rei x reader

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YOU HAVE A PIPLUP PARTNER, BECUASE I SAID SO, btw, whoever requested this, im sorry it took bout a year Xanderer314

"hey volo! look at this piplup that rei got me!"

"that does look like a healthy one too, i think i have just the thing that..." he said rummaging through his bag, then pulling out a y/f/c ribbon and tying it around your piplup. "Thank you so much! haha! d'you mind if i show rei?" "not at all!" he said beforw you ran off towards the wallflower for dinner with rei. "Oh hi, y/n!" "hey rei! look, piplup now has a ribbon! courtesy of volo the ginko mechant!" "... oh, he did?" he turned his gaze towards the gate, where volo was leaving. "It's a very pretty ribbon! Sorry, gotta go fill my quota." "Oh no, its fine, I can understand, I'll sit here until you've finished."

Rei's pov
I already filled my quota enough to past me the entire week, I just have to find that asshole. (timeskip to the Cobalt Coastlands) Volo stopped infront of me and said "I know you've been following me, who is it?" "Someone you never should have crossed." I took one of his pans from the back of his large bag and wacked him on the back of the head with it. It left a large pang soud in the air, volo putting his hand against the back of his head and then infront of his face to see his blood on it, as soon as he turned around to see me, I wacked him in the face over and over and over again, until I could no longer see any recognisable features of his face, I checked his neck for a pulse, He was just barely holding on, I dropped the pan and took out my crafting hammer, slammed it down onto his skull one last time before I heard his skull break in, checked again, dead.............................dead. I cut off his head for good measure, stashed it in my box, and dragged his body down to the beach and throw him to the fishes.
(A few days later December 24 night)
I was doing some last minute wrapping, we all decided to partake in a holiday that the future saw, Christ-mess, I think it was called, when I remembered Volo's head, I put it in a seperate box than y/n's although it was for her. I wrapped it up and put a tag on it, "To: Y/n, From: " I left it blank from me, so no one could tell it was me that gave it to her, and wrote a card for it and put it in "My dear, dear Y/n, I love you so so so very much, Volo wouldn't be here today, not because he was out exploring ruins, but because he's right here." I snuck that one special present under the tree, and would put the rest up there tomorrow morning to avoid suspicion.
(le next day/ CHRISTMASSSSSS)
Y/n was the first to come into the Galaxy hall, with the same glittery eyes that I love so much, the way I knew was because she helped me bring in the last of my presents, purposfully hold hers out so it looks like this is the only one I got her. Then Kamado and Cylene came, then Laventon, then Adaman and his crew, the Irida and hers. Everyone got situated, I could see y/n looking at the door as she seemed to be waiting for someone, I knew who, Volo, oh but he's already here my love...

y/n pov
Where could he be, although he did say that he might try to look for some ruins last week... Well, we might as well get started! "Alright everyone, Left to Right?" Everyone said okay, and it started off with Irida, and I went to the back, closest to the door, incase if volo ever decided to join. Everyone was having fun, so that was the main point. It got to my turn, opening up gifts, until i grabbed one with no name on the from side, I opened it and read the card, I was confused at first, then I looked back in the box, to see a bloody head, tints of blonde hair still showing, "AHHHHHHH!" I threw the box and card away from me, towards the middle of the hall, the head rolled out and hell was raised. Screaming, running, trying to get away from the head as its blood was starting to spread across the carpet. I just sat there unable to move, before rei came and threw me over his shoulder and ran out. A few days after the incident, I was out surveying in the Obsidian Fieldlands, but Rei decided to join me, we were crossing over the bridge from straight down the hill, when a pop pod floated from underneath the bridge, because it was quite suspicious that a pop pod was in the Obsidian Fieldlands, because they're usually stuck to shores and in the Cobalt Coastlands, and I didn't see it floating down the river, just from under the bridge. It was a ginko merchant, telling by the clothes, but I only had a moment to see because I screamed and fell into the water. Rei pulled me out quickly as he asked me what I saw, I could only say one word, "Vo..lo?" He called the transportation unit over to collect the body, I couldn't think, well, not much, but, why was Rei so calm about this? He picked me up and just whispered that it was going to be okay over and over again, i could feel the venom course through his words every time he said it. I couldn't help but just sit there, petrified, "Rei, I think you should take yourself and y/n back to one of your quarters and stay there for a while while we sort things out over here and try to identify the body. They're just trying to withold the time it tales to confirm the body, we already know who though, Volo. If we release the information too early, or too late, it would send a war between all 4 clans, we have to do it at the exact right time." Laventon said to us with an nerved face. "Y/n, c'mon." Rei said, not like I could object, I was in his arms, unable to even blink. I just wanna know who and why would kill Volo, he was the sweetest thing that has been in your life in hisui, he took me in when no one else would, he, he,, right? I could finally move, I just bawled and screamed. We got to rei's quarters after packing a few things from mine. As soon as I walked into his place, it was bigger, enough for two bedrooms, he sat down my things, and I looked around, seeing the kitchen was chock full of new foods, seems like it's been restocked just this morning. (timeskip because my lazy ass cannot) We had been living together for a few months when rei said "Y/N, I love you, so so so much, why don't you love me back! SCREW IT, IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME ON YOUR OWN VOLITION, I'LL MAKE YOU!" those were the last words I heard from him before he hit me with a frying pan, causing me to black out.

"Honey, dinners ready. Could you set the table?" "Of course dear." Rei said as he got up to grab four plates for our family, we're a little happy family. "Momma Momma, Look at what shinxie can do!" *spizzt spizzt* "Momma can we go out with you and papa tomorrow?" "Of course babies." Whenever someone brings up this person named volo, I can't help but wonder who he is and what happened to him even though I'VE NEVER MET HIM.

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