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Some words you might want to know as you read...
va bene-alright
guardami - look at me
ti voglio tanto male- I want you so bad
fanculo- fuck
rilassati -just relax

Nico ran his hands across Percy's torso under his shirt. The son of Poseidon shivered and whined softly at Nicos sensual touch. His finger tips were soft and gentle, calming and soothing, but they caused Percy to tense anyway.
Nico felt like he and Percy were the only two people in the world. He couldn't believe he was actually doing what he had been wanting to do for years. His hands were touching what they had longed to touch since the first time he had set his eyes on the son of Poseidon.
Nico caressed each bump in Percys abdomen carefully, almost as if to memorize what they felt like... and they felt amazing. The son of Poseidons muscles could only be described with one word: perfect. Nico had seen Percy without a shirt when he swam or after he showered and he gawked then but being able to touch Percy put Nico in a state of utter ecstasy.
Nico slipped the son of Poseidons shirt up slowly, running his fingers feather lightly across Percy's rib cage. Little did Nico know, Percy was very sensitive there. The son of Poseidon hadn't been too turned on by the contact until he felt Nico gently brush his fingers over the skin guarding his ribs. And that's when he gasped lightly. It was an intoxicating sound to the younger male and it pushed him to wanting even more.
"Can I take this all the way off?" Nico said huskily between sloppy kisses all over Percy's neck.
The son of Poseidon wined as Nico pressed his lips right to the spot below his ear and drew circles in Percys ribs with the pads of his thumbs. Percy managed a soft nod and felt Nico smile and let a soft moan of his own slip out. He slipped the son of Poseidons shirt off slowly, scraping his knuckles across Percy's hardened nipples purposely as he did so. Percy moaned a little at the tickling feeling he recieved from the sudden strange contact but he figured that feeling was nothing in comparison with what was coming next. Nico pulled away from Percy and sat him up a little so he could slip the shirt off before laying him back down gently and scooping Percy's lips into his own. He bit down softly on Percys bottom lip, causing them to separate so the younger could push his tongue into the olders warm cavern. Nico forced Percy to use his tongue and push the wet muscle into the son of Hades'. Nico ran his tongue over the roof of Percys mouth and then pulled back before moving to the olders jaw line. He laid his tongue there and licked from close to Percy's chin up to the sensitive spot below the son of Poseidons ear.
The son of Hades took a deep breath in through his nose. He felt a little dizzy once he had. Dizzy from just the way the son of Poseidon smelled. He smelled like fresh air. Fresh air kissed by a warm sun and accented with a slight tinge of salt. But not a sweaty salt. It was like what one would smell by the ocean. Nico had only been to the ocean once but it was the only thing he could compare Percy's scent to.
Once Nico refocused on Percys body rather than his scent, he placed a soft kiss on Percy's jaw line. It tickled... Not a bad kind of tickle, but a tickle that made Percy breath a little bit of a laugh. It didn't bother Nico, at all, and he continued to move his lips to reach Percys cheek. He laid them there, as well. No laughter or heavy breaths came from Percy that time but that was okay. It was an interesting reaction and Nico had found it slightly amusing but making Percy laugh wasn't what he had in mind with all of this. Nico went on and shifted his lips again before he stopped them on Percys, where he kissed the older and ran his teeth over his bottom lip. Percy had never known his lips were so sensitive but, feeling that, he did. It made the butterflies he already had in his stomach into acrobats.
Nico slowly trailed his lips to Percys neck and kissed him there lightly before sucking on the skin for a moment, not long enough for it to break and bruise, but enough to elicit a moan from the elder. Then Nico made a move on Percys collar bone. He licked the indentation, back and forth, a few times before looking at Percys closed eyes and smirking. Without thinking too much, he latched firmly onto the skin on Percys collar bone and sucked it between his lips and teeth. Percy moaned and Nico drew back, not wanting to mark the son of Poseidon just yet. From there, Nico moved to the middle of Percys toned chest and planted yet another kiss on the skin. Percy felt so overwhelmed from the feeling of Nicos lips that his heart pounded faster. He gripped his hands into the sheets before Nico leaned down and licked across one of the hardened nubs on Percys bare chest. The son of Poseidon sighed as his body errupted into goosebumps. Nico smiled, loving Percy's reaction, and repeated the action a few times until Percy relaxed a slight bit. Then he did something Percy had really not expected and didn't know how to handle. He clamped his teeth harshly onto the nub and Percy arched his back and moaned heavily. Nico pulled away from Percy's chest and kissed a line down the older boys torso until he reached the hem of Percys boxers that sat just above his jeans.
Nico pulled away from Percy, leaving his chest wide open before slipping off his own shirt; he felt the need to be just as bare as the son of Poseidon.
Percy watched as Nico rid himself on the fabric and was surprised to see a set of well toned abdominal muscles underneath it. He remembered when Nico had been a scrawny kid and now he was well built and even made Percy feel like he was a little lacking in the department of body muscle. Needless to say, even Percy could admit that the son of Hades had a very nice body...
Nico noticed Percy staring, and allowed his arousal to grow a little more, before he discarded the clothing and leaned closer to the boy on the bed. Nico hooked a finger into the hem of Percys jeans, feeling the son of Poseidons warm skin with his own cold fingers. Percy sighed at the feeling and curled his fingers into the bed sheets.
Nico leaned down again, so their bare chests caressed one anothers, and whispered hotly in Percy ear. "Can I take these off?"
That was the second piece of clothing Nico asked if he could remove and Percy didn't even consider saying no. He nodded his head gently and moaned when he felt Nico palm over his hard-on. It was honestly the first time Percy noticed it had formed and he was slightly embarrassed about it, but Nicos hand made him not care one single bit. Nico sat up on Percys legs and began to undo the button and zipper slowly, all the while watching Percy's face. Nico stood from Percy's body and slipped his jeans away from his waste. Percy moaned quietly as the denim pushed down on his growing erection while Nico slipped them down. Once the jeans were off of Percys waste, Nico stood away and pulled them all the way off and tossed them on the floor. Percy was now left in nothing but his boxers.
Nico looked the son of Poseidons body up and down. He was left in awe. Percy was perfect. Every inch of him was perfect. Nico spoke softly. "Fanculo." That was all Nico could say. He didn't say it in a different language to hide it, or for it to sound different and potentially seductive, he said it that way because when he was that wrapped up in something, his heritage kicked it. It wasn't his fault his natural language sounded so fantastic in the bedroom...
Percy understood very well what Nico had said, despite the fact he spoke in Italian. And there was something about the sound of the foreign curse that Percy really liked.
Nico spoke again, in Italian, and the words drove Percy crazy. They drove Nico crazy, too, and he hoped he hadn't gone too far with them.
"Ti voglio tanto male."
Never before had someone told Percy 'they wanted him so bad'...
Still standing, Nico bent down and laid a soft kiss on the still growing bulge in Percys boxers, feeling himself twitch in his own. Both were loving the way that felt and Percy let Nico know that by letting out a throaty moan. Nico smiled yet again.
The son of Hades stared at Percy for a second before climbing back over him again. Nico was pleased with what he had been given already but he needed more. He wanted to touch every part of Percy, especially the parts that were still covered. The son of Hades kissed Percy softly before sitting up on the older males thighs. He latched a finger onto Percy's boxers and started to pull them down. The boy beneath him squirmed a little at Nicos action, causing the fabric to slip from his fingers and pop back into place on Percys hips.
Nico felt both utterly turned on and slightly frightened by the reaction. "What's wrong, Percy?" His voice was low, like a growl, and Percy found it hard not to find something appealing about it. The son of Poseidon shook his head, not really being able to answer. And not really wanting to, either.
The son of Hades leaned in to kiss Percy again but stopped and pulled away quickly. "Oh shit." Nico pulled completely away from the older, so not a single part of their bodies were touching, knowing now why Percy had acted that way. Percy groaned at the loss of Nicos abnormal amount of body heat, but accomplished nothing from the noise. Nico just left the son of Poseidon with a hard-on, laying on the bed, causing him to continue to whine slightly at the loss of contact. "You're a virgin." It was more of a statement than a question asking if that was the truth, and Percy's blushing face made Nico knew he had hit the nail right on the head. "You are. You've never even had sex with Annabeth, have you? You've never even done anything at all, have you?"
Percy shook his head gently, his cheeks reddening even more, with eyes closed lazily.
Something about the fact that Percy was a virgin, like an all around virgin, made Nico even more excited. Yet, it also made him very nervous. But he didn't want Percy to see that side of him. Instead, he smiled. "That would explain why you seem so shy and awkward about all this."
Percys face just kept getting redder and redder. He knew he looked nervous, because, well, he was. He was nervous as hell. His first time ever really doing anything, with anybody else, and it was a guy. It was Nico Di'Angelo. But he didn't want Nico to stop. He didn't know what he wanted.
Nico knew he had to be patient. He knew, before the Lotus anyway, that Percy had been straight as straight could be. He had been in a relationship with a girl, and Nico, being a guy, was luckier than hell to have even gotten this far. So, he made Percy a deal. "It's okay, Percy." The son of Hades spoke very quietly, just loud enough for Percy to actually hear. "I'll go easy on you. Any time you wanna stop, just say so. Okay?"
Percy nodded shyly, eyes still closed. He didn't want Nico to stop. So far, he was enjoying himself. There was a small part of him, however, that wished he wasn't. That wished it was someone else. But it wasn't, so he was going to have to accept, and embrace, the fact that the closeness he had been longing for was coming from a guy.
Nico waited for Percy to open his eyes again before giving him a smile, a truly devious smile. Percy hated the fact he liked it and that it excited him even more. The son of Hades reached back down to Percy boxers, hoping to at least get them off the older and see what they hid before he was told to stop. He began to pull them down slowly, ever so slowly, and he looked back up at Percy. His face was sheet white but his cheeks were beat red. He wouldn't look at Nico; his eyes were closed and he was facing the ceiling.
"Guardami, Percy." Having Nico tell him to 'look at him' felt bad enough but having him say it in such a sexy language...
The boy below the son of Hades shifted his eyes to Nicos face, which held an expression he had never seen before. Ever.
Nico had decided that he wouldn't do anything without having permission first. Anything at all. He didn't care how awkward it may make things, he wanted Percy to know what he wanted to do. He wanted Percy to have a say in what happened, just as much, if not more, than he himself did. "Can I take these off?"
Percy couldn't make up his mind whether he liked the fact that Nico kept asking his permission or if it drove him crazy. Either way, he wasn't going to tell Nico to stop. He did like that he knew what was coming next, sort of. It took a little bit of the suspense out of the situation. He nodded.
The two never tore their eyes away from one another as Nico continued to, ever so gently, pull Percy's boxers down. He moved his hands very slowly as he removed the only piece of clothing that was keeping Percy from being totally naked. He forced himself to stay moving slowly, for Percys sake, even though he was desperate to reveal what was still hidden. Percy let out a sigh as the clothing was stripped of his body and Nico smiled, feeling like he had won the lottery even just seeing that part of Percy. Within seconds, Percy's boxers were completely pulled from his legs and discarded somewhere in the room.
Nico looked back at Percy, his own erection painfully throbbing, and now noticed how heavily the son of Poseidons chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. He knew he had already overwhelmed Percy. Nico gritted his teeth, hating the thought that just popped into head. He had Percy right where he wanted him and could do whatever he wanted to the son of Poseidon, but that wasn't the point.
He sighed gently. "Percy, anytime you wanna stop, just tell me. I don't wanna pressure you, va bene?"
Percy nodded gently, telling he understood. He gave no indication that he wanted Nico to stop, telling it was, indeed, okay like Nico had asked, although Percy had considered telling Nico to stop. He considered telling him he didn't like the way he was feeling, even though he did, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. Especially with the sexy sounding language Nico was speaking in.
Percy had never been in a situation like this and he was more nervous than he thought was humanly possible, but that didn't mean anything. He cleared his head and heard Nico speak yet again, in his low gravelly voice. The same voice Percy hated to find sexy, and yet did.
"Are you ready?"
Percy nodded and Nico shifted his eyes from Percy's face back down to the part of him Nico would be focusing on for the forseeable future. The younger situated himself between Percy's thighs before he reached out his hand, very gently, and ran his fingers up the length of Percys erection. Percy let out the heaviest moan Nico had ever heard and the son of Hades had to bite his lip to keep a similar noise from escaping from just the simple contact.
Nico took things slow to begin with, like he had promised. He gently wrapped his hand around Percy's body, being rewarded with yet another moan, and flicked his wrist just enough for his hand to move very lightly. The son of Poseidons moans continued to get louder and more frequent. Nico quickened his pace and, within just a few seconds, was adding pressure by gripping his hand just a little tighter. Percys head was thrown back into the pillow below him and his mind was buzzing. The fact that the intense pleasure he was feeling was caused by a guy was the least of his worries. His fear was the fact that it had been so long since he had felt that way that he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out very long. And that's when Nico did the unthinkable.
Percy could see nothing through his closed eye lids but he could feel Nicos hand slowly slide down his length and stop for a second before the son of Hades began the same action with his mouth. Percy let out a holler at the feeling of Nicos warm cavern surrounding that part of his body.
Nico hadn't asked Percy for his permission before he did that and he really hoped it would be alright, considering the fact that, now that he had started, he didn't want to stop.
Percy's mouth shot open from the pleasure coursing through his body starting from the point between his thighs. This was one of the best things he had ever experienced in his entire life. The pleasure was better than swimming, the ecstasy better than Lotus flowers. He knew very well what Nico was doing to him and, once again, it didn't matter one bit that this was another male. All that mattered was that he was in pleasure Elysium.
Nico lowered his head as far as he dared, mouth still closed tightly around Percy's length. He streaked his tongue along the undervein in Percys member, making the son of Poseidon errupt into, even more, goosebumps and moan heavily yet again. He thrusted his hips up and pushed himself further down the son of Hades throat.
Nico gagged slightly from the sudden pushing against his throat. The gag caused his muscles to tighten around the tip of Percys member. The son of Poseidon moaned again and pushed his head back into the pillows as Nico continued to use his lips and tongue, as well as his teeth (occasionally) to pleasure him beyond what he thought was possible.
And just when Percy thought the feeling couldn't get any better, it did. Nico sucked in his cheeks before bobbing his head again. Percy let out a holler at the feeling of Nicos cheeks pushing into his body. Nico forced himself to slow down a little, wanting to take his time and let both of them enjoy this. But, Percy had other plans. He thrust his hips upward, like he had during his dream, pushing himself down the son of Hades throat. He just wanted the amazing feeling to continue... Nico didn't choke that time, though, and instead lapped hungrily at the underside of Percys member with his tongue. Percy enjoyed that, too, but it wasn't quite as pleasurable, and Nico could tell. And the whole point of this was to make Percy feel as good as Nico was feeling.
That in mind, the son of Hades lowered his head again, and swallowed. His throat tightened around Percy's body again, but this time on purpose. The son of Poseidon moaned for the umpteenth time, sending vibrations through his body and into Nicos mouth, at the pleasure he was feeling.
Nico loved those noises and the feeling he himself got from them. So, longing to hear one of the sounds that might just push himself over the edge, he pulled back but stopped when his lips were positioned half way down Percy's member. He paused for a moment, drawing out the pleasure and causing Percy to thrust his hips up once again. It was pretty clear that the son of Poseidon wanted this as much as Nico did, and was enjoying it about that much, too. And that was saying something, since Nico wanted, and was enjoying, this more than anything. Thinking of that made Nico quickly decide to play a little more hard core with the male laying underneath him. Nico pulled his mouth back, but not totally off, and, as fast as he could, grabbed onto the older male and twisted his hand around Percy's body as he lowered his head again then removed his hand. In all honesty, he was surprised Percy had held out this long but was happy he had. After all, that meant he had more time to do what he wanted...
With his lips touching Percy's pelvis, Nico brought one of his hands to toy with the son of Poseidons body. Percy thrust his hips, again, forcing Nico to have to push them onto the bed, holding the older male still. That caused even more of a problem for Percy, as this was his first time doing this and it was already overwhelming. But being held in place was something he could barely handle.
Nico, who was usually pretty aggressive during things like this, was testing the waters himself. He would usually go out and make the guy a screaming little porn star within minutes by using any means necessary... which was usually his teeth, and he would get brutal. But since this was Percy he was pleasuring, he thought it better to slow down and take it easy, even if he had already started. But, when Nico did that, when he slowed his movements, losened his lips, and stopped using his tongue so much, Percy basically threw a temper tantrum. He wined madly and thrust his hips upwards repeatedly.
The son of Hades was still enjoying himself immensely but was begining to wonder when Percy would be done. He had lasted longer than any guy Nico had ever done this with and that alone was a shocker. When you couple that with the fact he was a virgin, it was crazy. But he was a demigod and they're harder to please, add that to the fact that he had been without any form of physical human contact for three years and you get this. And that's where Nico got his next brilliant idea.
The son of Hades kept himself still and let Percy do all the work with his hips. Nico loved the fact that Percy was taking the whole thing so well, mainly because that meant he would go as far as he wanted. As Percy continued to raise his hips into Nicos face, the son of Hades tightened his jaw and let his teeth rest gently on Percys member so they scraped against him as the son of Poseidon moved. After the teeth were added, yet again, but this time to his own work, it only took Percy a few moments to lose it and cum into Nicos mouth with a moan that would have made Hades himself get excited. Nico bobbed his head low again, smearing Percy's cum onto his own body, before swallowing and closing his throat around the tip of Percys member for the final time. He then pulled back, allowing the son of Poseidons body to slip limply from his lips.
Percy was still a panting mess, but Nico was smiling up a storm. If this is what it was going to be like to be with a demigod, to be with Percy, Nico knew he would never get bored. The only problem, now, was that Nico was still hard but he didn't want to ask Percy if he could do any more. He could deal with it himself, but that led him to another problem: he didn't want to leave the son of Poseidon in the room on his own after that. He knew that Hazel, Frank, and Leo were in the room right next door, and had no doubt heard everything, but they would do Percy no good. Nico knew he had to stick around, in the same room as Percy, for at least a little while longer, even if it was hell.
Nico laid himself down beside Percy, whose breath was now beginning to slow, and put his hands behind his head on top of the pillow. It only took Percy a couple of seconds to curl closer to the son of Hades' side. Nico allowed this to happen and even laid a soft kiss on Percy's temple before the son of Poseidon laid his head on Nicos chest and wrapped an arm around his bare torso.
Nico wasn't used to holding people, or even being physically close to them in any other way than sex, and it was quite odd for the son of Hades to allow someone to hold onto him, even after being intimate; he was really only used to closeness during the intimacy. But, he let the naked son of Poseidon keep him wrapped up and he even managed to sneak one of his own arms under Percy's waist after covering them up with a sheet. Nico stiffened a little when he felt Percy grip tightly onto his hip bone, but he relaxed, keeping in mind that it was normal and not every innocent touch had to lead to something sexual.
Things seemed to be going very well. Nico had managed not to take things too far, Percy had allowed everything that happened, and now the two were laying comfortably in each others arms.
Everything was as perfect as Nico thought it could be until he felt something wet on his chest. He repositioned himself a little so he could better see the male using him as a pillow.
"Percy, are you crying?"
The son of Poseidon shook his head.
Nico took the olders face within his hands, seeing the tears stream lightly down his cheeks. "Why are you crying?"
Percy took a deep breath. It was now his turn to smell Nico. He hated the fact it was somewhat intoxicating to him. The younger male smelled somewhat musty and a little smokey even, but neither scent was offensive. They were both pleasant and Percy thought they made Nico smell manly. For a second, Percy had forgotten why he was crying. Once he remembered, though, he shook his head again. He felt like if he told Nico, the son of Hades would be offended.
"Percy, you need to tell me these things. Please don't keep things from me. Don't keep things from me. Tell me everything, please." He wasn't really sure why he was begging, or even why he cared. But he was, and he did.
A muffled sob escaped Percy's lips. He forced himself to stop crying so he could talk. "I feel weird."
Nico sat up a little. "Why?"
Percy shook his head again.
"Percy tell me." Nico was getting angry. All he wanted was for Percy to talk to him.
"Never mind."
"Don't start with that. You need to tell me. I don't care." It was true. As descusting as it sounded, Nico had gotten what he wanted and could have lived with nothing more happening between the two. He wanted to, yes, but he felt satisfied. So, if he was the reason Percy felt weird, he needed to know.
A few seconds of silence passed. "I'm not gay."
Nico was shocked, and confused. "What does that have to do with anything...?"
"It seems to have everything to do with everything."
Nico shook his head. "I don't understand."
Percy wiped his face with his palm. He was begining to get sweaty and something inside of him felt odd, an excited kind of odd, and he figured it was because of what he was about to say. "You're a guy, I'm a guy, and that happened, and... I liked it."
Nicos eyes opened wide. ...Was that what this was about? But, still, the fact Percy admitted to liking it got his blood pumping.
"Percy, you don't have to be gay to enjoy something like that, if that's your point."
Percys hesitated yet again. "That is, and isn't, my point."
Nico cocked his head to the side. "Can you elaborate?"
Percy groaned quietly to himself, not wanting to talk about it but knowing he kind of needed to. "I not only enjoyed that, but... I want..."
Nico had a thought in his mind, and he just hoped it was the same thought Percy had in his mind. "You can tell me." He tried not to sound too excited.
Percy remembered back to what Hazel had told him. "What more do you want to do to me?"
It wasn't exactly what Nico had been thinking... "I don't think-"
"Just tell me." Percy interrupted.
Nico began to form an even more throbbing hard-on. There was only one word he could think of, and he whispered it softly in Percys ear. "Everything."
Percy closed his eyes as another tear rolled down his cheek but felt a million butterflies form in his stomach. Why he was crying, though, he had no clue. He remembered thinking he would never go as far as to even talk about this with Nico but the way the son of Hades made him feel earlier made him wonder. "Does it hurt?"
Nico was becoming quite hard. Painfully, to be honest. He never imagined having this conversation with Percy and now that he was, he wondered if he was dreaming. "Only for a little while, and then it feels good. Like really good. I promise."
Percy blushed bright red and nodded.
Nico smiled weakly, knowing if the conversation continued... He would end up showing Percy how it felt. "Why don't you go to sleep."
Percy nodded again, already drifting off, using the son of Hades' chest as a pillow. Nico soon followed suit, needing sleep just like Percy did. If he wasn't dreaming already, he wanted to be. He wanted to be so he could have Percy all to himself. All he wanted of him.

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