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I decided last night to begin reading my own fic and I was, honestly, not very pleased with it. I have made the decision to go all the way to the introduction and begin re-writing Hell And High Water. Once again, I am asking for patience from the few readers I do still have. My goal in re-writing is to make the fic more appealing, help it to flow better, and hopefully make the whole story make more sense. I will do what I can with it and try to add at least one updated section a week, although I hope it'll only be every couple of days. I want to make Hell And High Water grab readers and keep them intruiged the whole story through.
I wish I would have taken more time in publishing the story to begin with and adding on each new section because I feel like it's kind of a stupid idea. I want to ask all of you what you think about the idea first, though, before I begin this endevour. So, please, let me know.

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