Chapter Thirty - Eight

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"So do you do music like Ellis," asked Alice as she grabbed her drink from Ruby. "No, I'm actually an art student at NYU" replied Emily as she showed Alice a bunch of her drawings on her phone. As Alice swiped through Emily's drawings she became more and more impressed with each passing one. "Emily, your drawings are incredible, they're so detailed and exact" exclaimed Alice as she passed the phone back to Emily. "thanks, I actually don't like to share my drawings with many people, it makes me feel self-conscious," said Emily as she looked down at her shoes

"Tell Alice about the graphic novel you two have been working on," said Ruby excitedly as she stole a piece of her brother's bagel. "For the past year, Emily and I have been working on a graphic novel called Heroes Of The Outlands, in the story, I'm Prince Elijah and Emily's character Skye is a stable girl" started Ellis. "Sounds cool so far," said Alice she took a sip of her coffee. "In the story, Skye and Elijah are secretly trained by the head Knight because they want to become demon slayers till one day a horde of demons threaten to destroy their precious kingdom if the King doesn't give them the Stone of Memories" added Emily.

"So what happens next," asked Alice excitedly. "Well, the Stone of Memories controls everyone and everything's memories, in the wrong hands they could wipe out history and began a new age of darkness," said Emily. "Sounds exciting" exclaimed Alice.

"Remember Em, we can't give too much away or else no one is going to read it" reminded Ellis. "You're right, I'm just so excited that it's almost complete after a year of working on it" squealed Emily happily. "I have what you mean, this book has been like our baby" laughed Ellis

Alice spent the rest of the afternoon with Ellis, Ruby, and Emily just laughing and revisiting memory lane. Alice hugged her friends goodbye as she got on her bike and drove back home where she intended to treat herself to a well-deserved bubble bath and a glass of their finest red wine.

When Alice arrived home, she immediately ran to their wine cellar to grab herself a bottle of her favourite red wine, and two wine glasses knowing full well that Ariel wouldn't want to miss out on this delicious wine when she woke up from her nap

Until next week
My lovelies

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