Red Rabbit

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The others looked too Jade as she sat down.

"You're a demon?" Pigsy asked her, she was still confused on what happened to her.

Jade looked at her hands to see them covered in bright red fur. Her moon pendent still rested on her chest, the only one of two ways they could recognize her.

"I don't know. I got mad and this happened." She was telling the truth, and the others knew it.

Her body then shrank and morphed back into her human state, Sandy being respectful grabbed a sheet from his basket and put it on her so her nude body wouldn't be seen. "Thanks."

Wukong then stepped forward, but was beat by a woman. The same woman she saved, and her daughter was right behind her.

"Thank you for saving me and my daughter. Come let's get you some new clothes before you leave." The woman ignored the younger female's declines but insisted, and her daughter lead the others too their home.

It was messy from the attack, but the mother lead Jade upstairs and the others waited for them outside. "I used to be a Shinobi. I would roam around and slay demons, but when I got married, I retired from that life."

The woman pulled out a box from a wardrobe, and opened it revealing an outfit.

"This is yours now. It will absorb into your skin when you transform, that way no one but, your husband, can see you nude."

Jade blushed again, at that thought. "I'm not married." The older women chuckled before helping Jade get dressed. (Pic above)

*Outside with the others*

"What's taking so long? We need to get going." Wukong was about to open the front door when Jade stepped out in her new outfit.

Red was the main color, but black leggings and fingerless gloves were decorating her arms and legs. Her waist had a gold sash around it, and her feet were bare.

The males stared at her, seeing her in clothes from her time were kinda weird, but it was kinda cool seeing her in these new garments.

"How do I look?" Pigsy answered before the others. "Like a goddess of lust."

That earned him a slap upside the head from Wukong. "You look great. Let's get going."

He wouldn't admit it but he was amazed with how she looked, he summoned a cloud. They each jumped on and flew to the base of Wu-Fu peak.

"It had to be stairs." Pigsy complained, and Jade rolled her eyes.

"Does he complain everytime there's stairs, or something?" She was sarcastic and serious about her question.

The group started climbing until they reached the temple. It looked abandoned, both inside and out.

Pigsy rushed to the offering table in front of a statue. He nearly spit out what he ate after he ate the old food. "This tribute is rotten, mountain deity, you should have more people bring it too you."

Wukong sat down with Fruitie (vital spirit) on his shoulder.

Jade stood next to him looking around for any life besides themselves. "Me and Jade will wait for him here. Pigsy, take Wu-Jing and look for him on the mountain."

Pigsy then scoffed and crossed his arms before sassing back. "I won't do it."

Jade joined in the conversation. "Would you just go?"

"I won't!" Wukong then started to slowly pull his staff out of his ear, scaring the pig. Pigsy ran over and started to push the gold staff back into Wukong's ear.

"Brother Monkey, there's no need for that." He then turned to Sandy and made sure he didn't make Wukong mad. "Let's go Wu-Jing!"

He started to march out of the temple and tripped along the way. But the two left anyway to look for the mountain deity.

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