't want to push things. He knew Percy wasn't gay and he was lucky to even be kissing him. But he couldn't help himself. He began to run his hands slowly up and down Percys sides before moved them rather quickly to the other boys hips and grabbed onto them tightly. Percy tensed but Nico wasn't done yet. He pushed Percy into the wall harshly. Percy let out a whimper and instantly felt really embarrassed. Nico, on the other hand, felt like he was floating through space.
That was it. Nico had been trying to control himself up until that point but he couldn't anymore. He left his hands on Percys hips and began to work with his mouth. Percys lips were still closed and Nico had seriously had enough of that. He began to nip at Percys bottom lip softly in hopes of getting him to open them.
It took a few awkward nibbles for Percy to understand what Nico wanted. He opened his mouth very slowly and Nico wasted no time getting to work. He pushed his tongue in forcefully and Percy yelped again at the feeling of Nicos tongue touching his own. Percy pulled his tongue back and all Nico did was brush his own across Percys bottom lip until he figured the boy was comfortable enough. Percy let out an airy moan at the tickling feeling it caused on his lip, and the butterflies it set loose into his stomach, and, almost without knowing it, he pushed his tongue into Nicos. Percy tensed up a little more and the butterflies turned into really feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Nicos thoughts began to run wild. He was wondering how far he could take this. He had opened his eyes and saw that Percys were closed and he wondered if the son of Poseidon was enjoying it. He wondered if Percy would let Nico touch him. He wondered if Percy would let Nico do more. That's when he pulled away. He knew that if he didn't, things were bound to get much much worse.
Silence filled the room and Nico slowly took his hand from Percys hip. He regretted doing what he did, but, at the same time, he didn't.
Without saying anything, Nico walked away from Percy and went to his bag.He grabbed clothes to sleep in and went to the bathroom to change.
Percy was left in the room alone, dazed and confused. He knew what had just happened but he hadn't really quite figured it out yet. He had allowed Nico to kiss him... twice. Why hadn't he stopped him the second time? That was seriously a question Percy couldn't answer.
Nico was having a hard time with what had just happened. He really shouldn't have asked that of Percy. He knew what was going to hapepen. And it had happened. Nico turned the water on for a shower, seeing as how he felt like a scum after pretty much taking advantage of Percy. Just because nothing had really happened didn't mean Nico couldn't feel like an ass for it. Granted, taking a shower couldn't get rid of feeling like a douche, but he had to do something.
Once he had scrubbed himself down, not without fixing the serious hard on that had formed, he turned the water off and dressed quickly. He was really ashamed for what he had done. He shook his head at his own reflection and brushed his teeth before heading back into the room.
Percy hadn't moved. He was still standing against the wall, staring out at the room. Nico shook his head and went to his bag again. He didn't really want to talk to Percy at the moment but the son of Poseidon looked like he didn't even know what planet he was on. Nico shook his head and said Percys name to grab his attention. He kind of hated the way he just rolled off his tongue after what he had just done. And to make matters worse, he had to say it again because Percy didn't seem to hear him. That time, though, the word sunk into Percys ears and he turned to look at the son of Hades.
"You should sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day."
Percy managed a nod before he grabbed his pajamas and headed for the bathroom. Nico let a huff of air escape his lips before he covered himself and turned his back to the bed Percy would be climbing into soon.
Percy changed and brushed his teeth. He considered sleeping in the tub again but it had made him ache the last time. He decided to just go out into the room and ignore Nico to the best of his ability. It wasn't hard considering he was already in bed. Percy tried not to look at him and just climbed into bed before turning the lamp off and curling up in the blankets.

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