Jealousy? | Damon (smut)

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Imagine there is a party at the grill and you take your best friend Damon...

"Oh c'mon Damon it'll be fun just for a couple hours... please" you look up at him with puppy dog eyes. He looks down with a smile.

"Ok fine, but not too long because I'm tired and I know it's going to be boring" he says and I roll my eyes because he's always like this.

I run outside the boarding house with Damon not too far behind and we go in his car.

"Can I choose the song because your taste in music is like a little too old for me" i say jokingly. He glares at me then nods his head because he knows I'm right.

"Ok why do you want to go to this stupid party anyway did Caroline make you go or something?" He asks looking from the road to me.

"No of course not. I just wanted to get out of the house and get away from all this vampire drama. I wanted to have some fun with my best friend too." I say smiling at him. He looks at me with a soft look in his eyes. I guess he really appreciates it.

We then arrive at the grill with about a million cars outside. I go to open the car door but it swings open without me touching it.

"M'lady" Damon says smirking. I get out and punch him right on the arm.

"Hey" he whines and I look at him.

"Don't call me that. Anyways let's go inside." I say and start walking to the entrance.

I walk in and the lights are on low. Disco lights are everywhere and people are dancing with drinks in their hands.

"We're definitely going to have fun" i say and look back but he's gone. I look around and I find him at the bar ordering a bourbon. Great.
I walk over practically annoyed and ready to slap him again. Maybe a bat would finally knock some sense into him.

"What the hell are you doing?" I say glaring at him.

"Getting a drink. You want?" He says handing the glass at me. I take it anyway because I want to get a little buzzed this evening. I then hand the glass back.

"Can we go dance now?" I say looking at him hoping he says yes.

"No you go dance I'll be right here. I can even cheer you on from here." He says smiling. I'm really starting to reconsider the bat idea again.

"Please only for a few minutes it'll be fun I promise" I say still hoping he changes his mind.

"Sorry I can't my um... my legs don't work" he says trying not to laugh. This man I swear to god.

"You literally just walked all the way to this bar are you kidding me right now" I say giving him a death glare.

"And I'm feeling kind of nauseous so maybe I should stay here" he says trying to look sick. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"You're a fucking vampire, you don't get sick" I say in a whisper so no one can hear me. He's starting to really annoy me.

"Well I'm a special vampire, maybe you didn't know that" he says drinking his bourbon again. That's it I've had enough.

"Fine don't come, stay here and be boring" i then go to the other side of the bar and order a lot of drinks. Guess this is going to be a long night.

I think I took like 7 or 8 drinks... I don't know. But all I know now is I'm on my way to the dance floor.

I start dancing and see this tall man next to me getting closer. I've got to say he's pretty good looking. He has nice messy brown hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin. We start to get into the music and at this point we're dirty dancing.

Damon Salvatore One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now