Chapter Thirty - Five

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As Ariel headed to the back she grabbed her bag that contained the "equipment" she would need to take care of Andreas. "Hey babe, you ready" winked Andreas as Ariel walked out of the break room. Ariel nodded as she took the creep's arm and followed him out. "My car is just around the corner," said Andreas as Ariel swiftly grabbed Andreas by the shirt and injected him with her fast-acting venom poison. Within ten seconds Andreas was history

Ariel made sure to cover his mouth so he didn't draw any attention to what had just happened. After Ariel was in the clear she left her imprint on the body before running off to meet the others. While Alice was still inside being chatted up by Dimitri who was frankly as interesting as watching paint dry. "You know, I've wanted to kiss you ever since you came up to me earlier" flirted Alexandra aka Alice. "I do tend to have that effect on women" boasted Dimitri arrogantly. Alice rolled her eyes at the size of this man's ego and wondered how he managed to survive for so long without getting killed cuz surely he must have pissed someone off with that ego of his.

"Lexi did you hear me," asked Dimitri? "Huh, sorry I must have zoned out for a second," said Alice apologetically. "I was just asking if you'd like to come back to my place" winked Dimitri. This guy made Alice wanna hurl from all his boasting and massive superiority complex. It would be an absolute pleasure to dispose of this leech. The sooner the better as Alice followed Dimitri out of the bar and into the cool October night where death awaited this slime and Alice was more than happy to carry out her orders. Alice made sure that they were far enough away from everything before she carried out her orders. They made it to the middle of a dimly lit street before Alice stabbed him in the back...LITERALLY with her poison infused knife

Dimitri could scream as much as he liked but it was in vain cuz no one was coming to find him. He was filth and deserved to be treated as filth. Alice stabbed a rose with the initials BM carved into one of the petals in Dimitri's back before running off to join the others

"Now the real fun can begin" whispered Alice as she ran off into the night

Until next week
My lovelies

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