Chapter Fifteen

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I wake up with Jack shaking my shoulder. 

     "Come on, Eria." He whispers in my ear. "It's day light out." 

I sit up and rub my eyes. "You let me fall asleep?" I accuse. 

He just shrugs his shoulders. "Everything was fine. Don't worry about it." 

    Jack reaches into the bag and pulls out an apple. "Eat up." 

I take it and sink my teeth into the delicate red skin. 

     "How long was I asleep?" I ask. 

He shakes his head and gets up. "Not that long." He answers. 

   I frown at him while eating. "Tell me the truth." 

Jack frowns back at me and starts to pick up the weapons off of the ground. "I told you, Eria. You probably only slept for like maybe three hours. I don't know." 

      I nod my head, and get up. I look over the edge of the trench I had fallen down last night. 

Even with the sun beating down on us, I still can't see the bottom of it. 

   A chill goes down my spine. 

    "Are you okay?" Jack asks softly, while putting a hand on my back. 

I nod my head and turn away. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just get around this." 

    "We could climb down." He says. "And then climb back up the other side." 

    "No, that could take days." I reply while shaking my head. 

Jack frowns. "Well what else is there to do?" he asks. 

     I shrug my shoulders. "It doesn't look like it's that far across." I turn to look at him. "We could fly." 

    This time, Jack shakes his head. "And risk falling how many feet to my death?" 

I laugh a little and take another bite of the apple. I chew it for a few seconds before answering. 

      "You don't have to fly." I say. "I can." 

      "Are you sure you can make it?" Jack asks softly.

I nod my head. "I have to. What other choice do we have?" 

      Jack bites down on his bottom lip. "I guess..." 

      "Then it's settled." I take the last bite of the apple, biting just before the core and throw it down in to the trench.

     Jack chews on his bottom lip and watches me. "I don't like this idea." He says. 

I grin widely at him. "Relax, you're with me. I won't let you fall." 

    I then close my eyes and focus my energy into creating two giant wings to come out of my back. There's a slight pain in my shoulder blades and then I feel the wings. 

     "Just get on my back this time, not my foot." 

     "Are you sure you can even carry me?" Jack asks quietly. 

I nod my head again. "Just get on. We're wasting day light." 

Jack scowls at me, but reluctantly climbs onto my back and wraps his arms around my torso. 

      With one big flap of my wings, the both of us are in the air and flying over the trench. 

     "I'm going to keep flying." I tell him, going a little bit higher off of the ground. "Just so we don't have to walk a long ways." 

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