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The group walked on, the monk offered Jade a ride on the dragon horse but she refused.

Jade was admiring the scenery, she never seen such beauty. She walked with Sandy as he read a book, about beings having hearts. "According to the book demons don't have hearts."

Jade made sure he didn't bump his head as he looked up from the pages. He went to show the female, but she couldn't understand the writing.

"Sorry, I can't read this. I never learned to read in this language." He understood and turned to his master as Jade rushed ahead too Wukong. "Master, when we collect the scriptures will we have hearts as well?"

The monk got off the horse and answered his student. "You will have a heart the day you believe you have one."

They continued forward, Jade and the others walked up the steps while Wukong jumped over them. The monkey landed on a small moss covered statue. And the others just caught up with him as he jumped off again.

Jade was amazed at the temple they came up too, she never seen one and she looked around as two young spirits came to greet the travelers.

Jade was to busy to listen to what they were talking about. As everyone started going inside, Wukong snuck up on the woman to see why she looked like she has never seen a building like this.

"Why do you look like you've never seen a temple before?" Jade jumped at his hand? Paw? On her shoulder. "Don't sneak up on me like that, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

The mischievous male chuckled smugly at her, she had her hand to her chest trying to calm down. "As for the question, no I've never seen a temple before. Didn't have them where I'm from, but my grandmother she told me about the temples near where she lives."

The monkey got another idea for the girl. "Well, we should catch up with the others."

Jade yelped as she was picked up bridal style, and Wukong jumped on the roof. She clung to his red shirt as he did, he then leaped too the covered bridge the others were on.

"The master of this temple must be very wealthy." Pigsy tried to catch a dragon fly but failed, as Wukong used his back as a landing pad. He still had Jade in his grip, as he leaped onto a cloud and down to a small courtyard.

"Are you trying to kill me or be my friend? I can't tell with you giving me constant scares." Wukong chuckled at the woman's statement and let her down, she laughed a little and followed him deeper in the temple.

The two looked at the artifacts inside, and the monkey poked one for the small knick-knack to glow.

"Hey, you, you monkey you can't afford to break that!" One of the young spirits yelled at the monkey king. "Watch your tone. You can't afford to anger me."

Jade nearly laughed at how Wukong snarked back at the young man.

"Why, you..!" The spirit nearly attacked the monkey king but his friend stopped him and they left.

Jade couldn't hold back some of her laughter, and snickered at what just happened. "What's so funny?"

"I don't know, it's just how you told him off. You turned his words against him, and the way you said it." She walked over too the praying monk and looked out too the crystal water, smiling softly.

Wukong then came in front of the incense table and leaned on it. "They worship heaven and earth, but not the three pure ones. They're so arrogant."

Tang then interrupted the monkey's small moment. "Wukong, you're blocking my view."

Wukong scoffed and left to find Pigsy, Jade on the other hand went back too the courtyard and sat down on the steps.

When the monk finished he went to find Jade on the steps with her eyes closed.

She looked relaxed and like her problems disappeared with the wind that softly blew in her hair.

"Jade, I don't mean to interrupt you, but would you join me for some tea?" She looked too him and nodded, smiling like she's reliving a memory.

The two sat in a dinning hall and had some jasmine tea. "Wu-Jing told me you can't read."

She shook her head and put her cup down. "Not in this language, I can understand my own language but nothing here. I was supposed to learn but never got the chance to."

He nodded understanding her predicament, and asked her about her scar, not knowing that a certain monkey was listening. "My mother was from Chicago, a city where I'm from, and I know my father was from China. My mother Yue, you would've liked her, she was so kind and calm. She always taught me to treat others with kindness, no matter what. Unless they try to kill me."

She chuckled, at that and continued. "She said when I was a baby my older brother tried to kill me with a knife he found in the kitchen. But my father was sleeping with me in his arms, so being the brat he is, he slashed me across my nose instead. My father woke up and rushed me to a doctor fast as he could. My mother sent my brother too my grandfather so he could learn a lesson I still have this scar to this day."

The monk nodded and asked to touch her scar, Jade nodded and closed her eyes. Once Tang's fingers made contact, she flinched. The only one who would touch her scar was her mother.

"What was your mother's name?"

"Yue, and my father disappeared after I got my scar, so don't ask about him. Mom, never told me anything other then that about my father, even on her death bed. Her final wish was for me to shatter my necklace when the time is right." She opened her eyes and sighed, leaning into the back of her chair.

Jade picked up her tea and drank it, not knowing some edible treasure was stolen.

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