postgame Volo (yes again) part 1

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(this is specifically 1:55-2:15)
yes, this book is called yandere for a reason and volo will be one, mostly only shown to be a stalker.

As i walked around hisui, i arrived in the Solaceon Ruins in the crimson mireland after i caught all 28 unown. I caught some more of them there, and i turned around to leave, when i saw the place where volo stood, it breaks my heart everytime, my arc phone beeped "Y/n, go to the top of the temple of sinnoh, this is your last chance." that was the first time that it refered to me as my name, even though it was just text, it seemt stern and forceful. I knew what was going to happen, i just can't handle it, the first time this happened, my heart broke in two when i found out what volo was trying to do, when we were battling, i just collasped to the floor crying, because i fell deeply in love with him and he never loved me back and wanted to kill me and all of my friends, every time i reset time and space, with the help from dialga and palkia, I wanted him to love me. But now i had an idea, i sent a letter to volo attached to braviary's foot to bring to the top of the temple of sinnoh, it read "Where have you gone? I'm getting old and i need something to rely on. so tell me when you gunna let me in? im getting tired and i need somewhere to begin. and if you have a minute, why don't we go talk about it somewhere only we know, this could be the end of everything, so why don't go somewhere only we know?" this time i chose not to screw up and showed him the most perfect view and most perfect place to see the sunset/ mid-night perfect moon and was a secluded area(like this)

 and if you have a minute, why don't we go talk about it somewhere only we know, this could be the end of everything, so why don't go somewhere only we know?" this time i chose not to screw up and showed him the most perfect view and most perfect ...

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I still cried, knowing that this still wouldn't change his mind. No matter what i could do, I can't stop him. So i went to the place where i asked him to meet up with me and sat down, it was about a hour and a half walk, seeing as it was in the crimson costlands, my eyes were still red and puffy. this time, i wonder, how come i've seen him a bit more frequently than all the other times, everything stayed the same, exept for him, but just a little, seeing as the many times that i jumped back, i would understand if a little mix up like that would happen, i mean i just bent time and space back to what it was, what it is here, only about a month or two, but counting the many times i jumped back, a couple of years, yet i haven't aged one bit. I just want...the volo i thought volo was back, the kind, loving, considerate, volo, back, i... can't really descrobe how i feel because... it would be rude and cruel and selfish, wanting to tear someone away from their dream, even if it is killing god.

(Volo's pov)
Y/n? they wrote me a note, i took it from braviary and it immediately flew away. "Where have you gone? I'm getting old and i need something to rely on. so tell me when you gunna let me in? im getting tired and i need somewhere to begin. and if you have a minute, why don't we go talk about it somewhere only we know, this could be the end of everything, so why don't go somewhere only we know?" I knew where they were talking about, i felt guilty, i knew what they were doing, somewhat, i over heard them once talking about how they felt guilty for traveling back in the past, here with palkia and dialga multiple times, because of what i did in that time, i grew to love them, so very much, i've looked after them (author note:*cough cough*(STALKED) *cough cough*, alright back to the story) for many months now, i mean, if you fall in love with someone, you're supposed to protect it with your life, right? if they could easily catch 2 gods everytime they come back easily, i bet even they could catch acreus, how could someone hurt them? i won't let that ever happen, they will rein alongside me over the new universe, becoming my love, my god/goddes/(ruler?), mine and mine alone, that way i can protect them till the end of eternity, i'll make us immortal, so we can be together forever, all i need are those plates to make it happen. I ran as fast as i could to where they wanted to meet up, ofcourse i remember where, that was the first place that they showed me that wasn't on any map, it was a perfect place, secluded, anything could happen there, seducing them will be a breeze,  private, where no one even knows about, it was romantic, easy enough. When i got there it was already night-time and they we just sitting there on a fallen tree trunk


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